persons abusing the privilege of this net try to hock their



this could be an amazing group, if it was only moderated much
It's too bad we have people trying to abuse the privilege of this
group, by trying to hock there junk such as sunglasses fake watches
etc. we all know that crap comes from China if you're so interested in
selling it go on television we don't need that kind of garbage on this
this group has a lot of informative information lets keep it that way,
I sincerely do enjoy reading 90% of the articles on this net.
"skipper02451" <> wrote in message
this could be an amazing group, if it was only moderated much
It's too bad we have people trying to abuse the privilege of this
group, by trying to hock there junk such as sunglasses fake watches
etc. we all know that crap comes from China if you're so interested in
selling it go on television we don't need that kind of garbage on this
this group has a lot of informative information lets keep it that way,
I sincerely do enjoy reading 90% of the articles on this net.
This is an unmoderated newsgroup, not a web based forum, or a "Google
Group". For those accessing via a proper newsreader client - or even, dare I
say it, O.E. - it is very easy to set filters to block the vast majority of
the watch and shoe sales posts. If you search the group's posts for the last
couple of months, you will find that there was a long thread about doing
this just a few weeks ago, and there have been others going back over some

On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 03:41:47 -0700 (PDT), skipper02451 <>

this could be an amazing group, if it was only moderated much
It's too bad we have people trying to abuse the privilege of this
group, by trying to hock there junk such as sunglasses fake watches
etc. we all know that crap comes from China
Close. The majority of it comes from googlegroups nowadays. As a
googlegrouper yourself, perhaps you can complain to Google. Otherwise,
this is the good old usenet; you have our sympathy. Get a real news
client (Free Agent is popular), find a real usenet server, and learn
about filtering.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
In article
skipper02451 <> wrote:
this could be an amazing group, if it was only moderated much
Newsgroups such as this ain't moderated. Really the whole point of them.
And can you imagine the amount of work reading and approving every single
post - for free?

Best to set up a filter for the worst offenders. Starting with g-mail.

*The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

Dave Plowman London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
If you access this group through Google, then you should download the
free "Trollkiller" program to eliminate the spam:
On Aug 11, 9:26 am, Ken Layton <> wrote:
If you access this group through Google, then you should download the
free "Trollkiller" program to eliminate the spam:
Thank you for the URL.

Do you know if a vrsion of trollkiller works with Opera 9.64? I'll
ask in their User Group and see if they have something.

At the URL, it looked like trollkiller only worked with WinXP stuff.
Or, does it work with IE6 on Win98?

On Aug 12, 7:49 am, Robert Macy <> wrote:

Do you know if a version of "Trollkiller" works with Opera 9.64?  I'll
ask in their User Group and see if they have something.

At the URL, it looked like trollkiller only worked with WinXP stuff.
Or, does it work with IE6 on Win98?

Sorry Robert, I don't know if they have a version for Opera. It would
be a good idea to ask them for sure.

Trollkiller should work with Win98SE if you have netframework 2.0
installed I think.

Here's another free program that's a killfile program for Google (and
it works in win98):
Ken Layton wrote:

Robert Macy wrote:
Do you know if a [version] of trollkiller works with Opera 9.64?
There are SEVERAL screen filters for Google Groupers:*-*-into-the-nav+Google.Groups.Plus+Google.Groups.KillFile+powered+proudly+Entries+Greasemonkey+removes.*.*.*.third.column+*-script-*-cleans-the-new-UI-***-add-an-asshole-to-the-*-list+Browser.Helper.Object+portions+to.remove&strip=1*-header-*+advertising.fram+Future.versions+Google.Groups.Filter+filtering-on-other-*-*-headers+specific-*-*-*-*&strip=1 well as this Gecko extension
that can be used on ANY site to get crap off the screen:*-before-printing-*-*+policy+Nuke.Anything.Enhanced&strip=1#content

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