philips 27PT81



Hi all

Im looking for some profesional input

I have a Philips 27PT81 which has no picture or sound and is tripping,
sounds like start up problem. Unfortunately i dont have the service manual
for this set, so if anyone can help i would be muchly greatful.

Cheers all and happy hols to everyone.
You probably have a short in the high voltage circuit somewhere. You mean it sounds like
it is turning on then quickly turns off? Is it blowing its internal fuse? Is it tripping
your circuit breaker?

You don't really need the service manual if you are familiar with troubleshooting, but be
aware that there are high voltages inside a TV.

I had a similar problem with my TV, a high voltage cap near the horizontal output
transistor was shorted, and this prevented the set from powering up before it would blow
the fuse. Mine was a 1500pf 2kv cap.

I'd start with the obvious, carefully observe any burned components, my cap showed
evidence of failure, so spotting the problem was easy. Next test the HD transistor, and
VD transistor (should all be on HV side), if shorted, replace.

I hate working on TVs. ;)

Myron Samila
Toronto, ON Canada
Samila Racing

"IanV" <> wrote in message
Hi all

Im looking for some profesional input

I have a Philips 27PT81 which has no picture or sound and is tripping,
sounds like start up problem. Unfortunately i dont have the service manual
for this set, so if anyone can help i would be muchly greatful.

Cheers all and happy hols to everyone.

If you are new to TVs I would suggest you give it to a technician. Safer for
both yourself and TV.

In Philips, i is quite common to have faulty flybacks. You should isolate PS
and load it with the lamp to see if PS OK.
I have sen vertical ICs cause same faults as well.
It is really difficult to tell without actually working on TV. If you know
what you are doing, tell us what the measurements are (B+, PS voltages...)


"IanV" <> wrote in message
Hi all

Im looking for some profesional input

I have a Philips 27PT81 which has no picture or sound and is tripping,
sounds like start up problem. Unfortunately i dont have the service
for this set, so if anyone can help i would be muchly greatful.

Cheers all and happy hols to everyone.

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