Peavey Microbass Repair (IC Identification)


Beldar Grazinski

I contacted Peavey and got a schematic to repair an amp we use here at the station but still have one more question on it that Peavey has yet to respond to.

IC3 is bad on the board and has no readable information on the top of the chip. According to the drawing it is a 7041 3080 chip. I have yet to find a cross reference for this chip. 8 pin dip.

Any suggestions?
On Friday, October 11, 2013 11:45:07 AM UTC-4, N_Cook wrote:
On 11/10/2013 16:28, Beldar Grazinski wrote:

I contacted Peavey and got a schematic to repair an amp we use here at the station but still have one more question on it that Peavey has yet to respond to.

IC3 is bad on the board and has no readable information on the top of the chip. According to the drawing it is a 7041 3080 chip. I have yet to find a cross reference for this chip. 8 pin dip.

Any suggestions?

Is the amp date 2007 ?

I would go for CA3080 by JRC, is a JFET opamp in that position justified?

Thanks for the info guys. The amp appears to be a '99 model. I finally got a callback from Peavey and they said a CA3080 would suffice. Peavey sells the part (39095750) but they want $15 for the chip so I'll shop around before I go to them.
"Beldar Grazinski" <> wrote in message
I contacted Peavey and got a schematic to repair an amp we use here at the
station but still have one more question on it that Peavey has yet to
respond to.

IC3 is bad on the board and has no readable information on the top of the
chip. According to the drawing it is a 7041 3080 chip. I have yet to
find a cross reference for this chip. 8 pin dip.

Any suggestions?


On 11/10/2013 16:28, Beldar Grazinski wrote:
I contacted Peavey and got a schematic to repair an amp we use here at the station but still have one more question on it that Peavey has yet to respond to.

IC3 is bad on the board and has no readable information on the top of the chip. According to the drawing it is a 7041 3080 chip. I have yet to find a cross reference for this chip. 8 pin dip.

Any suggestions?

Is the amp date 2007 ?
I would go for CA3080 by JRC, is a JFET opamp in that position justified?
"Gareth Magennis"

** That listing is a bit dodgy.

In a few seconds, I spotted the PV number " SJE5332" being given as both
MJE253 and MJE15029.

One is a TO126, the other a TO220 and the base emitter pins outs differ.

Further down, it refers to the PV "62792" as a 2N3055 being a 140V output
transistor - which none are.

Another worry is the PV "83070" as being an MJ3055 - which never existed.

Motorola 2N3055s were labelled that and the compliment was the MJ2955.

.... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Gareth Magennis"

** That listing is a bit dodgy.

In a few seconds, I spotted the PV number " SJE5332" being given as both
MJE253 and MJE15029.

One is a TO126, the other a TO220 and the base emitter pins outs differ.

Further down, it refers to the PV "62792" as a 2N3055 being a 140V output
transistor - which none are.

Another worry is the PV "83070" as being an MJ3055 - which never

?? Am I understanding you wrong ? I have seen MJ3055s, and here is a data


Motorola 2N3055s were labelled that and the compliment was the MJ2955.

... Phil
"Arfa Daily"
"Phil Allison"
"Gareth Magennis"

Another worry is the PV "83070" as being an MJ3055 - which never

** FFS you ass - you trimmed the CRUCIAL part of my post.

" Motorola 2N3055s were labelled that and the compliment was the MJ2955."

There was never a Motorola MJ3055.

?? Am I understanding you wrong ? I have seen MJ3055s,

** Seen any little green men lately - have you ??

** Hmmm - that pdf looks VERY dodgy indeed.

A recent ( ie 2002) "short form" data sheet from Semelab in Scotland with
specs that match the original (1960s) JEDEC spec for the 2N3055 type number
except for a mysterious 10A current rating in lieu of 15A.

Semelab do many naughty things, like badging devices that are only
approximate equivalents to an old type number so they can pretend to have a
huge catalogue. Fools the punters.


Because of the popular Motorola types MJE3055 and MJE3055T - many folk
assume there must be an MJ3055 to go with them. It's a common mistake seen
in print here and there for decades.

No surprise the world champion finder of all misinformation " Google " turns
another one up.


.... Phil

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