Just curious as to the level of potential interest in a pair of retrofit
modules to replace the now virtually unobtainable, TEK-specific parts U400 &
U800 which often seem to fail in these otherwise superb scopes.
I'm not an electronics engineer, but a good friend of mine, himself an
electronics design engineer, has many of these scopes, often purchased to
cannibalise for spares to rebuild 465/2465s with lower hours. He is in the
process of prototyping a pair of retrofit modules for these two chips which
can be retrofitted by anyone with a moderate degree of soldering skill.
He and two of his colleagues between them have over 30(!) of these
instruments all needing these replacement chips, so this project has a fair
chance of becoming a reality in the next few months. If the volumes are
realistic, a ceramic hybrid-based module will be commisioned, or if lower
volumes, a pcb with identical footprint to the existing chip outlines.
If there's any interest in this project, let's have your thoughts.
modules to replace the now virtually unobtainable, TEK-specific parts U400 &
U800 which often seem to fail in these otherwise superb scopes.
I'm not an electronics engineer, but a good friend of mine, himself an
electronics design engineer, has many of these scopes, often purchased to
cannibalise for spares to rebuild 465/2465s with lower hours. He is in the
process of prototyping a pair of retrofit modules for these two chips which
can be retrofitted by anyone with a moderate degree of soldering skill.
He and two of his colleagues between them have over 30(!) of these
instruments all needing these replacement chips, so this project has a fair
chance of becoming a reality in the next few months. If the volumes are
realistic, a ceramic hybrid-based module will be commisioned, or if lower
volumes, a pcb with identical footprint to the existing chip outlines.
If there's any interest in this project, let's have your thoughts.