Mechanical problems that need sorting before the electrics or will recur.
Each channel has 2 "daughter " board output arrays with power rails via the
aluminium hex bar standoffs. One end has the screws nicely soldered on to
the main board conductor traces, but these standoff boards just screwed
against polyester pcb board, no star washers, contact (in theory) is on the
other side of the board, but not with loose screws. This amp is used in
alternately both damp and dusty environment so inside looks more like 20
yearold, aluminium corrosion etc.
Any mod better than cleaning faces and adding star washers ?
Also the clinch nuts that hold the pa boards away from the top and bottom
covers are just clinched into pcb polyester so easily turn and work loose,
any mod for that ?
are they called clinch nuts in USA ?
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
Each channel has 2 "daughter " board output arrays with power rails via the
aluminium hex bar standoffs. One end has the screws nicely soldered on to
the main board conductor traces, but these standoff boards just screwed
against polyester pcb board, no star washers, contact (in theory) is on the
other side of the board, but not with loose screws. This amp is used in
alternately both damp and dusty environment so inside looks more like 20
yearold, aluminium corrosion etc.
Any mod better than cleaning faces and adding star washers ?
Also the clinch nuts that hold the pa boards away from the top and bottom
covers are just clinched into pcb polyester so easily turn and work loose,
any mod for that ?
are they called clinch nuts in USA ?
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on