Phase Linear 700b Repair Shop Chicago


Leo Ming

I inherited a Phase Linear 700b Amp that has a tricky on/off switch.
I'm not too technically astute so I would like to get it repaired at a
place that knows what they are doing. Does anyone know anywhere in
the Chicago area to get it repaired? It might be cheaper to get
something new, but I have family reasons to keep the amp (plus it
looks cool).

Thank you.
Most any shop can service this for you. They may have to contact the
manufacture for the original part. It should not be very expensive to
service if it is just the switch that has to be changed.

Call any of the audio specialty stores in your area for a recommendation of
where to bring it.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Leo Ming" <> wrote in message
I inherited a Phase Linear 700b Amp that has a tricky on/off switch.
I'm not too technically astute so I would like to get it repaired at a
place that knows what they are doing. Does anyone know anywhere in
the Chicago area to get it repaired? It might be cheaper to get
something new, but I have family reasons to keep the amp (plus it
looks cool).

Thank you.
Jerry G. wrote:
Most any shop can service this for you. They may have to contact the
manufacture for the original part.
Since these old Phase amps are 20 years old+ and Phase has been bought
sold and bastardized, that might prove rather tough.
Many of those early amps had no switch at all.

A lot of shops don't have good experience with old high powered
beasts like this. Try to find someone who knows these old beasts.
If the shop laughs when you ask about Delco output transistors,
keep going to the next one.


It should not be very expensive to
service if it is just the switch that has to be changed.

Call any of the audio specialty stores in your area for a recommendation of
where to bring it.

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The phase linear 700 is basically a 400 on steriods.. There isn't
many guys out there that fix them as they can be kinda cranky. The amp
that is..

What type of problem are you having.. Worked on many 400's and 300's
and a 900.. haven't had a 700 on the bench yet but I'm still young.
Also look for a site called Phasetek. The owner has lots of good
info.. He was a service tech for Phase Linear when Carver still owned

Carver has the name back now but doesn't do anything with it since
pioneer drove it into the ground.


On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 23:28:08 -0600, "(remove)sound"
<"(remove)sound"> wrote:

Jerry G. wrote:
Most any shop can service this for you. They may have to contact the
manufacture for the original part.
Since these old Phase amps are 20 years old+ and Phase has been bought
sold and bastardized, that might prove rather tough.
Many of those early amps had no switch at all.

A lot of shops don't have good experience with old high powered
beasts like this. Try to find someone who knows these old beasts.
If the shop laughs when you ask about Delco output transistors,
keep going to the next one.


It should not be very expensive to
service if it is just the switch that has to be changed.

Call any of the audio specialty stores in your area for a recommendation of
where to bring it.

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