Hello all: I am working on a model# CT32SX31E
When you press the power button the relay clicks, and nothing! VDC at
collector of horizontal output is 139 volts Found a 0.1 uf electrolytic
cap near IC101 reading an ESR and a 22uf electolytic cap reading ESR above
normal. I neglected to get those location numbers, anyway the set was
blowing the main fuse before I replaced them. Now the fuse is OK and I have
a B+ of 139 vdc at the collector of HOT I still have a dead set. Is IC101
a common failure on this set? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
When you press the power button the relay clicks, and nothing! VDC at
collector of horizontal output is 139 volts Found a 0.1 uf electrolytic
cap near IC101 reading an ESR and a 22uf electolytic cap reading ESR above
normal. I neglected to get those location numbers, anyway the set was
blowing the main fuse before I replaced them. Now the fuse is OK and I have
a B+ of 139 vdc at the collector of HOT I still have a dead set. Is IC101
a common failure on this set? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.