My appreciation to readers for answers to any part of this post 
I recently found a Panasonic PVS350D S-VHS camcorder at a local 'thrift store';
it had no power supply and the tape door was stuck open and wouldn't latch.
After disassembly and manually resetting the door latch, when power is applied,
the various controls light their corresponding LEDs where appropriate, but
none of the camera functions actually works -- when a tape is inserted, there
is a reel-drive solenoid engaging, but nothing else works and with or without
a tape, the machine powers off after about ten seconds. The capstan shaft
rotates continuously and the head drum spins briefly on power up. If any
of this sounds like some sequencing error due to mechanical issues, I would
be pleased to hear it. I don't have any documentation.
If on the other hand component failure is likely, then I would like to
detach the camera head from the deck and use it as a 400 line (or so) Y/C
studio camera (adapted into a new enclosure). I would appreciate hearing
from someone who can see the schematic if the camera could be made to
work without the rest of the deck. I would also appreciate scans of schematics
and wiring diagrams if possible
I would build necessary interfaces to the
focus and zoom motor circuits and any other camera controls previously handled
by the deck electronics; I am only concerned that camera video circuits are
not spread around the entire machine.
Many thanks,
I recently found a Panasonic PVS350D S-VHS camcorder at a local 'thrift store';
it had no power supply and the tape door was stuck open and wouldn't latch.
After disassembly and manually resetting the door latch, when power is applied,
the various controls light their corresponding LEDs where appropriate, but
none of the camera functions actually works -- when a tape is inserted, there
is a reel-drive solenoid engaging, but nothing else works and with or without
a tape, the machine powers off after about ten seconds. The capstan shaft
rotates continuously and the head drum spins briefly on power up. If any
of this sounds like some sequencing error due to mechanical issues, I would
be pleased to hear it. I don't have any documentation.
If on the other hand component failure is likely, then I would like to
detach the camera head from the deck and use it as a 400 line (or so) Y/C
studio camera (adapted into a new enclosure). I would appreciate hearing
from someone who can see the schematic if the camera could be made to
work without the rest of the deck. I would also appreciate scans of schematics
and wiring diagrams if possible
focus and zoom motor circuits and any other camera controls previously handled
by the deck electronics; I am only concerned that camera video circuits are
not spread around the entire machine.
Many thanks,