parser VHDL to DOT (graphviz)



I am looking for a parser to translate VHDL to DOT (graphviz).
I want to automaticaly create figures for FSMs and hierarquical
representation of modules.

Does anyone know some starting points ?

Alexandre wrote:

I am looking for a parser to translate VHDL to DOT (graphviz).
The quartus state machine viewer
can pick directed graphs out of vhdl or verilog
code and can print them like this:

It is unlikely that a vhdl user would
reinvent this wheel.

-- Mike Treseler
Mike Treseler escreveu: wrote:

I am looking for a parser to translate VHDL to DOT (graphviz).

The quartus state machine viewer
can pick directed graphs out of vhdl or verilog
code and can print them like this:

It is unlikely that a vhdl user would
reinvent this wheel.

-- Mike Treseler
I forgot to mention that it must be a command-line program. I want to
build an "automatic
documentation environment" where the tool generates a latex doc with
things like ports, hierarchy, graphical fsm, etc

something like :
- vhdldoc test.vhd > test.tex
- pdflatex test.tex

but i need a parser to generate the figures related to FSM and

Dear Mike,
when you say "quartus" you mean Altera's software ?

Alexandre escreveu:

Mike Treseler escreveu: wrote:

I am looking for a parser to translate VHDL to DOT (graphviz).

The quartus state machine viewer
can pick directed graphs out of vhdl or verilog
code and can print them like this:

It is unlikely that a vhdl user would
reinvent this wheel.

-- Mike Treseler

I forgot to mention that it must be a command-line program. I want to
build an "automatic
documentation environment" where the tool generates a latex doc with
things like ports, hierarchy, graphical fsm, etc

something like :
- vhdldoc test.vhd > test.tex
- pdflatex test.tex

but i need a parser to generate the figures related to FSM and

Dear Mike,
when you say "quartus" you mean Altera's software ?

Moreover, a solution based on free software and/or free libraries
would be better :)

Alexandre wrote:

I forgot to mention that it must be a command-line program. I want to
build an "automatic
documentation environment" where the tool generates a latex doc with
things like ports, hierarchy, graphical fsm, etc
something like :
- vhdldoc test.vhd > test.tex
- pdflatex test.tex
but i need a parser to generate the figures related to FSM and

Similar tools exist, but no open
source code as far as I know.

Who is the audience?
I would learn more from a working testbench
than a binder full of such documents.

when you say "quartus" you mean Altera's software ?
Yes. A licensed copy gives you an interactive
viewer with hierarchical blocks that covers
your requirements except for the command line.
The emacs vhdl-mode speedbar *is* open source
but covers only structure.

-- Mike Treseler wrote:
Moreover, a solution based on free software and/or free libraries
would be better :)

There is a VHDL documentation tool that parses VHDL files using PERL.
You can take a look at it here:

It can create HTM or even LATEX I think.

Or I you can use ANTLR ( and the VHDL grammar
( to
create your own parser.

-- Amal

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