Passing interface through hierachy ?

I need to construct a module with many identical interfaces. The module
must take each interface and feed it to another module at a lower
hierachy level, but I cannot get the VCS compiler to accept the
indexing into the array of interfaces. What am I doing wrong ? Any help
is highly appreciated.

interface my_interface; bit dummy; endinterface

module my_submod(my_interface intf); endmodule

module my_module(my_interface intf[0:10]);
my_submod inst0 (intf[0]); // CANNOT ACCEPT THIS
my_submod inst1 (intf[1]);

module top;
my_interface i[0:10]();
endmodule // top wrote:
I need to construct a module with many identical interfaces. The module
must take each interface and feed it to another module at a lower
hierachy level, but I cannot get the VCS compiler to accept the
indexing into the array of interfaces. What am I doing wrong ? Any help
is highly appreciated.
That would be an ideal feature, I haven't found it to be supported. I
posted a similar thread a while back, the answer was to contact your
tool vendor and, basically, beg for support.

Edmond Coté
Research Assistant
Computer Architecture Lab, Queen's University

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