passing arguments to ncverilog



Is there any way to pass an argument from a Cshell into the
the ncverilog simulator to be used in the top-level testbench?

For instance a variable "i" which takes on the values i = 1,2,3,4 ...
in the Cshell, and can be passed into the top-level testbench as
an argument to the ncverilog that I invoke in a Cshell.

Currently I set the variable "i" in a tb_defines.h file using
a 'define statement. Then in the top-level testbench I include
tb_defines.h file, so that I can access the value of "i" inside
the testbench.

But what I really want to do is pass it in from the Cshell.

steve M.
On 23 Mar, 06:23, junk_no_spam <> wrote:
Is there any way to pass an argument from a Cshell into the
the ncverilog simulator to be used in the top-level testbench?

For instance a variable "i" which takes on the values i = 1,2,3,4 ...
in the Cshell, and can be passed into the top-level testbench as
an argument to the ncverilog that I invoke in a Cshell.

Currently I set the variable "i" in a tb_defines.h file using
a 'define statement. Then in the top-level testbench I include
tb_defines.h file, so that I can access the value of "i" inside
the testbench.

But what I really want to do is pass it in from the Cshell.

steve M.
You can use the +define ncverilog command line argument to set a
'define from your script. Its a while since I used NC, but I think the
syntax is:


From a C-Shell script you will need to be careful about escaping the
junk_no_spam wrote:
Is there any way to pass an argument from a Cshell into the
the ncverilog simulator to be used in the top-level testbench?
If the value is something that is required to be a compile-time
constant (e.g. the value of a Verilog parameter or the size of
a vector), then you could use the +define option to set the value
of a macro, just as if you had used a `define in the source. This
would then require ncverilog to recompile the source every

If the value does not have to be a compile-time constant, but
just something tested at runtime, there is a better way that does
not require recompiling. You can pass it in as part of a plusarg
that you can give any name you want, and then retrieve the
value at runtime in your testbench code using the system function

For example, you could have your testbench execute

if ($value$plusargs("testnum=%d", testnum))
case (testnum)
$display("testnum not provided");

Then execute ncverilog with an option like

ncverilog +testnum=3 ...

Presumably you can get your Cshell to produce the proper
command line with the number filled in from the Cshell

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