I'm a Verilog newbie of about a week (I know, they are everywhere). I'm
trying to generate four synchronized periodic digital waveforms (they
are not square or PWM) for output from my Spartan 3 FPGA. I'm wondering
the best way to go about this. In the past I used sequential vectors of
digital values to represent how the logic levels progress in time (with
an 8 port PIC micro controller). Now I need more flexibility and
features which is why I'm up to FPGAs. I thought perhaps an always
block along these lines (for a simple square wave)...
module waveforms(clk, linesout);
input clk;
output [3:0] linesout;
reg [3:0] lines;
assign linesout = lines;
initial lines = 4'b0000;
always begin
#10 lines = 4'b1111;
#10 lines = 4'b0000;
I'm wondering how to trigger the always block, and also the Xilinx ISE
warning; 'Delay is ignored for synthesis.'
One waveform looks something like
Thanks for any help.
trying to generate four synchronized periodic digital waveforms (they
are not square or PWM) for output from my Spartan 3 FPGA. I'm wondering
the best way to go about this. In the past I used sequential vectors of
digital values to represent how the logic levels progress in time (with
an 8 port PIC micro controller). Now I need more flexibility and
features which is why I'm up to FPGAs. I thought perhaps an always
block along these lines (for a simple square wave)...
module waveforms(clk, linesout);
input clk;
output [3:0] linesout;
reg [3:0] lines;
assign linesout = lines;
initial lines = 4'b0000;
always begin
#10 lines = 4'b1111;
#10 lines = 4'b0000;
I'm wondering how to trigger the always block, and also the Xilinx ISE
warning; 'Delay is ignored for synthesis.'
One waveform looks something like
Thanks for any help.