phase/frequency noise from voltage noise


take a very simple LC oscillator like this:

| | |-+ N-FET
| | |
C === |
C | C/2 |
C | |
C +----------+
C | |
C | |Ż|
C === | |
| L | C/2 |_| R
| | |
=== === ==

If all components were noiseless, this would oscillate at an ideally
stable frequency close to 2*pi*f0 = 1/(L*C)^(1/2). Some frequency
will result from the internal capacitances and phase lag of the FET,
harmonics will be introduced by its transfer characteristic. Assume the

tank L/C to be chosen such that the FET is only mildly non-linear, i.e.

that it doesn't turn off completely during a cycle.

In reality, the resistors as well as the FET channel inject a thermal
voltage noise of (4*kB*T*R)^(1/2), or alternatively a current noise of
(4*kB*T/R)^(1/2). This will cause the oscillator frequency to fluctuate

around f0. If you repeately measure the average frequency over a fixed
duration tau, the scatter of your results should decrease with
tau, however.

Now my question: is it possible to predict the average frequency offset

for a given tau from the values of the circuit components? I would
expect the answer to depend on the tank circuit quality factor, so a
resistance RL might have to be introduced as well. But then, R makes
for tank circuit damping too.

If specific data can help, take my test circuit data of L=550uH,
RL=2ohm, R=1kohm, BF245A (IDSS=4mA, VTO=-1.7V) for the N-FET, VCC=9V,
tau=10sec. (The circuit is temperature-compensated to about 1ppm/deg
packed in styrofoam, where C and L are in good thermal contact.)


Martin. wrote:

take a very simple LC oscillator like this:

| | |-+ N-FET
| | |
C === |
C | C/2 |
C | |
C +----------+
C | |
C | |Ż|
C === | |
| L | C/2 |_| R
| | |
=== === ==

If all components were noiseless, this would oscillate at an ideally
stable frequency close to 2*pi*f0 = 1/(L*C)^(1/2). Some frequency
will result from the internal capacitances and phase lag of the FET,
harmonics will be introduced by its transfer characteristic. Assume the

tank L/C to be chosen such that the FET is only mildly non-linear, i.e.

that it doesn't turn off completely during a cycle.

In reality, the resistors as well as the FET channel inject a thermal
voltage noise of (4*kB*T*R)^(1/2), or alternatively a current noise of
(4*kB*T/R)^(1/2). This will cause the oscillator frequency to fluctuate

around f0. If you repeately measure the average frequency over a fixed
duration tau, the scatter of your results should decrease with
tau, however.

Now my question: is it possible to predict the average frequency offset

for a given tau from the values of the circuit components? I would
expect the answer to depend on the tank circuit quality factor, so a
resistance RL might have to be introduced as well. But then, R makes
for tank circuit damping too.

If specific data can help, take my test circuit data of L=550uH,
RL=2ohm, R=1kohm, BF245A (IDSS=4mA, VTO=-1.7V) for the N-FET, VCC=9V,
tau=10sec. (The circuit is temperature-compensated to about 1ppm/deg
packed in styrofoam, where C and L are in good thermal contact.)


I can't help you on the noise calculation, but I can suggest a couple
things that will reduce it. The Q of the tuned circuit is key to a
low noise oscillator. This implies that replacing the source resistor
with something else might help a lot. Some possibilities are an
active current source or a large inductor (relative to resonance with
the capacitors). A PNP follower between the capacitor tap and the
source could use a very high resistance to bias the base close to
zero, but a negative collector supply would be needed if you expect
much amplitude from the oscillator.

You might also get some improvement with other capacitor ratios than 1:1.

Unfortunately, this sort of thing is hard to optimize with Spice, for
lack of good field effect device models. wrote:
take a very simple LC oscillator like this:

| | |-+ N-FET
| | |
C === |
C | C/2 |
C | |
C +----------+
C | |
C | |Ż|
C === | |
| L | C/2 |_| R
| | |
=== === ==
Correction: the caps in the diagram must be labeled C*2 rather than
C/2, of course!

John Popelish wrote:
I can't help you on the noise calculation, but I can suggest a couple
things that will reduce it. The Q of the tuned circuit is key to a
low noise oscillator. This implies that replacing the source resistor
with something else might help a lot. Some possibilities are an
active current source or a large inductor (relative to resonance with
the capacitors). A PNP follower between the capacitor tap and the
source could use a very high resistance to bias the base close to
zero, but a negative collector supply would be needed if you expect
much amplitude from the oscillator.

You might also get some improvement with other capacitor ratios than 1:1.

Unfortunately, this sort of thing is hard to optimize with Spice, for
lack of good field effect device models.
Thanks for the comments, John. I am interested in a direct
estimate of the frequency noise from scratch, for a minimalist design
this (sophisticated ones can come later). If Spice could help with
this, I
would be glad.

My f0 is around 60kHz. How many ľHz or nHz (?or even less) offset over

ten seconds can one expect? There must be a way to calculate this.

On 26 Jul 2005 15:56:37 -0700, wrote: wrote:

take a very simple LC oscillator like this:

| | |-+ N-FET
| | |
C === |
C | C/2 |
C | |
C +----------+
C | |
C | |Ż|
C === | |
| L | C/2 |_| R
| | |
=== === ===

Correction: the caps in the diagram must be labeled C*2 rather than
C/2, of course!

John Popelish wrote:

I can't help you on the noise calculation, but I can suggest a couple
things that will reduce it. The Q of the tuned circuit is key to a
low noise oscillator. This implies that replacing the source resistor
with something else might help a lot. Some possibilities are an
active current source or a large inductor (relative to resonance with
the capacitors). A PNP follower between the capacitor tap and the
source could use a very high resistance to bias the base close to
zero, but a negative collector supply would be needed if you expect
much amplitude from the oscillator.

You might also get some improvement with other capacitor ratios than 1:1.

Unfortunately, this sort of thing is hard to optimize with Spice, for
lack of good field effect device models.

Thanks for the comments, John. I am interested in a direct
estimate of the frequency noise from scratch, for a minimalist design
this (sophisticated ones can come later). If Spice could help with
this, I
would be glad.

My f0 is around 60kHz. How many ľHz or nHz (?or even less) offset over

ten seconds can one expect? There must be a way to calculate this.


Over 10 seconds, you're going to get a lot of 1/f noise from the fet,
plus millikelvin temperature drift effects. The noise spectrum of an
oscillator like this gets huge close-in.

John wrote: wrote:

take a very simple LC oscillator like this:

| | |-+ N-FET
| | |
C === |
C | C/2 |
C | |
C +----------+
C | |
C | |Ż|
C === | |
| L | C/2 |_| R
| | |
=== === ==

Correction: the caps in the diagram must be labeled C*2 rather than
C/2, of course!

John Popelish wrote:

I can't help you on the noise calculation, but I can suggest a couple
things that will reduce it. The Q of the tuned circuit is key to a
low noise oscillator. This implies that replacing the source resistor
with something else might help a lot. Some possibilities are an
active current source or a large inductor (relative to resonance with
the capacitors). A PNP follower between the capacitor tap and the
source could use a very high resistance to bias the base close to
zero, but a negative collector supply would be needed if you expect
much amplitude from the oscillator.

You might also get some improvement with other capacitor ratios than 1:1.

Unfortunately, this sort of thing is hard to optimize with Spice, for
lack of good field effect device models.

Thanks for the comments, John. I am interested in a direct
estimate of the frequency noise from scratch, for a minimalist design
this (sophisticated ones can come later). If Spice could help with
this, I
would be glad.

My f0 is around 60kHz. How many ľHz or nHz (?or even less) offset over

ten seconds can one expect? There must be a way to calculate this.


I just realized that I forgot which way the signal path is when I
suggested adding the follower. So never mind that suggestion.
In article <>,
<> wrote:

My f0 is around 60kHz. How many ľHz or nHz (?or even less) offset over
ten seconds can one expect? There must be a way to calculate this.
Ummm... you're hoping to get that sort of precision and accuracy out
of an LC oscillator? A shift of just one clock period (15
microseconds) would be close to one part per million.

I have a feeling that component-value drift in the L and C components,
due to temperature changes (room-ambient, oscillator-current heating,
etc.) is going to cause frequency shifts quite a lot larger than the
sort of voltage-noise problems you're trying to quantify.

Amateur-radio developers who build this sort of oscillator often play
quite a few tricks to reduce the temperature sensitivity (e.g.
including some caps whose TCO complements the TCO of a powdered-
iron-core toroidal inductor) and are still happy to get a circuit
which drifts no more than 100 Hz in a half-hour after a prolonged
warm-up. That's for an F0 somewhere up in the single-digit MHz
range... and they're not trying for absolute accuracy, just for low

Seems to me that you'd want something more along the lines of a
temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (or even an ovenized one)
followed by a divider.

Or, am I missing something?

Dave Platt <> AE6EO
Hosting the Jade Warrior home page:
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boycott any company which has the gall to send me such ads!
Hello Dave,

Amateur-radio developers who build this sort of oscillator often play
quite a few tricks to reduce the temperature sensitivity (e.g.
including some caps whose TCO complements the TCO of a powdered-
iron-core toroidal inductor) and are still happy to get a circuit
which drifts no more than 100 Hz in a half-hour after a prolonged
warm-up. That's for an F0 somewhere up in the single-digit MHz
range... and they're not trying for absolute accuracy, just for low
Actually we did better than 100Hz. But this required a large box, a
hefty amount of styrofoam and a good temp control loop. I'd never do
that again today after learning how dangerous styrofoam can become when
something burns up in there. A whole other matter was linear tuning. If
you didn't want to do the mechanics for a moving core you sat there for
hours bending the fins of a variable capacitor.

On another note I never had much luck with FETs such as the BF245A that
Martin is using. I used BJTs, the equivalent of what now would be a
BFS17. Well, sometimes it was still GE transistors.

Regards, Joerg
Many thanks for the comments made so far, concerning an estimation of
frequency noise for this circuit (capacitance labels corrected):

take a very simple LC oscillator like this:

| | |-+ N-FET
| | |
C === |
C | C*2 |
C | |
C +----------+
C | |
C | |Ż|
C === | |
| L | C*2 |_| R
| | |
=== === ==
John Larkin wrote:
Over 10 seconds, you're going to get a lot of 1/f noise from the fet,
plus millikelvin temperature drift effects. The noise spectrum of an
oscillator like this gets huge close-in.

The 1/f noise from channel surface defects (?) is a low-frequency
for most small-signal J-FETs it dissapears into the white channel noise

around 1kHz or 10kHz - below my f0 of 60kHz. So the question is: to
extent does low-frequency noise modulate f0? Judging from the
of f0 on supply voltage (1ppm from VCC=8 to 10V) this effect should be
very small. Could it still be more important than white noise from the
vicinity of f0?

Did I notice the millikelvin drift effects! With temperature
around +200ppm/deg for my L and -200ppm/deg for my C, a 1mK
means a frequency shift of 1*10^-7. However, these effects were the
of erratic air convection and have been dealt with by styrofoam
encapsulation with good thermal contact between L and C. (BTW, I think
intrinsic thermodynamic temperature fluctuations can be neglected for
10^23 or so atoms.)

Dave Platt wrote:
In article <>,> wrote:

My f0 is around 60kHz. How many ľHz or nHz (?or even less) offset over
ten seconds can one expect? There must be a way to calculate this.

Ummm... you're hoping to get that sort of precision and accuracy out
of an LC oscillator? A shift of just one clock period (15
microseconds) would be close to one part per million.

I have a feeling that component-value drift in the L and C components,
due to temperature changes (room-ambient, oscillator-current heating,
etc.) is going to cause frequency shifts quite a lot larger than the
sort of voltage-noise problems you're trying to quantify.

Amateur-radio developers who build this sort of oscillator often play
quite a few tricks to reduce the temperature sensitivity (e.g.
including some caps whose TCO complements the TCO of a powdered-
iron-core toroidal inductor) and are still happy to get a circuit
which drifts no more than 100 Hz in a half-hour after a prolonged
warm-up. That's for an F0 somewhere up in the single-digit MHz
range... and they're not trying for absolute accuracy, just for low

Seems to me that you'd want something more along the lines of a
temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (or even an ovenized one)
followed by a divider.

Or, am I missing something?

Dave Platt <> AE6EO
Errrhhh, the order-of-magnitude numbers were just to express my
I hoped they might induce someone to come up with a calculation. They
by no means a design goal. (Actually, I do have some suspicion where
true frequency-noise level of this oscillator is.)

Yes, the oscillator dissipates about 10mW, and the temperature
resulting from the heat flow manifests itself in a turn-on drift. I
compensated the temperature coefficients to about 1ppm/deg; this should

make ambient temperature variations unnoticeable over observational
of 10 seconds.

BTW, never use polystyrene caps for temperature compensation: their
variation from moisture uptake can easily exceed their variation with
temperature between the Antarctic and the Sahara! Use polypropylene

Just take me for a curious guy: I simply want to know how to estimate
frequency noise of this oscillator, i.e. what the general principles
and what the dominant mechanism is. The example oscillator could be
replaced by a BJT and/or crystal circuit if this would help make the

Joerg wrote:
Hello Dave,

Amateur-radio developers who build this sort of oscillator often play
quite a few tricks to reduce the temperature sensitivity (e.g.
including some caps whose TCO complements the TCO of a powdered-
iron-core toroidal inductor) and are still happy to get a circuit
which drifts no more than 100 Hz in a half-hour after a prolonged
warm-up. That's for an F0 somewhere up in the single-digit MHz
range... and they're not trying for absolute accuracy, just for low

Actually we did better than 100Hz. But this required a large box, a
hefty amount of styrofoam and a good temp control loop. I'd never do
that again today after learning how dangerous styrofoam can become when
something burns up in there. A whole other matter was linear tuning. If
you didn't want to do the mechanics for a moving core you sat there for
hours bending the fins of a variable capacitor.

On another note I never had much luck with FETs such as the BF245A that
Martin is using. I used BJTs, the equivalent of what now would be a
BFS17. Well, sometimes it was still GE transistors.

Regards, Joerg
Yes, one can do better. A drift below +/-100Hz over years and over an
ambient temperature range from 5deg to 35deg Centigrade can be achieved

even for a 144MHz VCO with temperature compensation and no thermostat,
using double-gate MOS-FETs, for example.

What is bad about the BF245A? The small gate-to-channel capacitance of
a few pF is important for frequency stability. That's why my simple
test oscillator drifts by only 1ppm when VCC is varied from 8 to 10V.

Martin. wrote:
John Larkin wrote:

Over 10 seconds, you're going to get a lot of 1/f noise from the fet,
plus millikelvin temperature drift effects. The noise spectrum of an
oscillator like this gets huge close-in.


The 1/f noise from channel surface defects (?) is a low-frequency
for most small-signal J-FETs it dissapears into the white channel noise
around 1kHz or 10kHz - below my f0 of 60kHz. So the question is: to
extent does low-frequency noise modulate f0? Judging from the
of f0 on supply voltage (1ppm from VCC=8 to 10V) this effect should be
very small. Could it still be more important than white noise from the
vicinity of f0?
It has occurred to me that my reference to the frequency shift with
supply voltage is no good way to judge the oscillator modulation
by low-frequency flicker noise; rather the frequency shift with Vgs
is called for. I have experimentally determined this to be close to
10Hz per 100mV (by inserting a DC voltage source at the bottom end
of the source resistor).

The only BF245 datasheets providing noise data are those by Philips
and Siemens; and these don't reach below 1MHz. However, the 2N3819
should be very similar to the BF245, and for this the Vishay-Siliconix
datasheet does show an input-referred voltage-noise curve ending at
20 nV/Hz^(1/2) for 10Hz (for a Vgsoff=-3V device at Id=5mA). This
extrapolates to 200 nV/Hz^(1/2) at 0.1Hz.

Thus, over a 10s measurement interval, the typical Vgs offset will be
of the order 200nV, and the corresponding frequency offset of the
order 20ľHz, or 3*10^-10.

Unless there is another, more important mechanism!

In article <>,
<> wrote:
It has occurred to me that my reference to the frequency shift with
supply voltage is no good way to judge the oscillator modulation
by low-frequency flicker noise; rather the frequency shift with Vgs
is called for. I have experimentally determined this to be close to
10Hz per 100mV (by inserting a DC voltage source at the bottom end
of the source resistor).
If you change to a higher frequency JFET and operate it with lower node
impedances, you can reduce the JFETs ability to pull the frequency. Also
giving up more voltage in the source resistor can help by reducing the
variations in gain.

I suspect that the inductor will be as much or more problem than the JFET.
If the assembly is not very well shielded, the inductor can pick up noise.
If the inductor has a core, the inductance can be changed by local
magnetic fields. Any mechanical stress or thermal effects will also
change the inductance.

-- forging knowledge
"Ken Smith" <> wrote in message
In article <>,> wrote:
It has occurred to me that my reference to the frequency shift with
supply voltage is no good way to judge the oscillator modulation
by low-frequency flicker noise; rather the frequency shift with Vgs
is called for. I have experimentally determined this to be close to
10Hz per 100mV (by inserting a DC voltage source at the bottom end
of the source resistor).

If you change to a higher frequency JFET and operate it with lower node
impedances, you can reduce the JFETs ability to pull the frequency. Also
giving up more voltage in the source resistor can help by reducing the
variations in gain.

I suspect that the inductor will be as much or more problem than the JFET.
If the assembly is not very well shielded, the inductor can pick up noise.
If the inductor has a core, the inductance can be changed by local
magnetic fields. Any mechanical stress or thermal effects will also
change the inductance.
If your just looking at the noise for achedemic reasons and ignoring other
effects then 1/f low frequcny noise is the most significant factor if you
are looking to average over 1 second or so, this is becuse the low frequcncy
noise modulates the amplitude and phase of the signal and so cuases
sidebands wich are so close to the fundamental that they are not atenuated
by the LC circuit unless you have a Q wich gives you a bandwidth of 1 hz.

fets have the worst 1/f noise compared to bipolar, if you trying to design
an optimum circuit then you need to decide what errors are most costly to
you. I dont think its worth considering 1/f noise with LC circuits as the L,
C wil drift so much anyway.

Im looking at low 1/f noise XCO atm and am looking at using a xtal bridge as
a FM slope detector and AFC to reduce 1/f phase noise.

Colin =^.^=
In article <Uk6Ge.17106$>,
colin <> wrote:
[..use a high frequency JFET.]
If your just looking at the noise for achedemic reasons and ignoring other
effects then 1/f low frequcny noise is the most significant factor if you
are looking to average over 1 second or so, this is becuse the low frequcncy
noise modulates the amplitude and phase of the signal and so cuases
sidebands wich are so close to the fundamental that they are not atenuated
by the LC circuit unless you have a Q wich gives you a bandwidth of 1 hz.
How does the 1/f noise modulate the phase significantly if the JFET can't
control the frequency significantly? If the JFET is a high frequency one
and it is connected to lowish impedance nodes, this would seem to remove
its ability to modulate the signal's frequency.

This is a different issue than the JFET simply adding noise. At a
frequency of many KHz, the 1/F noise is small for a good quality JFET.

-- forging knowledge
Ken Smith wrote:
If you change to a higher frequency JFET and operate it with lower node
impedances, you can reduce the JFETs ability to pull the frequency. Also
giving up more voltage in the source resistor can help by reducing the
variations in gain.

I suspect that the inductor will be as much or more problem than the JFET.
If the assembly is not very well shielded, the inductor can pick up noise.
If the inductor has a core, the inductance can be changed by local
magnetic fields. Any mechanical stress or thermal effects will also
change the inductance.
My inductor is not shielded and I had looked into environmental
electro-magnetic noise around f0 (CCIR data), but had completely
frequencies around 0.1Hz. This is an interesting angle! (I'm in a
residential environment ... and then there is the geomagnetic field

The BF245 already is a fairly high frequency device: gfs drops to 70%
700MHz typ. The tank impedance (50ohm at the tap) of my circuit is
the FET output impedance (1kohm). Shouldn't one increase the output
impedance to reduce pulling, then, rather than the other way round?
Anyway, the tank impedance (L/C)^(1/2) in relation to the FET output
impedance determines the oscillation amplitude; you don't have much
freedom with a simple self-limiting circuit like this.

Actually, for my test circuit, the frequency shift with Vgs is 4Hz, not

10Hz, per 100mV (the 1ľ X7R blocking cap on my voltage source was too
small and had introduced a phase shift of its own; I had to add a 100ľ

tantalum). So, over a 10s interval, an expected modulation of the order

of 8ľHz, or 1*10^-10, results.

colin wrote:
If your just looking at the noise for achedemic reasons and ignoring other
effects then 1/f low frequcny noise is the most significant factor if you
are looking to average over 1 second or so, this is becuse the low frequcncy
noise modulates the amplitude and phase of the signal and so cuases
sidebands wich are so close to the fundamental that they are not atenuated
by the LC circuit unless you have a Q wich gives you a bandwidth of 1 hz.

fets have the worst 1/f noise compared to bipolar, if you trying to design
an optimum circuit then you need to decide what errors are most costly to
you. I dont think its worth considering 1/f noise with LC circuits as the L,
C wil drift so much anyway.

Im looking at low 1/f noise XCO atm and am looking at using a xtal bridge as
a FM slope detector and AFC to reduce 1/f phase noise.

Colin =^.^
Thanks for confirming modulation of f0 by FET flicker noise as the
dominant mechanism (as long as instabilities in L and C can be
But I may have to look into the pickup of low-frequency environmental
noise by my inductor in order to get down to 10^-10 ...

Ken Smith wrote:
How does the 1/f noise modulate the phase significantly if the JFET can't
control the frequency significantly? If the JFET is a high frequency one
and it is connected to lowish impedance nodes, this would seem to remove
its ability to modulate the signal's frequency.

This is a different issue than the JFET simply adding noise. At a
frequency of many KHz, the 1/F noise is small for a good quality JFET.
Maybe I shouldn't speak for Colin, but this is the way I see it: One
should think here of "affecting" rather than "controlling" the
phase or frequency. My measurement of frequency shift with superimposed

DC gate voltage just quantifies such a kind of influence. The
noise from the FET channel will act in precisely the same manner as
as the noise frequency stays within the bandwidth determined by the
tank-circuit Q. Whether or not the effect should be called
very much depends on circumstances.

In article <>,
<> wrote:
the FET output impedance (1kohm). Shouldn't one increase the output
impedance to reduce pulling, then, rather than the other way round?
It depends on what about the FET does the pulling. The gate capacitance
acts a little like a variactor diode. Keeping the impedance at the gate
node low, reduces the pulling effect of that capacitance.

The gm of the FET is effected by the current it is run at. If you use
lower node impedances and higher drain current, generally the temperature
effects on the phse shift will be less.

Anyway, the tank impedance (L/C)^(1/2) in relation to the FET output
impedance determines the oscillation amplitude; you don't have much
freedom with a simple self-limiting circuit like this.
You could add the 3rd capacitor and a new bias path to allow you to break
the two issues apart.

Actually, for my test circuit, the frequency shift with Vgs is 4Hz, not

10Hz, per 100mV (the 1ľ X7R blocking cap on my voltage source was too
small and had introduced a phase shift of its own; I had to add a 100ľ
tantalum). So, over a 10s interval, an expected modulation of the order
Beware of all capacitors that are not NPO. If there is any AC voltage on
them, they can start controlling the tuning. I'd want to use a 0.01U, a
1U and 100U to make sure that the impedance is very low over a wide band.
EMI coming in through the power wires is also a source of FM noise.

Thanks for confirming modulation of f0 by FET flicker noise as the
dominant mechanism (as long as instabilities in L and C can be
When you finally get it working, you are certain to find another noise
source we haven't thought of. It is likely to be something like
Barkhausen noise or some effect in the PCB material. This is where
science meets the black arts.

But I may have to look into the pickup of low-frequency environmental
noise by my inductor in order to get down to 10^-10 ...
Mumetal is the easiest way to solve the problem of magnetic fields. If
you make the box from "tin plate", solder the joints and then degauss the
assembly, you can get fairly good shielding.

Typically a layer of metal lowers the external field by a factor of 10. 3
layers of Mumetal with about 1 cm between them will reduce external fields
by a factor of about 1000. I suggest making the overall box out of iron,
putting the oscillator section inside an internal box and then shielding
the inductor.

The iron boxes each add thermal mass too. Each layer of metal and
air/foam will also help to keep external temperature variations out. A good
thermal control design will be needed. Thermal mass is your friend in the
short term if you don't mind long warm up times.
-- forging knowledge
On 28 Jul 2005 21:57:37 -0700, wrote:

Thanks for confirming modulation of f0 by FET flicker noise as the
dominant mechanism (as long as instabilities in L and C can be
But I may have to look into the pickup of low-frequency environmental
noise by my inductor in order to get down to 10^-10 ...
1e-10 is OCXO turf. A good LC oscillator (and this isn't really a good
oscillator circuit... loaded Q is too low) might be 4 or 5 orders of
magnitude worse.

"Ken Smith" <> wrote in message
In article <Uk6Ge.17106$>,
colin <> wrote:
[..use a high frequency JFET.]
If your just looking at the noise for achedemic reasons and ignoring
effects then 1/f low frequcny noise is the most significant factor if you
are looking to average over 1 second or so, this is becuse the low
noise modulates the amplitude and phase of the signal and so cuases
sidebands wich are so close to the fundamental that they are not
by the LC circuit unless you have a Q wich gives you a bandwidth of 1 hz.

How does the 1/f noise modulate the phase significantly if the JFET can't
control the frequency significantly? If the JFET is a high frequency one
and it is connected to lowish impedance nodes, this would seem to remove
its ability to modulate the signal's frequency.

This is a different issue than the JFET simply adding noise. At a
frequency of many KHz, the 1/F noise is small for a good quality JFET.
well for a start there will be some non linearities in the circuit so it
will have a mixing effect, and the products of mixing low frequcncy 1/f
noise will be sidebands very close to the Fo, so even if it doesnt atcualy
shift the frequcncy directly it adds an offest to it.

also any noise that cuase changes change in operating point will have an
effect on frequcncy if it alters the parasitic capacitances.

also any noise will efectivly apear as a phase error if it is used in highly
non linear mode, and a changing phase erroor = change frequcncy.

the 1/f noise much above 1khz isnt going to be the problem as its
mathmaticaly implies that it falls with increasing frequency, it is likely
the LC will have suficiently high Q to have a bandwidth of 1khz and block
this noise anyway.

the point at wich the 1/f noise rises with falling frequency generaly ocurs
at a considerably higher frequcncy with fets than bipolar, aparently, if you
look at numerous data sheets that actualy specify it anyway, I dont know
what exactly actualy makes the diference although I think generaly 1/f noise
in semiconductor is to do with defects wich act as charge traps.

you can get good noise performance with fets, indeed if you have a very low
chanel resistance wich usualy implies quite a high current to get any gain,
as it is this resistance wich contributes to the noise voltage, just as the
resistance in the base/emiter contributes to bipolar noise. however i dont
think this solves the problem of the frequcny at wich the 1/f noise starts
to rise.

also if you use high the high input impedance of the fet to maximise the
input voltage then you gain considerable signal to noise ratio, and also
maintain a high a Q as posible to filter it out.

one might think that a completly linear design would be best but
interstingly there seems to be an advantage in using highly non linear
techniques in oscilator design, any phase error in the drive to the tank
circuit will have maximum effect if it ocurs during the zero crosing point,
conversly if a short pulse is aplied at the peak it apears that any phase
error in this pulse has less efect.

dont forget also that although you calculations may show only an extremly
small amount of noise may be introduced into the system, if it is within the
bandwidth of the resonant circuit it will be multiplied many many times by
the positve feedback loop. Therefore there is advantage in having a
controled amount of gain.

Colin =^.^=
In article <2UtGe.18947$>,
colin <> wrote:
well for a start there will be some non linearities in the circuit so it
will have a mixing effect, and the products of mixing low frequcncy 1/f
noise will be sidebands very close to the Fo, so even if it doesnt atcualy
shift the frequcncy directly it adds an offest to it.
No, mixing by multiplying makes equal side bands. The amplitude varies
but the frequency remains exactly the same. This is why I was suggesting
making sure that the amplifier is good to a much higher frequency than
needed. A distortion that acts only on the instantanious voltage, always
creates equal sidebands.

also any noise that cuase changes change in operating point will have an
effect on frequcncy if it alters the parasitic capacitances.
I stated this happens and that, this again is why I suggested low AC
impedance nodes at the FET. This reduces the effect of any variation in

also any noise will efectivly apear as a phase error if it is used in highly
non linear mode, and a changing phase erroor = change frequcncy.
No, this is not true. Noise that is identical side to side WRT the
carrier does not effect the phase.

the 1/f noise much above 1khz isnt going to be the problem as its
mathmaticaly implies that it falls with increasing frequency, it is likely
the LC will have suficiently high Q to have a bandwidth of 1khz and block
this noise anyway.
Yes, I said as much in an earlier post. This is assuming that the node
impedance at the FET is low enough that the capacitance modulation can be

also if you use high the high input impedance of the fet to maximise the
input voltage
No, this is not true. You can run a larger voltage on the inductor to
keep the voltage at the gate the same as you lower the impedance.

then you gain considerable signal to noise ratio,
A very high Q tuned circuit has a high enough impedance that the noise
current of the FET starts to matter too.

and also
maintain a high a Q as posible to filter it out.
No, the gate of the FET has a real component to its impedance. If you add
the 3rd capacitor, you can split the issues apart. You also don't want
the capacitance of the gate to be anything close to the capacitance that
is doing the tuning.

one might think that a completly linear design would be best but
interstingly there seems to be an advantage in using highly non linear
techniques in oscilator design, any phase error in the drive to the tank
circuit will have maximum effect if it ocurs during the zero crosing point,
conversly if a short pulse is aplied at the peak it apears that any phase
error in this pulse has less efect.
This is certainly not true. ALC style oscillators are what you use if you
want the most stable frequency. Clipping and distortion of any type
allows the noise components near the harmonics of the carrier to be
re-introduced as near carrier components. This reduces the performance a
great deal.

dont forget also that although you calculations may show only an extremly
small amount of noise may be introduced into the system, if it is within the
bandwidth of the resonant circuit it will be multiplied many many times by
the positve feedback loop. Therefore there is advantage in having a
controled amount of gain.
I flat don't understand the intent of that statement.

-- forging knowledge
"Ken Smith" <> wrote in message
In article <2UtGe.18947$>,
colin <> wrote:
well for a start there will be some non linearities in the circuit so it
will have a mixing effect, and the products of mixing low frequcncy 1/f
noise will be sidebands very close to the Fo, so even if it doesnt
shift the frequcncy directly it adds an offest to it.

No, mixing by multiplying makes equal side bands. The amplitude varies
but the frequency remains exactly the same. This is why I was suggesting
making sure that the amplifier is good to a much higher frequency than
needed. A distortion that acts only on the instantanious voltage, always
creates equal sidebands.
You would be correct if the circuit had a flat flat phase and balanced
amplitude response about its operating frequcncy but this isnt necessarily
so, it depends largly on the feedback topology.

Although I cant say ive gone into the maths of how altering the
amplitude/phase of the sidebands affects the phase of the output in any
great detail, the modulation gets in there somehow, If you look at the
sidebands of a typical good oscilator the close in noise rises at 1/f^3 this
is due to 1/f noise and the 1/f^2 response of the resonant circuit.

Amplitude modulation on its own isnt too much of a problem anyway as this
can be eliminated with AGC/limiting.

also any noise that cuase changes change in operating point will have an
effect on frequcncy if it alters the parasitic capacitances.

I stated this happens and that, this again is why I suggested low AC
impedance nodes at the FET. This reduces the effect of any variation in
The ratio of parasitic capacitance seen by the tank circuit to capacitance
of the tank itself would determine how much this would afect the frequcncy.
If you have a high frequcncy oscilator you cant make this very large,
despite that the impedance would be quite low.

also any noise will efectivly apear as a phase error if it is used in
non linear mode, and a changing phase erroor = change frequcncy.

No, this is not true. Noise that is identical side to side WRT the
carrier does not effect the phase.
If it moves the operating point of the circuit then this may have an effect
on the delay through the amplifier and hence phase. also non linearities
will efectivly make the noise no longer identical side to side of the
operating point.

also if you use high the high input impedance of the fet to maximise the
input voltage

No, this is not true. You can run a larger voltage on the inductor to
keep the voltage at the gate the same as you lower the impedance.
I dont see why you think this is not true, many RF FET datasheets specify
noise performance by using 50 ohm mathcing networks wich also step up the
voltage, this is how they arive at such spectacular noise figures.

then you gain considerable signal to noise ratio,

A very high Q tuned circuit has a high enough impedance that the noise
current of the FET starts to matter too.
Noise current of good FETs/MOSFETs is small, realy small, ... down to a few
fa/rt hz. its proportional to the gate leakage current, this alows for
impedances of megaohms before noise curent comes significant compared to
noise voltage. althought the 1/f current noise corner is often at a
significantly higher frequcncy than the voltage noise corner.

and also
maintain a high a Q as posible to filter it out.

No, the gate of the FET has a real component to its impedance. If you add
the 3rd capacitor, you can split the issues apart. You also don't want
the capacitance of the gate to be anything close to the capacitance that
is doing the tuning.
The real part of the impedance is a lot higher than a bipolar (wich i think
was the point i was trying to make), especialy at lower frequencies.

Its all swings and roundabouts, you have to wiegh up the cost of doing one
thing or another, ie higher signal for better SNR but lower signal if you
want improved linearity or beter Q, .. higher capacitance for less efect of
parasitics but optimum Q may be acheived with lower capacitance ...

at low frequencies the tuning capacitance becomes high enough for parasitics
not to be an issue, at high frequencies you can use RF MOSFETS wich have
remarkably low input capcitance or dual gate wich largly avoids the most
troublesome feedback capacitance.

one might think that a completly linear design would be best but
interstingly there seems to be an advantage in using highly non linear
techniques in oscilator design, any phase error in the drive to the tank
circuit will have maximum effect if it ocurs during the zero crosing
conversly if a short pulse is aplied at the peak it apears that any phase
error in this pulse has less efect.

This is certainly not true. ALC style oscillators are what you use if you
want the most stable frequency. Clipping and distortion of any type
allows the noise components near the harmonics of the carrier to be
re-introduced as near carrier components. This reduces the performance a
great deal.
The harmonics will be greatly attenuated by the tank circuit before they can
be re introduced close to the carrier frequency.
Although im not too clear of the exact mechanism where they get introduced
this way I would think they get would be attenuated considerably anyway and
would be much less than noise close to the Fo and especialy compared to the
1/f noise wich would still dominate, any significant reduction in 1/f noise
will probably offest the slight increase in noise harmonics.

It also depends very heavily on the type of harmonic distortion that occurs
ie odd or even harmonic. even harmonic typical in the type of single
transistor design being the worst in some circuits, and odd harmonic, such
as with balanced clipping having much less effect in some circuits than
other types.

When I was looking up ways of reducing phase noise I came accross some work
on this, look up "Oscillator Phase Noise Reduction Using Nonlinear Design
Techniques" wich i was quite surprised by, and also by how involved the
issue of close in phase noise is in general, theres lots more than what i
could realisticaly go into witout some specific objective.

dont forget also that although you calculations may show only an extremly
small amount of noise may be introduced into the system, if it is within
bandwidth of the resonant circuit it will be multiplied many many times
the positve feedback loop. Therefore there is advantage in having a
controled amount of gain.

I flat don't understand the intent of that statement.
At the fequency of oscillation the gain of the total loop will be slightly
greater than 1 to sustain the oscillation frequcncy, any noise that gets
introduced that is close enough to the center frequcncy so that it is still
within the response of gain >1 will be amplified significantly.

After all the oscilation frequency is in fact just the noise selectivly
amplified many many times by positive feedback, therfore what im saying is
that the close in noise in the output is much much greater than simply the
voltage noise at the input.

Thus keeping the gain as low as posible will ensure the bandwidth with gain
1 is also as low as posible.
Colin =^.^=
colin wrote:
"Ken Smith" <> wrote in message
In article <2UtGe.18947$>,
colin <> wrote:
dont forget also that although you calculations may show only an extremly
small amount of noise may be introduced into the system, if it is within
bandwidth of the resonant circuit it will be multiplied many many times
the positve feedback loop. Therefore there is advantage in having a
controled amount of gain.

I flat don't understand the intent of that statement.

At the fequency of oscillation the gain of the total loop will be slightly
greater than 1 to sustain the oscillation frequcncy, any noise that gets
introduced that is close enough to the center frequcncy so that it is still
within the response of gain >1 will be amplified significantly.

After all the oscilation frequency is in fact just the noise selectivly
amplified many many times by positive feedback, therfore what im saying is
that the close in noise in the output is much much greater than simply the
voltage noise at the input.

Thus keeping the gain as low as posible will ensure the bandwidth with gain
1 is also as low as posible.

Colin =^.^=
Colin, what is the reasoning that makes you conclude that white noise
from within the bandwidth determined by the tank-circuit Q is no factor

for a simple self-limitimg FET oscillator like mine? How large could
that contribution to the frequency noise observed on a 10s scale be? I
have no clear idea how to estimate this. (The input-referred white
level of the 2N3819 is around 3 nV/Hz^(1/2), my loop gain is only
moderately larger than one, f0 is near 60kHz, the unloaded Q is around
100, and the loaded Q around 20, maybe.)

<> wrote in message
colin wrote:
"Ken Smith" <> wrote in message
In article <2UtGe.18947$>,
colin <> wrote:
dont forget also that although you calculations may show only an
small amount of noise may be introduced into the system, if it is
bandwidth of the resonant circuit it will be multiplied many many
the positve feedback loop. Therefore there is advantage in having a
controled amount of gain.

I flat don't understand the intent of that statement.

At the fequency of oscillation the gain of the total loop will be
greater than 1 to sustain the oscillation frequcncy, any noise that gets
introduced that is close enough to the center frequcncy so that it is
within the response of gain >1 will be amplified significantly.

After all the oscilation frequency is in fact just the noise selectivly
amplified many many times by positive feedback, therfore what im saying
that the close in noise in the output is much much greater than simply
voltage noise at the input.

Thus keeping the gain as low as posible will ensure the bandwidth with
1 is also as low as posible.

Colin =^.^=

Colin, what is the reasoning that makes you conclude that white noise
from within the bandwidth determined by the tank-circuit Q is no factor

for a simple self-limitimg FET oscillator like mine? How large could
that contribution to the frequency noise observed on a 10s scale be? I
have no clear idea how to estimate this. (The input-referred white
level of the 2N3819 is around 3 nV/Hz^(1/2), my loop gain is only
moderately larger than one, f0 is near 60kHz, the unloaded Q is around
100, and the loaded Q around 20, maybe.)
The reasoning is that for a bandwidth of .1-10 hz the 1/f noise is several
orders of magnitude larger than the white noise, for a good device 100 times
larger wich from data sheets amounts to somthing in the order of ~0.1uv pk
to pk for bipolar and ~1uv pk to pk for FET, some device are well in exces
of 1000 times the white noise, some even more, most spec sheets for low
noise low freq devices dont even specify noise below 100hz, and its hard to
find specs at all for most devices for this f range, probably becuase it
looks embarising. some RF devices dont mention noise performance below

Even if the mechanism for modulating this noise onto the carrier is low it
is still quite likely to be high enough to allow it to become dominant

Although its not clear how much of this is due to modulating the parasitic
elements and how much is due to actualy mixing unless you examine a
particular circuit in detail, ive worked with xco wich are much higher
frequency and so you are limited to tens of pf, maybe your circuit baheves
diferently but with a Q of 20 compare to a Q of 20,000 for a crystal ...

Also as I mentioned the noise profile of the output its clearly dominated by
1/f noise very close into the carrrier as the noise rises at 1/f^3 where f
is the distance from the carrier. further out from the casrrier it returns
to 1/f^2 wich is white noise atenuated by the Q of the tank.

Also although your loop gain is marginaly larger than one this circuit has
positive feedback, therefore the actual closed loop gain is high, if you try
to work it out you will find it comes out as infinite, but it is limited as
when the output increases the gain falls.

If you get 2 identical oscilators in a PLL with the loop time constant of
less than 1 second you can see the phase noise from the output of the phase
detector on a scope, ... it jumps around a lot, when I first encountered
this I thought it was faulty components soldering or whatever etc, and
although vigourously cleaning of the flux helped sometimes even after
rebuilding them carfeuly with new components it was still there, I threw
away many a good oscillators in disgust before i cuaght on to this.

There are some methods and programs wich estimate oscillator noise but these
are rather limited frtom what I can gather as it is an extremly complex
issue involving so many factors, especialy so for close in noise.

Also as has been mentioned before drift due to temperature etc will more
than dominate noise anyway.

If you realy want a 60khz oscillator that remains totaly stable over a 10s
interval I sugest you consider a crystal oscilator and divide it down.

Colin =^.^=

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