Don Prescott
On freebe PCB software..From: Stuart Brorson (sdb@cloud9.net)
OH yeh.....! What's the percentage of commercial organisations usingThat's what folks said about Linux about five years ago. Those that
aid it look like backward-looking trogledytes now.
linux for standard apps....??? Pretty darn small!
Ha, Ha, download and start crashing more like...!The advantages of free/open-source tools are these:
* Full versions usually downloadable for free. No cripple or
nagware. Just download and start designing.
* Documented ASCII file formats. The vendor isn't trying to lock you
in to his tool set by sticking you with a proprietary binary format.
How many are truly locked..? Most apps have an ASCII storage
mechanism i.e PADS, P-CAD, Protel, OrCAD Layout, Cadstar....
Simple. Find someone with a Cadstar, load-in your design and save in* Protection for legacy designs. At work I have inherited a
CadStar design done back in the middle 1990s. Unfortunately, the
CadStar install media I have is old & worn out, and doesn't work with
Windows XP wayway. I have no budget to spend thousands of $$$ to buy
a modern seat of CadStar just to open up one stinking PCB.
CPA = ASCII archive format
That's the point: the support is normally ultra-poorWith free/open-source EDA tools, legacy support is typically built
into the tool.
Who wants the code...!! Do I want a copy of Microsfot Word code, or* You get the code.
Excel code...? Of course not. I want an app that's reliable and of
professional standard...!
That says it all. Just to save a few dollars some folks are preparedAnd PCB, well, its user
interface takes some getting used to, but it does the job, and I
correspond with folks who have done 8 layer boards & beyond with it.
to torture themselves and wear sackcloth and ashes....
Oh yeh, they are...? Nobody I deal with would risk critical projects: In short, probably OK if you want to while away the hours playing
: a hobbyist's toolset. Useless if you're trying to design a real
: product that's gotta go out the door on time......
People are using this stuff in industry. Open your eyes and look
around. You'll see more of it as time goes on.
to shareware