John Keiser
I've had this flat screen CRT TV for many years of satisfactory service.
Last night the power relay clicked and the screen blanked for a few seconds;
returned to normal. Repeated a hour later. I'm assuming the TV went into
protection mode. I'd like to think that cleaning dust from the HV area
might solve the issue.
2 questions:
Am I on the right trrack? I'd check for bad caps visually [I have an ESR as
well], etc. but probably would not go much further.
Given the size of the TV I must have prevailed on a helper to get this up on
its table. It is awkward, heavy and difficult for me to move by myself. I
no longer have an available helper [wife has a bad back]. How do you tackle
moving these monsters?
[I may just give it away to someone capable of moving it and replace with a
lighter wieght LED model.]
Thanks for any advice on either issue.
Last night the power relay clicked and the screen blanked for a few seconds;
returned to normal. Repeated a hour later. I'm assuming the TV went into
protection mode. I'd like to think that cleaning dust from the HV area
might solve the issue.
2 questions:
Am I on the right trrack? I'd check for bad caps visually [I have an ESR as
well], etc. but probably would not go much further.
Given the size of the TV I must have prevailed on a helper to get this up on
its table. It is awkward, heavy and difficult for me to move by myself. I
no longer have an available helper [wife has a bad back]. How do you tackle
moving these monsters?
[I may just give it away to someone capable of moving it and replace with a
lighter wieght LED model.]
Thanks for any advice on either issue.