Philips 24ST2200/27 - cannot access setup



Used Philips 24ST2200/27 and the only menu available is a "Features
Menu" that has CC, Sleeptimer, SAP & Exit

I've seen other posts where the same problem (no main/set-up menu
could be accessed) and no solutions.

Tried the obvious of unplugging for 30 minutes, no go.

I'll e-mail Philips and see if they have any idea, meanwhile did
anyone ever encounter this problem and get around it?

Here's a pic of the only menu it comes up with:

Back of the TV (not pictured - the 'smart card?' slot that has nothing
in it.
On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 14:49:10 -0700 (PDT), Duh_OZ <>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

Used Philips 24ST2200/27 and the only menu available is a "Features
Menu" that has CC, Sleeptimer, SAP & Exit

I've seen other posts where the same problem (no main/set-up menu
could be accessed) and no solutions.

Tried the obvious of unplugging for 30 minutes, no go.

I'll e-mail Philips and see if they have any idea, meanwhile did
anyone ever encounter this problem and get around it?

Here's a pic of the only menu it comes up with:

Back of the TV (not pictured - the 'smart card?' slot that has nothing
in it.

Here are the user manuals:

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
On Jun 7, 5:12 pm, Franc Zabkar <> wrote:
On Sat, 6 Jun 2009 14:49:10 -0700 (PDT), Duh_OZ <
put finger to keyboard and composed:

Used Philips 24ST2200/27 and the only menu available is a "Features
Menu" that has CC, Sleeptimer, SAP & Exit

I've seen other posts where the same problem  (no main/set-up menu
could be accessed) and no solutions.

Tried the obvious of unplugging for 30 minutes, no go.

I'll e-mail Philips and see if they have any idea, meanwhile did
anyone ever encounter this problem and get around it?

Here's a pic of the only menu it comes up with:

Back of the TV (not pictured - the 'smart card?' slot that has nothing
in it.

Here are the user manuals:

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
Thanks, but I already had the manual. Should be simple enough -
press menu for the menu! Alas, just that feature menu, even trying
the 'ole "press both volume buttons on the TV" does the same thing.

Hopefully Philips will have an idea.
It's probably in hotel mode.on some earlier sets you had to go to
channel 38 then press a sequecne - menu and vol, or both P+/-....
On Jun 7, 6:17 pm, b <> wrote:
It's probably in hotel mode.on some earlier sets you had to go to
channel 38 then press a sequecne - menu and vol, or both P+/-....
=========Ahhh, hotel mode. That gave me a few possible leads (no mention of
the same model I have).

Earth’s Seven Layers

Quranic and Prophetic Miracle

Author: Abdul Daem Al-Kaheel
Translation: Nassim JamalEddin Dhaher
Revised by : Magdy Abd Al-Shafy

I hope you don’t mind receiving my letter. It is short but full
of information

When scientists started to probe the valleys of Earth and in order to
know its structure and constituents,
they found that tales and myths that dominated in the earlier
centuries have no scientific basis. After scientists discovered that
the earth is egg-shaped , they suggested that the core of this ball
has a nucleus, and its ****l is a very thin crust when compared to the
Earth’s size, and between these two layers, there is a third, known as
the mantle . this was the knowledge of the early scientists.
Development of Scientific Facts
The Three Layer -Theory did not last for so long due to recent
discoveries in Geology. Recent measurements and experiments showed
that the material comprising the nucleus of the Earth is under very
high pressure, three million times more than that on the surface of
the Earth.
Under such pressure, matter transforms into solid state, this in turn
makes Earth’s core very solid,This core is surrounded by a liquid
layer of very high temperature. This means that there are two layers
in Earth’s core and not one.Two layers; one solid in the center
surrounded by another liquid layer.
Thereafter measuring devices advanced and presented to scientists a
clear distinction among Earth’s inner layers. If we were to descend
under the earth’s crust we would find another layer of very hot
stones , which is the stone cover or wrap. After that come three other
distinct layers of varying density, pressure and temperature.
Therefore scientists found themselves classifying the layers of Earth
into seven layers, not more. The figure shows these layers with their
dimensions (some are out of scale) according to what scientists have
recently found using methods like earthquake measuring devices and the
study of Earth’s magnetic field, among other techniques. These studies
and discoveries are being taught to these scientists’ students in

Figure showing Earth’s seven layers, notice that the crust is very
thin followed by mantle of varying thickness, then came the core
comprised of a liquid and finally a seventh solid nucleus.
Scientists have found that the atom is also comprised of seven layers
or levels, and this proves the uniformity of creation, where Earth has
seven layers and atoms have seven layers as well. This creation
therefore is ruled by only one creator.
Earth’s seven layers vary greatly in structure, density, temperature
and material. Therefore one cannot consider that Earth has only one
layer as people anciently thought. Here we find that the idea of the
Earth having layers is fairly recent and wasn’t presented or brought
forward at the time when the Quran was being revealed. Those
discoveries are what the Twenty First century -scientists tell us,
What then does the book of Allah tell us?
In the Company of the Noble Quran
The Holy Quran, God’s word , talks to us about the seven Heavens and
also seven layers of Earth in the Quranic verses:
God says in the Holy Quran in this regard what means “Who has created
the seven heavens one above another…” [Al-Mulk 3]
God says in the Holy Quran in this regard what means “It is Allah Who
has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof
(i.e. seven).” [Attalaq 12]
The first verse has specified two traits for the heavens which are:
their number which is seven, their organization, which is into
layers , one on the of top of the other and this is according to the
Quranic interpretation books and Arabic language dictionaries. As for
the second verse, it confirms that Earth is similar to the Heavens
from the part of the verse that says “…and of the earth the like
thereof”, where since the Heavens are layers, then Earth is comprised
of layers as well, and since the Heavens are seven, therefore Earth’s
layers are seven as well.
Here we need to pause and elaborate on Allah’s choice of words in the
word: “Tibaqa” – which means layers one on top of another, and this is
what scientists have recently discovered that Earth is comprised of
layers, this in turn leads us to conclude that Al-Qur`an defined
Earth’s shape, of layers, and it (Al-Quran) has also specified the
number of these layers, seven. Henceforth Al-Qur`an chose a very
specific word to describe Earth’s composition, so Al-Qur`an preceded
the Twenty First Century scientists in mentioning Earths facts
fourteen centuries ago. Isn’t this an overwhelming
?Quranic miracle

If we contemplate 0n the Noble Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon
him) Hadeeth (sayings), we find one Hadeeth that confirms this fact of
Earth’s seven overlapping layers. Prophet Mohammad (peace and
blessings be upon him) says: “whomever oppressed someone a hand span’s
distance from the Earth, gets surrounded by seven overlapping
layers”[Bukhari 2321], the Hadeeth is telling us that Allah will
punish those who oppress in Earth by being encircled and surrounded by
seven Earthly layers. This definition for the word “Tawaqa” that was
used in the Hadeeth is as found in Arabic Language Dictionaries.
The question here is: Isn’t this a great prophetic miracle? doesn’t
this Hadeeth specify the number of Earth’s layers which are seven, and
also mentions their nature of being overlapped or surrounding each
other?From the word encircled used in the Hadeeth, we can deduce
circular shapes and in three dimensions we can deduce spherical
Henceforth The Noble Qur’an and Prophetic Sunnah (traditions of the
Prophet) preceded modern science to this scientific fact. In addition
Al-Qur’an gave us the precise naming for the structure of Earth using
the word “Tibaqa” or layers, and it has given us the accurate number
for these layers which is seven, while scientists spent long years and
changed their theories several times to come up with scientific
theories previously mentioned in The Quran and Sunnah. Glory be to
Allah the Greatest who said in his exalted book: “And on the earth are
signs for those who have Faith with certainty, And also in your
ownselves. Will you not then see?” [Athariyat, 20,21]

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