Passing variables from a form to OCEAN script


Dmitriy Shurin

I wrote a menu in SKILL which contains several forms. For example the
user has to fill library and cellview to be simulated and the
simulations to be done. If i do the following:
load ""
design(library cell "schematic")
where library and cell are global variables which are defined in SKILL,
the variables library and cell remain empty because user hasn't defined
them yet and i get an error message. The question is: if the user
defines those variables in the form later will the current design
If not is there any way that the user could set all values in the forms
and only then the rest of the script will be executed?

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You normaly do such things with
a form callback and not with global variables.

Then the only global varaible yo need is the form data structure itself.

- create and display the form
- the form callback calls the your ocean script
- the form field values are requeste form your ocean script

This are very basics in how user interfaces work in SKILL and can't
be explained exactly to what you need.
I rather sugest you to read the
'Cadence User Inerfaces SKILL Functions Reference' manual in cdsdoc.


Dmitriy Shurin wrote:
I wrote a menu in SKILL which contains several forms. For example the
user has to fill library and cellview to be simulated and the
simulations to be done. If i do the following:
load ""
design(library cell "schematic")
where library and cell are global variables which are defined in SKILL,
the variables library and cell remain empty because user hasn't defined
them yet and i get an error message. The question is: if the user
defines those variables in the form later will the current design
If not is there any way that the user could set all values in the forms
and only then the rest of the script will be executed?
I have already tried that. If i try to load OCEAN script i get an error.
The way i load the script is writing in the form:
?callback "load("oceanscript.ocn")"
but i get an error on that line. Do i do anything wrong here?

Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG
Build a procedure around your ocean script

procedure( myOceanScript( formDataStruct )
bla bla
e.g. formDataStruct->cellNameField->value

bla bla
do the script what ever

The file which includes the script must be present before
the callback gets called, so you can load it now without
it gets executed immediately while loading it.

Then you can use the procedure 'myOceanScript' as callback
procedure for you form.

?callback 'myOceanScript

This should help you, and read the manual.

PS: Also it would help people her if you
post example SKILL code or at least the error msg. you
I get an error is not very helpful at all DFII has thousands of
error messages.


Dmitriy Shurin wrote:
I have already tried that. If i try to load OCEAN script i get an error.
The way i load the script is writing in the form:
?callback "load("oceanscript.ocn")"
but i get an error on that line. Do i do anything wrong here?

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