I am trying to create a pCell that will instantiates devices from the
PDK. I have the cell together
but the devices wont resize, cant change the parameters. Solution ID:
11178170 on sourceLink
states that this problem can happen if there is a datatype mismatch
which there is.
The dataTypes of the devices in the PDK has its parameters set as
floats. But the code wants strings.
I had this working on a different PDK where both were strings and it
works but when migrating the
code to a different PDK, it not longer works. I tried changing it to
strings but it then no longer compiles.
Here is the error:
e *Error* dbCreateParamInst: Invalid float - "1.00u"
\e *Error* load: error while loading file - "./pCells/mypart.il"
pCell source code:
dbCreateParamInst(cv tranId
"ntranr" 0:0 "MY" 1 list(
list("w" "string" sprintf(nil "%.2fu" nw))
list("l" "string" sprintf(nil "%.2fu" nl))
list("fingers" "string" sprintf(nil "%d" nf))
list(ddGetObj("rickPcell") "mypart" "layout")
(nw float 1.0)
(nl float 0.13)
(nf int 1)
(pw float 1.0)
(pl float 0.13)
(pf int 1)
InstantMyPart(pcCellView nw nl nf pw pl pf)
parameter dump of the device
\i cv=dbOpenCellView("tsmc13rf" "nmos1v" "layout")
\t db:375117868
\i cv~>parameters~>value~>name
\t ("tapCntRows" "tapExtension" "rightTap" "leftTap" "bottomTap"
\t "topTap" "tap" "rightAbut" "leftAbut" "sdMtlWidth"
\t "mtlCvg" "switchSD" "connectSD" "minGateMetal" "connectGates"
\t "fingers" "l" "fw" "dnwell"
\i cv~>parameters~>value~>valueType
\t ("int" "string" "boolean" "boolean" "boolean"
\t "boolean" "string" "int" "int" "float"
\t "string" "boolean" "string" "boolean" "string"
\t "float" "float" "float" "boolean"
I cant change the PDK so what is correct method of instantiating a
device with type float?
PDK. I have the cell together
but the devices wont resize, cant change the parameters. Solution ID:
11178170 on sourceLink
states that this problem can happen if there is a datatype mismatch
which there is.
The dataTypes of the devices in the PDK has its parameters set as
floats. But the code wants strings.
I had this working on a different PDK where both were strings and it
works but when migrating the
code to a different PDK, it not longer works. I tried changing it to
strings but it then no longer compiles.
Here is the error:
e *Error* dbCreateParamInst: Invalid float - "1.00u"
\e *Error* load: error while loading file - "./pCells/mypart.il"
pCell source code:
dbCreateParamInst(cv tranId
"ntranr" 0:0 "MY" 1 list(
list("w" "string" sprintf(nil "%.2fu" nw))
list("l" "string" sprintf(nil "%.2fu" nl))
list("fingers" "string" sprintf(nil "%d" nf))
list(ddGetObj("rickPcell") "mypart" "layout")
(nw float 1.0)
(nl float 0.13)
(nf int 1)
(pw float 1.0)
(pl float 0.13)
(pf int 1)
InstantMyPart(pcCellView nw nl nf pw pl pf)
parameter dump of the device
\i cv=dbOpenCellView("tsmc13rf" "nmos1v" "layout")
\t db:375117868
\i cv~>parameters~>value~>name
\t ("tapCntRows" "tapExtension" "rightTap" "leftTap" "bottomTap"
\t "topTap" "tap" "rightAbut" "leftAbut" "sdMtlWidth"
\t "mtlCvg" "switchSD" "connectSD" "minGateMetal" "connectGates"
\t "fingers" "l" "fw" "dnwell"
\i cv~>parameters~>value~>valueType
\t ("int" "string" "boolean" "boolean" "boolean"
\t "boolean" "string" "int" "int" "float"
\t "string" "boolean" "string" "boolean" "string"
\t "float" "float" "float" "boolean"
I cant change the PDK so what is correct method of instantiating a
device with type float?