As a newbie I was wondering if it gonna smoke ;-)
I'm planning to use a 74LS244 to bridge between a standard paralelle
port and breadboard (use for prototype of LS IC).
Is it safe, I mean will it stop bad stuff from prototype side to go to
pararallel port ics ?
And also what will happen if I disable output of LS244
I mean how will react standard LS TTL to HiZ input ?
As a newbie I was wondering if it gonna smoke ;-)
I'm planning to use a 74LS244 to bridge between a standard paralelle
port and breadboard (use for prototype of LS IC).
Is it safe, I mean will it stop bad stuff from prototype side to go to
pararallel port ics ?
And also what will happen if I disable output of LS244
I mean how will react standard LS TTL to HiZ input ?