Doug Flynn
Hi dudes
Does anyone know anywhere or anyone in Oz who sells insulated ceramic
terminals, high voltage wire/heatshrink? I'm building a tube amp with
a 1.2kV power supply and I don't want to fry myself.
Any help appreciated. Please email your reply to the group or to me
at doug.flynn@ipaustralia.gov.au (please don't use my Bigpond email
address as Telstra has pretty much given up on delivering emails to
Bigpond customers).
Cheers. Doug
Does anyone know anywhere or anyone in Oz who sells insulated ceramic
terminals, high voltage wire/heatshrink? I'm building a tube amp with
a 1.2kV power supply and I don't want to fry myself.
Any help appreciated. Please email your reply to the group or to me
at doug.flynn@ipaustralia.gov.au (please don't use my Bigpond email
address as Telstra has pretty much given up on delivering emails to
Bigpond customers).
Cheers. Doug