philips tv



I have a problem with a 28" Phillips widescreen TV model number pw6515. The
set will run fine for a while but will then turn its self off power led
remains lit .then after a couple of minutes the set will come back on but
then do the same again. I have recently just moved the TV to clean behind
it could this have had an effect .
Many thanks Jase
..... yea..... put the dirt back behind the television.

Seriously.... unless you dropped or mis-handled the television this is
likely a coincidence. Not too much a home do-it-yourself handyman can
do..... would be best advised to TAKE your television to a service shop for
at the very least a repair cost estimate so you can make an intelligent
repair decision with facts instead of internet or telephone wild guesses.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair

"Jase" <> wrote in message
I have a problem with a 28" Phillips widescreen TV model number pw6515.
set will run fine for a while but will then turn its self off power led
remains lit .then after a couple of minutes the set will come back on but
then do the same again. I have recently just moved the TV to clean behind
it could this have had an effect .
Many thanks Jase
Widescreen ? that sounds like a new set .
Philips is one of the worst piles of junk you can buy they have a very
high defect % . the average repair shop is going to take 100 of your
dollars every time a tv breaks .
Get rid of it and buy a better brand

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