pci didn't recognize pci express



hi every one.
I don't know English very well,so excuse me.
I generate core pci express and emplement on board(xc5vfx100t),ofcourse b
vendor id=0x10EE ,device id=0x0007 .then plug it to pci express slot(x4).
but pc didn't recognize it as a xilinx device.
I chenge vendor id= 0x8086, device id=0x2944 and pc recognize it as
xilinx device.but rn_lnk_up_n isn't assert, didn't have clock and I can'
work by windriver .
in fact when pc recognize it as a new hardware ,it didn't want to instal
pci express drivers .please help me

ucf is:
NET "sys_reset_n" LOC = "AH17" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | PULLUP

NET "sys_clk_p" LOC = "AF4" ;
NET "sys_clk_n" LOC = "AF3" ;
INST "refclk_ibuf" DIFF_TERM = "TRUE" ;
INST "ep/BU2/U0/pcie_ep0/pcie_blk/SIO/.pcie_gt_wrapper_i/GTD[0].GT_i" LOC

NST "ep/BU2/U0/pcie_ep0/pcie_blk/SIO/.pcie_gt_wrapper_i/GTD[2].GT_i" LOC
INST "ep/BU2/U0/pcie_ep0/pcie_blk/pcie_ep" LOC

Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
On Oct 12, 11:23 pm, "allahdadian"
<nana_nanaiii@n_o_s_p_a_m.n_o_s_p_a_m.yahoo.com> wrote:
hi every one.
I don't know English very well,so excuse me.
I generate core pci express and emplement on board(xc5vfx100t),ofcourse by
vendor id=0x10EE ,device id=0x0007 .then plug it to pci express slot(x4).
but pc didn't recognize it as a xilinx device.
I chenge vendor id= 0x8086, device id=0x2944 and pc recognize it as a
xilinx device.but rn_lnk_up_n isn't assert, didn't have clock and I can't
work by windriver .
in fact when pc recognize it as a new hardware ,it didn't want to install
pci express drivers .please help me

ucf is:
NET "sys_reset_n"      LOC = "AH17"  | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | PULLUP |

NET  "sys_clk_p"       LOC = "AF4"  ;
NET  "sys_clk_n"       LOC = "AF3"  ;
INST "refclk_ibuf"     DIFF_TERM = "TRUE" ;
INST "ep/BU2/U0/pcie_ep0/pcie_blk/SIO/.pcie_gt_wrapper_i/GTD[0].GT_i" LOC > GTX_DUAL_X0Y2;

NST "ep/BU2/U0/pcie_ep0/pcie_blk/SIO/.pcie_gt_wrapper_i/GTD[2].GT_i" LOC > GTX_DUAL_X0Y1;
INST "ep/BU2/U0/pcie_ep0/pcie_blk/pcie_ep"                       LOC > PCIE_X0Y0;        

Posted throughhttp://www.FPGARelated.com
vendor id=0x10EE is not Xilinx, so it will not recognize it as a
Xilinx device.

If the driver is already loaded (it exists in %windir%
\system32\drivers, and is enumerated in the driver cache) a new driver
will NOT be loaded. Go to the device manager and delete the device,
then restart the computer.


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