Part my experience, part quicidence. YOu need these things

  • Thread starter Nicholas R Forystek
  • Start date

Nicholas R Forystek

You need an AddIn ActiveX EXE that utilizes itself as a
pre-cursor to VB6.EXE while VB6.EXE is in execution when it calls it, and
also contains a object component that is part the AddIn to VB6.EXE but in
instanced and viewed by the ActiveX EXE in collective at it's running level.
This has to be a multi instance able app. Also you need VB6.EXE or sometime
with in this ActiveX EXE to have the configuration able to sign your code
during the compile collective similar to as if handled like .NET. In of
which of course it needs to work to be operation in compiling directive from
command line to tiself similar to redunancy awareness. YOu don't have to
have it pushed to yorusystem all in one conglomerate attempt but if your
mear taht of which is VB6.EXE redundancy with a signed app as the interface
then you may tend to see a interference and attempt at Vb6.EXE's life itself
through continuous entry and error after another in path continues not
eratic but goal derived seemingly in path one after another in check and
completes, unless you truly thwarte it off. Is jsut facts they're be in
your sign tool and yoru backups if you dont' be careful about dislocationa
nd backup stability. Too nice is oops, VB6.exe isnt' recompiled so can't be
theoretically signed with out interferance to tiself, even if it was the
wishes of Microsft themselves, all be it they probably do have the the
ability to recompile it from whatever it's derived of in original code.
That's sick, puppies are still fucking with me and my app is showing
ignorance to the update face, skippping a build and executing an old one.
This can't be it's either a crime invasion or a accident ignorance intrusion
to they can't fully or a test? Or jsut real, it's about to become my tenth
get the fuck off my system update and it's going out whether they cache or
not..... oops the other or, highly likely and even scariest, the NTFS
security breach of difference in the WIndows 7 system is being kept and not
thrown everything out that makes me think "Updating/Extracting/Installing"
is not a one reference too many when first putting in a CD to boot
installation. It's a truth with out yuour internet connection. Just
becasue you ahve a FAT/FAT32 USB does not mean it AUTOMATICALLY deserves to
be called fixed by Windows 7 or higher. Then your put in one too many
impressions to teh NTFS security and tryte tested and true mastery over
FAT/FAT32 equivelent to non other then a Linux user privlidge in stength
when domain powered, and plenty of domains NT exist. That means the domain
to teh group to the machine name and username is tree fortified in strength.
Not byte more, no byte less, I think it's the shifting file problem. I'm
getting when I mess around with these images and sort and move them and
sutff, I get they start appearing doubled no matter what when I thin out the
doubles they just keep coming overwriteing there was a file there until it
wants me to thin it to no end and loose all. That is like thsi ActiveX EXE
from the prior builds with a messagebox in for debiuggin that isn't anymore,
Is coming up in the batch compiles like just to get around I compile itself.
So I don't know, I know that certificate hoods themselves transfer like such
but in that they're not to be considered the actaul file they sign. A
certificate transfered is presence fo alot of cryptologic transfer not
information itself like the whole file, that's the illusion it's written on
the file. There's nothing more the customer data in heiarchy form the

Stay beatdowns and get up,
-Nicholas Forystek-

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