Panasonic cd fault


Sid Skooper

I have a Panasonic CQ-MR335LEN car Tuner & Minidisc player which
works. However, when plugging the in DP 600 six cd changer, the unit
switches to CD, loads a cd from cassette into the player and then ...
nothing. No head movement, no spining of disc. The lead that
connects the two units has obviously been caught at sometime but this
has been repaired and tests ok (pin to pin). I assumed the fault was
within the cd changer.

Now for the sad bit. I have just bought another cd changer (second
hand but said to be working) and low and behold.. the same fault.
Does this mean that perhaps the head unit is the faulty item after
all? Or do I now have two duff cd changers? Has anyone any knowledge
of these problems?
I have not worked on your model type, but can speak in general for these
types of units. It is very common in these types of units that the ribbon
cables, and or laser units fail. The cost of the laser unit is too expensive
to be worth to service. The ribbon cable can be ordered from Panasonic. I
don't know in your particular model if it is plugged on connectors, or has
to be soldered in. The only thing you can do is to clean the laser lens if
it gets dirty.

If there is no movement of the spindle or the laser assy, it may be the
ribbon cable, servo drive fault, and or a power supply fault. You may have
to have a service centre do an estimate for you, in order to determine if it
is worth to fix. In looking at the estimate cost alone, it may be worth to
buy a new one in the end.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Sid Skooper" <> wrote in message
I have a Panasonic CQ-MR335LEN car Tuner & Minidisc player which
works. However, when plugging the in DP 600 six cd changer, the unit
switches to CD, loads a cd from cassette into the player and then ...
nothing. No head movement, no spining of disc. The lead that
connects the two units has obviously been caught at sometime but this
has been repaired and tests ok (pin to pin). I assumed the fault was
within the cd changer.

Now for the sad bit. I have just bought another cd changer (second
hand but said to be working) and low and behold.. the same fault.
Does this mean that perhaps the head unit is the faulty item after
all? Or do I now have two duff cd changers? Has anyone any knowledge
of these problems?

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