Where to set the damn thing?!?! (Sorry if I posted this in wrong
I've scrounged everywhere including Panasonic's own website for
instructions on where to set the Volume Leveler in the audio section
of most current(2006 & up) flat-panel consumer Panasonic TVs.
At their website, you can download any PDF manual for any Panasonic TV
as long as it's from the year 2003 or earlier(!)
At the websites offering free downloads of manuals up to last
year(basically current), you see the actual Panasonic manual but it
describes only what the function does - not where to set it! I know
what a volume leveler is - basically a limiter, but the setting on
Panasonic TVs has at least 5-7 positions.
I would appreciate anyone's help on this, particularly if you own a
recent model Panny LCD/Plasma and know where to set it to best effect.
Just not being able to find this out from the company itself is enough
of a turnoff and I will not be buying a Pansonic brand TV for any room
in my home anytime soon. To me, support is as important as the
quality of the product, and since Panny failed in that regard, they
have lost my business in the TV segment.
I've scrounged everywhere including Panasonic's own website for
instructions on where to set the Volume Leveler in the audio section
of most current(2006 & up) flat-panel consumer Panasonic TVs.
At their website, you can download any PDF manual for any Panasonic TV
as long as it's from the year 2003 or earlier(!)
At the websites offering free downloads of manuals up to last
year(basically current), you see the actual Panasonic manual but it
describes only what the function does - not where to set it! I know
what a volume leveler is - basically a limiter, but the setting on
Panasonic TVs has at least 5-7 positions.
I would appreciate anyone's help on this, particularly if you own a
recent model Panny LCD/Plasma and know where to set it to best effect.
Just not being able to find this out from the company itself is enough
of a turnoff and I will not be buying a Pansonic brand TV for any room
in my home anytime soon. To me, support is as important as the
quality of the product, and since Panny failed in that regard, they
have lost my business in the TV segment.