Juan Carlos Allica

Hello to evone.

I am trying to use Package Math_Real (trying to add it to IEEE lib ,
because in the package puts

This package shall be compiled into a library
symbolically named IEEE.) i tried but i have had a lot of compilation

has anyone used it ?

thanks in advance
Juan Carlos Allica wrote:

This package shall be compiled into a library
symbolically named IEEE.) i tried but i have had a lot of compilation

has anyone used it ?
I've played with it, but I compiled
it into, and used it from
a library of a different name.

-- Mike Treseler.
Juan Carlos Allica wrote:

Hello to evone.

I am trying to use Package Math_Real (trying to add it to IEEE lib ,
because in the package puts

This package shall be compiled into a library
symbolically named IEEE.) i tried but i have had a lot of compilation

has anyone used it ?
In most simulation and synthesis tools (Aldec, Modeltech, Synplicity,
etc) it is already built in. You should not need to compile it.

For some tools, you can't compile into the IEEE library, because it is
built into the tool.

What I would do, if it's not already there, and you can't compile into
IEEE, is to create a new library. Name the new library "ieee_proposed",
and compile it into that. Then reference it like this:

library ieee_proposed;
use ieee_porposed.math_real.all;

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