Parts Organizer



Free Fully Functional Timed Version
One Entry Counter Per Listbox
BackUp Load and Save Options
Programmable ListBox Names
ListerPro Professional Ver 1.9
Bold Titles and Data Entry
Color Programmable Text and Backgrounds
Cheap $40 via Paypal
Unlimited Support For Registered Users
Organize your lists in 12 Programmable Name ListBoxes, Keep track of
food items to buy, Todo Lists, Repair Lists, Maintenance Lists, To
Buy, ToDo, To Sell, To Call, To Design, To Make, To Order, To Modify
Etc. Great For Email /URL Lists, Grocery Lists, Cloths to Buy,
organize list manage reminder Etc.
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 14:39:57 -0700 (PDT), ssbe83754
<> wrote:

Free Fully Functional Timed Version
One Entry Counter Per Listbox
BackUp Load and Save Options
Programmable ListBox Names
ListerPro Professional Ver 1.9
Bold Titles and Data Entry
Color Programmable Text and Backgrounds
Cheap $40 via Paypal
Unlimited Support For Registered Users
Organize your lists in 12 Programmable Name ListBoxes, Keep track of
food items to buy, Todo Lists, Repair Lists, Maintenance Lists, To
Buy, ToDo, To Sell, To Call, To Design, To Make, To Order, To Modify
Etc. Great For Email /URL Lists, Grocery Lists, Cloths to Buy,
organize list manage reminder Etc.
Junk. Don't buy it.

ssbe83754@ wrote:
[SPAM (Yet again)]

John Larkin wrote:
Junk. Don't buy it.

His spam has been a pimple on the ass of Usenet for years:

Isn't "bad VisualBasic" redundant?
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:31:02 -0700 (PDT), JeffM <>

Isn't "bad VisualBasic" redundant?
No. I dd some vertical market software in VB6 a couple of years ago
and the client was happy with it because 1) I could have it to them in
a week or so and 2) their users could run it on just about any PC
(primary reason for using VB6, as there were a lot of older computers
in use).

Processing speed was not a concern, as the data files being processed
were typically small (typically under 1GB, max of 2GB). Fancy
graphics and animation were not needed. The only web interface was a
link to the client's home page.

"Bad" can apply to Visual C, C#, java, python, ASP, SQL or any other
development platform. "Good" and "bad" are entirely up to the

There is a lot of "bad" VB (all versions) simply because it's
relatively easy to learn the basics and create something simple ("drag
& drop"). Creating something that runs concurrently on multiple
computers, interfaces with a MySQL database over a network in real
time, and interfaces with Word and Excel isn't so simple.

On Oct 14, 2:39 pm, ssbe83754 <> wrote:
Free Fully Functional Timed Version
One Entry Counter Per Listbox
BackUp Load and Save Options
Programmable ListBox Names
ListerPro Professional Ver 1.9
Bold Titles and Data Entry
Color Programmable Text and Backgrounds
Cheap $40 via Paypal
Unlimited Support For Registered Users
Organize your lists in 12 Programmable Name ListBoxes, Keep track of
food items to buy, Todo Lists, Repair Lists, Maintenance Lists, To
Buy, ToDo, To Sell, To Call, To Design, To Make, To Order, To Modify
Etc. Great For Email /URL Lists, Grocery Lists, Cloths to Buy,
organize list manage reminder Etc.

"People to Visit" seems to have a bug:
[SPAM from a VisualBasic programmer
remarkable only in the breadth to which he SPAMs it
blockquoted in full with SPAM links included]

Michael wrote:
"People to Visit" seems to have a bug:
[SPAM link re-posted yet again.]

Pull your head out of your ass.
Learn to recognize SPAM like a thinking individual.
Quit clicking SPAM links.

....and if you are *clicking* links from within the Google Groups page
(in a way that gives the Referrer URL as
--instead of cutting & pasting those into a BLANK page)
I hope you die in a fire, asshole.

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