Wally Chopyk
I have this Panasonic S-17 monitor that is arcing and I need to identify
the replacement part. The arcing is inside a glass diode designated as
D613 on the circuit board. The diode is likely a zener, but unsure. The
board also has the designation S602 beside the diode with two arrows
facing each (spark gap).
Situation is I need to replace D613 with something, but what are the
specs or Panasonic part number? The diode has colour bands, red & yellow
on one end and black, gold (looks like?), and red.
Any help with a schematic, part number or D613 specification is welcome.
Thanks in advance... Wally
the replacement part. The arcing is inside a glass diode designated as
D613 on the circuit board. The diode is likely a zener, but unsure. The
board also has the designation S602 beside the diode with two arrows
facing each (spark gap).
Situation is I need to replace D613 with something, but what are the
specs or Panasonic part number? The diode has colour bands, red & yellow
on one end and black, gold (looks like?), and red.
Any help with a schematic, part number or D613 specification is welcome.
Thanks in advance... Wally