pc 104 vs ARM ?



it seem ARM is better than that of a PC 104. please comment in term of
application, networking connection, pricing.....speed, open source.
"Mylinux" <myLinux@My.com> wrote in message
it seem ARM is better than that of a PC 104. please comment in term of
application, networking connection, pricing.....speed, open source.

Is a V6 pontiac engine better than a car or a set of wheels?

An arm is a processor, PC104 is technically a bus specification but is
often used for processor boards that use this bus. These processor boards
might contain an ARM processor or might not. You can't compare them.

You ask a wild scattering of naive questions, many of which (like this one)
attempt to compare completely incomparable concepts. This indicates a need
to read some very basic introductory texts on embedded computing, and/or
some relevant magazines. Asking silly one line questions and expecting the
good folk here to wax lyrical and fill your eager mind with their collective
accumulated wisdom just ain't gonna cut it.

I suggest you start your self improvement with:

Circuit Cellar magazine www.circuitcellar.com
Embedded systems programming magazine www.embedded.com
Designing Embedded Hardware by John Catsoulis
Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, Third Edition by Stuart
Computers as Components by Wayne Wolf


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I need a linux platform to sink my application (project). currently I have
completed the first stage of testing.

the current experiment is based on redhat linux and a c program and also
shell program. I also need ethernat to connect internet.

q1 so what is "shinking" platform that I can achieve this same kind
application that I have?
q2 is parallel I/O is the same parellal port?

"Mylinux" <myLinux@My.com> wrote in message
I need a linux platform to sink my application (project). currently I have
completed the first stage of testing.

the current experiment is based on redhat linux and a c program and also
shell program. I also need ethernat to connect internet.

q1 so what is "shinking" platform that I can achieve this same kind
application that I have?
q2 is parallel I/O is the same parellal port?

You are still not making any sense, or giving us any sort of information
that could be of use. I realise that English is not your native language -
this group is very international, so people are not too bothered about your
spelling or grammer. But if you want people to give you sensible replies,
then you will have to put the effort in and write a sensible post. That
means giving us the information necessary to help you - what is your
application, what are its requirements, what are your budgets, is this hobby
or commercial, is it a single system or will it be mass-produced. Tell us a
little about yourself - you appear to be completely new to embedded systems,
linux, electronics, and possibly programming in general - are you really up
to the task you have set yourself? Perhaps you would be better getting hold
of a couple of books, and coming back when you have read them? Finally, if
you want help then it is polite to give your name, not just some
inappropriate pseudonym.
Mylinux is of the opinion:
it seem ARM is better than that of a PC 104. please comment in term of
application, networking connection, pricing.....speed, open source.
I'll tell you, if you tell me which educational institution you're at, so I
can avoid any graduates from such a place, and also the name and e-mail
address of your lecturer for this subject so I can save you the hassle of
having to submit the answer yourself, by just e-mailing him or her directly.

I'm sure it'll be easier for you that way.

- Matt
"Mylinux" <myLinux@My.com> wrote in message
I need a linux platform to sink my application (project). currently I have
completed the first stage of testing.

the current experiment is based on redhat linux and a c program and also
shell program. I also need ethernat to connect internet.

q1 so what is "shinking" platform that I can achieve this same kind
application that I have?
q2 is parallel I/O is the same parellal port?


To me, this sounds like you're looking for a system to hold an embedded
Linux app that you have written? This may explain the original question, as
to whether PC-104 (ie, a PC-104 286/386/486 card on an Biscuit PC-type-thing
with Ethernet?) is better than ARM (microcontroller) at running Linux. The
ARM, you are thinking of connecting to a basic PC parallel port for data
transfer, I'm guessing (based on Q2 below)?

If this is correct, let us know - I'm sure someone can help (I can't, as I
have little experience with Linux!)

"Mylinux" <myLinux@My.com> wrote in message
I need a linux platform to sink my application (project). currently I have
completed the first stage of testing.

the current experiment is based on redhat linux and a c program and also
shell program. I also need ethernat to connect internet.

q1 so what is "shinking" platform that I can achieve this same kind
application that I have?
q2 is parallel I/O is the same parellal port?


As others have said, your questions are too broad to answer without much
more information about the application. Q1 I can';t understand but Q2's
answer is probably no, although you 'could' use a parallel port for parallel
I/O. It just isn't ideal - there are PC104 and other format single-board
computers which include all the functionality of a PC plus digital I/O
lines, if this is what you require.

Keep talking - we need more data to be helpful! :)

Mylinux is of the opinion:
stop hitting me below the belt.
Don't like the brain damage?

Seriously, if you're trying to do this for a job, you're way out of your
depth, and should do a course or do a bit of reading.

And if you are doing a course, then you aren't going about your study the
right way, by a long shot.

- Matt
Mylinux wrote:
it seem ARM is better than that of a PC 104. please comment in term of
application, networking connection, pricing.....speed, open source.
How about a board that is both PC/104 *and* ARM? Arcom makes a PC/104
board that uses an Intel XScale ARM processor at 400 MHz. At about 1.5
Watts, it is within many embedded power budgets that are looking for
that level of CPU processing. It includes a LAN interface and comes
preinstalled with RedBoot and/or embedded Linux.

Good luck!


Rick "rickman" Collins

Ignore the reply address. To email me use the above address with the XY

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