PCB's from FUTURLEC - review of latest production.



Every few weeks there is another enquiry here for suggested PCB fab
sources. Back on 1 March I posted a critique of a batch of PCB's
received from Futurlec. Having just received another batch I decided
to post this "update" to guide others looking for fab sources.

My previous crit was also emailed to Futurlec's Australian manager,
who welcomed the feedback and indicated they would look at the matters
raised. Since that time, they have also restructured their product
offerings. Prototypes are restricted to single side and
solder-coated, no solder mask or overlay available. Pricing for these
is a flat $US0.07 per sqcm plus a $US3 per job shipping charge - there
is no setup charge. Once you get beyond proto, the pricing becomes
more serious and is a reflection of a different production basis. All
visible with calculators on their website www.futurlec.com.

This prototype batch included five designs, and 26 boards in total
were supplied. All-up cost was less than $US30. All the comments
below relate to their PROTOTYPE service.


Artwork has improved out of sight. Edges are clean with no signs of
previous fuzziness or over-etching. Good - at least a match for
traditional EA/SC kit quality.


Boards appears to be wave-soldered. As is often the case with this
process, there are some wind-drift accumulations.


Alignment of rows previously looked like a conga line leaving the pub
at closing time, with the occasional breakout. Now they certainly DO
line up, and appear to be machine-drilled. It's great when your
DB25RA's and other connectors drop straight in!

Sizing is still not 100%. One pair of pads were 150 dia and 32 hole.
Somehow, production managed to put a 125 hole in them! However, they
WERE dead-centre.


Previously I stated that "I would not use boards of this quality for
production". Clearly they have lifted their game, and I would expect
to be able to use their proto quality boards for production where
soldered S/S was the requirement, subject obviously to incoming QC
here. Having not sampled their up-market versions since their
restructuring, I can only say that presumably their quality won't be
any lower.


.. Artwork can be emailed in Protel format. (I use AutoTrax).
.. Pricing for protos is VERY attractive.

.. Turnaround (for protos) is three weeks.

Value for money for hobbyists and small operators? IMOE their protos
certainly are.

P.S. I have no affiliation or association with Futurlec other than as
a low-end commercial customer.

Happy to comment further either on or off group.
budgie <budgie@nowhere.cantech.net.au> while reading the NewsGroups,
ponder about his PCB design and spat out news:3f5fcf90.4452271



. Artwork can be emailed in Protel format. (I use AutoTrax).
. Pricing for protos is VERY attractive.

. Turnaround (for protos) is three weeks.

Value for money for hobbyists and small operators? IMOE their protos
certainly are.

P.S. I have no affiliation or association with Futurlec other than as
a low-end commercial customer.

Happy to comment further either on or off group.
Thanks for the review budgie..Its very enlightening.

I have been thinking of using their services for a while but
have not finalise my design yet.

Do they do smd umax parts size tracks as well?

On 11 Sep 2003 13:40:57 +1000, Parmin <rajabetawi@hotmail.NOSPAM.com>

budgie <budgie@nowhere.cantech.net.au> while reading the NewsGroups,
ponder about his PCB design and spat out news:3f5fcf90.4452271



. Artwork can be emailed in Protel format. (I use AutoTrax).
. Pricing for protos is VERY attractive.

. Turnaround (for protos) is three weeks.

Value for money for hobbyists and small operators? IMOE their protos
certainly are.

P.S. I have no affiliation or association with Futurlec other than as
a low-end commercial customer.

Happy to comment further either on or off group.

Thanks for the review budgie..Its very enlightening.

I have been thinking of using their services for a while but
have not finalise my design yet.

Do they do smd umax parts size tracks as well?
Sorry, I don't know what size that is.

I have used them down to 10 thou tracks and similar clearances, work
was clear and no bridges or undercuts.

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