I am experimenting with the inverter board from the Panasonic
NN-H665BF microwave oven (part no. F66456G01AP) in an effort
to convert it from constant power to constant voltage and
reduce output noise, ripple, and voltage to 2kV. I have
the schematic for a somewhat similar Panasonic oven, the
NN-G62BH, but there are big differences, especially that
my oven inverter uses only a single IGBT driver, has
no current transformer and uses a very different control
In a web forum, a poster mentioned having schematics for
these ovens on a 'Panasonic Service Manual CD' but I have
not found any other reference to this online.
Does anyone have a schematic or could point me to a source
(the Panasonic website only shows 'Instruction Manuals'
which are users' guides.)?
Hopefully I can save the many hours required to trace the
PCB. Thanks,
I am experimenting with the inverter board from the Panasonic
NN-H665BF microwave oven (part no. F66456G01AP) in an effort
to convert it from constant power to constant voltage and
reduce output noise, ripple, and voltage to 2kV. I have
the schematic for a somewhat similar Panasonic oven, the
NN-G62BH, but there are big differences, especially that
my oven inverter uses only a single IGBT driver, has
no current transformer and uses a very different control
In a web forum, a poster mentioned having schematics for
these ovens on a 'Panasonic Service Manual CD' but I have
not found any other reference to this online.
Does anyone have a schematic or could point me to a source
(the Panasonic website only shows 'Instruction Manuals'
which are users' guides.)?
Hopefully I can save the many hours required to trace the
PCB. Thanks,