I am working on a Panasonic SU-HT500P surround sound amplifier that is in
need of repair. When you turn the unit on, if turns itself back off almost
immediately. I know that older home stereo amps would do this if one of the
finals was bad. I have located a couple of parts that are bad but cannot
find cross reference numbers for them and need help.
Q701 - P/N: D237A
IC0602 - P/N: SVI 3102D
need of repair. When you turn the unit on, if turns itself back off almost
immediately. I know that older home stereo amps would do this if one of the
finals was bad. I have located a couple of parts that are bad but cannot
find cross reference numbers for them and need help.
Q701 - P/N: D237A
IC0602 - P/N: SVI 3102D