Panasonic NV-SD240B problem



I have a Panasonic NVSD240 that plays tapes perfectly well with brilliant picture. However, when powered on and before inserting a tape, it shows 'no signal' (no blue screen or similar as other VCRs - TV says 'no signal'). Also it does not respond to its original remote control. The remote itself is fully functional and I tested every button in it with an IR detector. Consequently the clock display keeps flashing 0:00 and I am unable to set the time or access the VCR menu as all of these functions require the remote, with no alternative buttons on the VCR itself. The connection to TV is via SCART (this UK model has no video out RCAs).
To reiterate, there is excellent picture when tape plays. Just 'no signal' when tape is stopped and no VCR menu. No response to remote either.
Can you help please?
Much thanks!!

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