I desire to place OVL checkers on the FSM transitions. I wanted to use
the "assert_transition" checker, defining the FSM current state as the
test expression; a specific value of the current state as the start
state and an expression, describing the transition as the next state.
This expression depends on the input signals, updated during the work.
The problem is that the evaluation of the expression for next state is
performed on the exit from reset and any further change of the
expression doesn't influence the expression evaluation, in other words
the assertion seems to handle only non-changing expressions.
This restricts my possibilities to check the FSM.
What should I use to nevertheless check that if in the middle of the
work the signal "A" appears the FSM transits from the "CURR_STATE" to
"NEXT_STATE_A" and if signal "B" appears, it will transit to
the "assert_transition" checker, defining the FSM current state as the
test expression; a specific value of the current state as the start
state and an expression, describing the transition as the next state.
This expression depends on the input signals, updated during the work.
The problem is that the evaluation of the expression for next state is
performed on the exit from reset and any further change of the
expression doesn't influence the expression evaluation, in other words
the assertion seems to handle only non-changing expressions.
This restricts my possibilities to check the FSM.
What should I use to nevertheless check that if in the middle of the
work the signal "A" appears the FSM transits from the "CURR_STATE" to
"NEXT_STATE_A" and if signal "B" appears, it will transit to