Peter Howard
Anyone ever heard of, or used this outfit?
I stumbled across the site while engaged in a fruitless online search for
someone in Australia who could lay out and make a pcb for me.
Pad2Pad claim to make custom pcbs which you design and order using their
free download design tool. They're based in NJ USA though for all I know,
the pcb's are actually made by political outcasts in Chinese jails.
The website is glossy, informative and has attractive sample pricing
information. The downloaded design tool is quite nice to use by my untutored
newbie standards, with an extensive library of standard component
Does anyone know of a better (free) pcb design tool or of anyone closer to
home who offers a similar service? I know of RCS radio. I've used some nice
kit pcb's of theirs but too many hoops to jump through to actually get a
custom one made.
I stumbled across the site while engaged in a fruitless online search for
someone in Australia who could lay out and make a pcb for me.
Pad2Pad claim to make custom pcbs which you design and order using their
free download design tool. They're based in NJ USA though for all I know,
the pcb's are actually made by political outcasts in Chinese jails.
The website is glossy, informative and has attractive sample pricing
information. The downloaded design tool is quite nice to use by my untutored
newbie standards, with an extensive library of standard component
Does anyone know of a better (free) pcb design tool or of anyone closer to
home who offers a similar service? I know of RCS radio. I've used some nice
kit pcb's of theirs but too many hoops to jump through to actually get a
custom one made.