Panasonic palmcorder PV-L858 VHS-C - cassette door wont open


John Hudak

Hi Folks:
The palmcorder suffered a pretty good jolt while in its carrying case.
Unit turns on OK in Recorder mode. Hitting the Tape eject button
results in hearing sounds that are consistent with the normal ejection
cycle, but then a grinding sound is heard (buzzing perhaps?) for a few
seconds, the unit then shuts down, and the tape compartment door does
not unlatch. The unit can then be powered on again (in Recorder mode),
and the same thing happens when Tape eject button it hit.
After being powered on in VCR Player mode, the LCD works fine, as it did
in Recorder mode, however none of the play/ff/rev etc. buttons have any
I've tried this unit with both battery and direct DC power from the
battery charger.
Quesitons are:
1. How can I get to the mechanism that unlatches the cassette door?
2. Is there a way to 'fake out the system' to get the door to unlatch?
3. Any hints what might be a likely problem and replacement/repair
Another piece of information - lense focusing and zooming work OK.
Any help is really appreciated.

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