PCB manufacture

I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit
expensive. I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture, but
is there anywhere I can order this board at a lower price? I'd
probably prefer to order within Australia mainly because of postage
time and cost.
Jack Valmadre
<jack.valmadre@gmail.com> wrote

I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit
expensive. I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture,

**** By your own admission you don't know a lot about the price of PCB

Therefore,why do you think "about AUD80 INCLUDING POSTAGE seems a bit

The mind boggles!!

Brian Goldsmith.
Several people on a discussion group thought it seemed a bit
overpriced, and it is a fair amount of money to me for this sort of
thing. However they either made their own PCB's or ordered in larger
I forgot to mention in the original post that I only want one board
made up.
Wow, does that include setup? Yepp, just looked. Prices certainly have
come down in the last few years. Last time I got a single (well, 5 was the
same price) PCB made was about $300, and I thought that was cheap! I don't
know how these people can make a profit on these small quantities. I guess
it's being subsidised by their larger orders, which they hope you'll one day
become. You're getting a pretty good deal.

Take a tip, get 2 made. You'll want the second one (blank) to look at while
you're debugging the first (loaded).

"Unbeliever" <alfkatz@remove.the.bleedin.obvious.ieee.org> wrote in message
Wow, does that include setup? Yepp, just looked. Prices certainly have
come down in the last few years. Last time I got a single (well, 5 was
same price) PCB made was about $300, and I thought that was cheap! I
know how these people can make a profit on these small quantities. I
it's being subsidised by their larger orders, which they hope you'll one
become. You're getting a pretty good deal.

Take a tip, get 2 made. You'll want the second one (blank) to look at
you're debugging the first (loaded).

Yes futurlec is cheap. I bet they make the boards in indonesia. I have
ordered from them before and the parts I think came from korea directly.
I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit

** You would have done very well sending small boys down coal mines the
K - back 200 years ago.

Or, maybe managing sweat shops in modern Thailand that employ 9 year olds
for next to no pay for 14 hours per day.

I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture, but
is there anywhere I can order this board at a lower price?

** Yeah - try rural China where parents sell their kids into prostitution
& for body parts.

But you will have to bribe a few officials first.

I'd probably prefer to order within Australia mainly because of postage
time and cost.

** You disgust me.

........... Phil
jack.valmadre@gmail.com wrote:
I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit
expensive. I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture, but
is there anywhere I can order this board at a lower price? I'd
probably prefer to order within Australia mainly because of postage
time and cost.
Jack Valmadre
You won't get a board made in Australia for anywhere near that price.
Futurlec are one of the cheapest around.

You might like to try EzPCB:
There are others as well, but I don't have details to hand.

Making a board, especially a PTH solder mask one is an expensive and
time consuming process. If you want it cheaper, do it yourself, but you
won't get PTH or solder mask.

Cheap services like Futulec are available because they combine your
design with others and make it on one large panel, thus sharing the
cost around.

Want one made by a local supplier? try $300. Want one made in a hurry
(1-2 days)? add another few hundred bucks.

Postage time is nothing, they ship by plane these days :->

Dave :)
David L. Jones wrote:
jack.valmadre@gmail.com wrote:

I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit
expensive. I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture, but
is there anywhere I can order this board at a lower price? I'd
probably prefer to order within Australia mainly because of postage
time and cost.
Jack Valmadre

You won't get a board made in Australia for anywhere near that price.
Futurlec are one of the cheapest around.

You might like to try EzPCB:
There are others as well, but I don't have details to hand.

Making a board, especially a PTH solder mask one is an expensive and
time consuming process. If you want it cheaper, do it yourself, but you
won't get PTH or solder mask.

Cheap services like Futulec are available because they combine your
design with others and make it on one large panel, thus sharing the
cost around.

Want one made by a local supplier? try $300. Want one made in a hurry
(1-2 days)? add another few hundred bucks.

Postage time is nothing, they ship by plane these days :-

Dave :)
All true. And dont forget the cost associated with a DIY non-PTH PCB,
wherein you will spend all hours (days) tracking down dodgy DIY vias and
solder shorts (no solder mask). If, of course, your time is worth
anything (many hobbyists dont think so)

$80 is astonishingly cheap - I would have budgeted $200 - $300 here in NZ.

On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 12:41:05 +1200, Terry Given <my_name@ieee.org>

David L. Jones wrote:
jack.valmadre@gmail.com wrote:

I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit
expensive. I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture, but
is there anywhere I can order this board at a lower price? I'd
probably prefer to order within Australia mainly because of postage
time and cost.
Jack Valmadre

You won't get a board made in Australia for anywhere near that price.
Futurlec are one of the cheapest around.

You might like to try EzPCB:
There are others as well, but I don't have details to hand.

Making a board, especially a PTH solder mask one is an expensive and
time consuming process. If you want it cheaper, do it yourself, but you
won't get PTH or solder mask.

Cheap services like Futulec are available because they combine your
design with others and make it on one large panel, thus sharing the
cost around.

Want one made by a local supplier? try $300. Want one made in a hurry
(1-2 days)? add another few hundred bucks.

Postage time is nothing, they ship by plane these days :-

Dave :)

All true. And dont forget the cost associated with a DIY non-PTH PCB,
wherein you will spend all hours (days) tracking down dodgy DIY vias and
solder shorts (no solder mask). If, of course, your time is worth
anything (many hobbyists dont think so)

$80 is astonishingly cheap - I would have budgeted $200 - $300 here in NZ.

I normally budget about $300.00 dollars for two panels 8 inches x 12

You might try Jemal PCB in Perth (Tel: 08 9356 1997). They were
talking about offering a prototyping service for one off boards but I
would say the cost would still be about $80.00 and you will have to
wait until they get enough protos to batch together for production.


Jenal Communications
Manufacturers and Suppliers of HF Selcall
P O Box 1108, Morley, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9370 5533 Fax +61 8 9467 6146
Web Site: http://www.jenal.com
Contact: http://www.jenal.com/?p=1
jack.valmadre@gmail.com wrote:
I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it.
I have some boards on the way from www.olimex.com in Bulgaria at the
moment. They do 160mmx100mm for $US33, plus $US9 airmail, which is
$AU56 at the moment. They'll depanelise using a v-groove (rectangular
only) - my order is 42 boards 1"x2" with solder mask both sides and
silk-screen on the top, which comes to $AU205. Fantastically good
price! No setup cost and they even panelise and depanelise for you.
Online ordering with credit card payment confirmed by a fax. They
take Eagle .BRD files directly, or RS274-X and Excellon/S&M drill files.

Clifford Heath.
On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 22:09:28 +1000, "Heywood Jablome" <reply to thread> wrote:

Yes futurlec is cheap. I bet they make the boards in indonesia. I have
ordered from them before and the parts I think came from korea directly.
????? boards are made in Thailand ........
you could try RCS DESIGN

<jack.valmadre@gmail.com> wrote in message
I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit
expensive. I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture, but
is there anywhere I can order this board at a lower price? I'd
probably prefer to order within Australia mainly because of postage
time and cost.
Jack Valmadre
"sideshow bob" <findout@krustyburger.com> while reading the
NewsGroups, found courage and express out opinion in

you could try RCS DESIGN
And got lectured by Bob for free.
Terry Given wrote:
David L. Jones wrote:
jack.valmadre@gmail.com wrote:

I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit
expensive. I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture, but
is there anywhere I can order this board at a lower price? I'd
probably prefer to order within Australia mainly because of postage
time and cost.
Jack Valmadre

You won't get a board made in Australia for anywhere near that price.
Futurlec are one of the cheapest around.

You might like to try EzPCB:
There are others as well, but I don't have details to hand.

Making a board, especially a PTH solder mask one is an expensive and
time consuming process. If you want it cheaper, do it yourself, but you
won't get PTH or solder mask.

Cheap services like Futulec are available because they combine your
design with others and make it on one large panel, thus sharing the
cost around.

Want one made by a local supplier? try $300. Want one made in a hurry
(1-2 days)? add another few hundred bucks.

Postage time is nothing, they ship by plane these days :-

Dave :)

All true. And dont forget the cost associated with a DIY non-PTH PCB,
wherein you will spend all hours (days) tracking down dodgy DIY vias and
solder shorts (no solder mask). If, of course, your time is worth
anything (many hobbyists dont think so)
For sure.
The advantage of DIY though is that you can have the board within an
hour or two, which is sometimes quicker than just raising the purchase
order within some organisations :->

If you know you are going to make it yourself then you'll often design
the board to suit DIY. Surface mount means less holes to drill, (some
boards can have NO HOLES at all which is really nice) and you can use
components legs as vias etc.

You can't beat a proper PTH solder mask board though, $80 is dirt cheap
and well worth it, even for the serious hobbyist these days.

Dave :)
On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 11:23:03 GMT, "Brian Goldsmith"
<brian.goldsmith@nospam.echo1.com.au> wrote:

jack.valmadre@gmail.com> wrote

I've recently created my first PCB design in Protel and need to find a
company to produce it. The board is 114x114mm and double-sided, and I
would like to have a solder mask applied. I thought of Futurlec
(www.futurlec.com) but at about AU$80 including postage it seems a bit
expensive. I don't know a lot about the price of PCB manufacture,

**** By your own admission you don't know a lot about the price of PCB
Fuck you are smart

Therefore,why do you think "about AUD80 INCLUDING POSTAGE seems a bit
Ahh, dickhead, read the first line you wrote.

The mind boggles!!
Yes it does. Why do you always post the blatent obvious??

Brian Goldsmith.
Fuck off dickweed. Try posting something useful for once in your life.
"The Real Andy" wrote

The mind boggles!!

Yes it does. Why do you always post the blatent obvious??
Fuck off dickweed. Try posting something useful for once in your life.

**** OK,I will.

It is blatantly obvious you cannot spell correctly and you are a very
abusive person.
How's that?

Brian Goldsmith.

PS. The mind still boggles!

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