Me again. This is a post about a problem, but maybe also for a solution for all
of us. This particular model is an HDTV and the symptom is that it shuts down
after a few hours. For those who don't know, this set shuts down through the
uProcessor on a line called SOS. Printless at the time, and due to the fact
that the set would restart on <u>one</u> push of the power button, I told the
powers that be it could be shutdown or loss of standby or the uProcessor. I now
have a print but due to the way the set shuts down, the lack of a DSO poses a
bit of a challenge.
I would like to call your attention to:
<a href="http://members.aol.com/JURB6006/panscan1.jpg">panscan1.jpg</a>
or, if you would rather download the drawing and open it in an image editor so
you can zoom etc., click:
<a href="ftp://members.aol.com/JURB6006/panscan1.jpg">panscan1.jpg (public
It's about 180K.
At the lower left, the collector of Q1581 feeds the SOS line. Second from the
left is the "ABL" voltage, which can't really be called ABL anymore. It used to
be clamped and if it ever dropped, video drive would be reduced. In the newer
sets it is a HV current feedback line, and is used by the sweep circuits to
improve the stability of the raster. The third line from the left is the
filament voltage, and if it exceeds the limit, the set will shutdown.
Measurements at Q1581 would be useless, but at the two points I marked, it can
be determined whether the current or voltage is tripping it. The problem is
that you would have to be there when it happens. the way I see it there are a
few possiblities. One is that regulation is failing and tripping it through
Q1582, or a fault at or near Q1582. Another possiblility is that beam current
is going high and tripping it through D1581 & D1582, or that one of those
zeners is leaky, or intermittently leaky. This is a higher probability than
most think because they are conected end to end and as such the juncture
between them is highly susceptible to static. Along with their proximity to the
flyback, they are suspect. As such, I'll order a pair Monday.
I'm not being pessimistic, but I cannot go on any assumption that D1581 & 1582
will fix the problem. It's just that they are so cheap and they <u>might</u>
fix it. I must still troubleshoot it.
It's also possible that the zeners are doing their job and there is a loss of
ABL signal to the video circuit. I've had this in a different set and it was
really a fun one to run down.
Note that due to the highly intermittent nature of this problem I really really
want to avoid disabling any shutdown lines. In fact, I almost never do that
anymore. Too much can happen too fast.
What I would like to do is to build a little "tattletail" circuit. At the marks
I made on panscan1.jpg, either the cathode of D1581 or the collector of Q1582
is dropping <u>before</u> the other, and before the 12V line. The problem is
that the 12V line goes away when it shuts down, so this doohicky would have to
be self powered. I'm thinking wallwart, SCR, LED resistor and maybe an opto and
another resistor. I'm trying to keep it K.I.S.S.
Also, the presence of C1581 and R1582 puzzles me, unless there is something
else also feeding the SOS line. At the very least this would be sweep failure
detectors. Note that nobody in the shop has observed it actually going out, it
takes too long.
I get all the fun ones. (not whining, that is one of my functions there) So
nice to be able to share them with you though .
Thanx in advnce for any ideas, and when I do get this beast fixed, you will be
among the first to know. (of course with details)
Me again. This is a post about a problem, but maybe also for a solution for all
of us. This particular model is an HDTV and the symptom is that it shuts down
after a few hours. For those who don't know, this set shuts down through the
uProcessor on a line called SOS. Printless at the time, and due to the fact
that the set would restart on <u>one</u> push of the power button, I told the
powers that be it could be shutdown or loss of standby or the uProcessor. I now
have a print but due to the way the set shuts down, the lack of a DSO poses a
bit of a challenge.
I would like to call your attention to:
<a href="http://members.aol.com/JURB6006/panscan1.jpg">panscan1.jpg</a>
or, if you would rather download the drawing and open it in an image editor so
you can zoom etc., click:
<a href="ftp://members.aol.com/JURB6006/panscan1.jpg">panscan1.jpg (public
It's about 180K.
At the lower left, the collector of Q1581 feeds the SOS line. Second from the
left is the "ABL" voltage, which can't really be called ABL anymore. It used to
be clamped and if it ever dropped, video drive would be reduced. In the newer
sets it is a HV current feedback line, and is used by the sweep circuits to
improve the stability of the raster. The third line from the left is the
filament voltage, and if it exceeds the limit, the set will shutdown.
Measurements at Q1581 would be useless, but at the two points I marked, it can
be determined whether the current or voltage is tripping it. The problem is
that you would have to be there when it happens. the way I see it there are a
few possiblities. One is that regulation is failing and tripping it through
Q1582, or a fault at or near Q1582. Another possiblility is that beam current
is going high and tripping it through D1581 & D1582, or that one of those
zeners is leaky, or intermittently leaky. This is a higher probability than
most think because they are conected end to end and as such the juncture
between them is highly susceptible to static. Along with their proximity to the
flyback, they are suspect. As such, I'll order a pair Monday.
I'm not being pessimistic, but I cannot go on any assumption that D1581 & 1582
will fix the problem. It's just that they are so cheap and they <u>might</u>
fix it. I must still troubleshoot it.
It's also possible that the zeners are doing their job and there is a loss of
ABL signal to the video circuit. I've had this in a different set and it was
really a fun one to run down.
Note that due to the highly intermittent nature of this problem I really really
want to avoid disabling any shutdown lines. In fact, I almost never do that
anymore. Too much can happen too fast.
What I would like to do is to build a little "tattletail" circuit. At the marks
I made on panscan1.jpg, either the cathode of D1581 or the collector of Q1582
is dropping <u>before</u> the other, and before the 12V line. The problem is
that the 12V line goes away when it shuts down, so this doohicky would have to
be self powered. I'm thinking wallwart, SCR, LED resistor and maybe an opto and
another resistor. I'm trying to keep it K.I.S.S.
Also, the presence of C1581 and R1582 puzzles me, unless there is something
else also feeding the SOS line. At the very least this would be sweep failure
detectors. Note that nobody in the shop has observed it actually going out, it
takes too long.
I get all the fun ones. (not whining, that is one of my functions there) So
nice to be able to share them with you though .
Thanx in advnce for any ideas, and when I do get this beast fixed, you will be
among the first to know. (of course with details)