I found the original 730-020 shorted. I replaced it and I checked
diodes around the chip for shorts or leakage and they seemed ok. Noted
nothing else blatantly suspicious so I fired up the set. It works
great but the regulator heat sink is too hot to keep a finger on after
about 10 minutes. Maybe this is normal but I'm concerned. Anyone have
any further insight on this set?
Thanks, Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.
diodes around the chip for shorts or leakage and they seemed ok. Noted
nothing else blatantly suspicious so I fired up the set. It works
great but the regulator heat sink is too hot to keep a finger on after
about 10 minutes. Maybe this is normal but I'm concerned. Anyone have
any further insight on this set?
Thanks, Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.