Panasonic Audio Power IC ?


Phil Allison

** Anyone know the number of the power amplifier IC used in the Panasonic
SA- PM25 mini audio system.

It starts with LA47 ......

There is a *nasty burn hole* where the rest of the number should be !!

The IC has two mounting bolts and has maybe 18 - 20 pins on one side.

Any known traps ?

......... Phil

** Fuck off - autistic cunt .

........... Phil
"Trevor Wilson"
"Phil Allison"

** Anyone know the number of the power amplifier IC used in the
Panasonic SA- PM25 mini audio system.

It starts with LA47 ......

There is a *nasty burn hole* where the rest of the number should be !!

The IC has two mounting bolts and has maybe 18 - 20 pins on one side.

Any known traps ?

**I attempted to ascertain this info, but was told: "Ring Panasonic and
find out for yourself." HCSD don't seem to have a manual. I dunno where to
go from here, short of calling Panasonic.

** Might as well ask the cat ............

I notice that according to a flyer that arrived in my mail box yesterday,
Tandy have a nice TEAC brand (Chinese made for sure) unit with all the same
features as the one on offer for $79.99.

The Panasonic is scrap.


Thanks for asking, Trev.

......... Phil
"Mark Harriss"

Get Fucked!

** Mark Harriss is an anonymous, verminous, vile, know NOTHING criminal
psychopath from Cairns.

He used to crawl about in mud & water logged holes for Telstra - till
they finally sacked all the useless, dead wood, scumbag autistic pricks like

He is so incredibly dumb he has not the faintest idea he is dumb at all.

.......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Mark Harriss"

Get Fucked!

** Mark Harriss is an anonymous, verminous, vile, know NOTHING criminal
psychopath from Cairns.

He used to crawl about in mud & water logged holes for Telstra - till
they finally sacked all the useless, dead wood, scumbag autistic pricks

He is so incredibly dumb he has not the faintest idea he is dumb at all.
AND your the benchmark ...... ROLFLMAO

I would say your one lonely fool and possibly a dropout from school .

......... Phil
Phil i think you will find it is an LA4705
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
** Anyone know the number of the power amplifier IC used in the Panasonic
SA- PM25 mini audio system.

It starts with LA47 ......

There is a *nasty burn hole* where the rest of the number should be !!

The IC has two mounting bolts and has maybe 18 - 20 pins on one side.

Any known traps ?

........ Phil

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