Overview of Electroics



I am currently studying Electronic Engineering and am innindated by
math. Is there any simple books out there that show how the math plugs
into electronics or do I have to grin and bear it?
Does ne one else have any other suggestions?
Mick Carey
If you are studying electronic and are intimidated by math you better choose
another topic to study


Dan Hollands
1120 S Creek Dr
Webster NY 14580

"Michael" <mickpc@bigpond.com> wrote in message
I am currently studying Electronic Engineering and am innindated by math.
Is there any simple books out there that show how the math plugs into
electronics or do I have to grin and bear it?
Does ne one else have any other suggestions?
Mick Carey

I suggest you take a look at these free, downloadable books written by a
teacher in electronics.


I had especially good use of the one concerning alternating current - I got
at last - after much vain striving - a thorough understanding of how to
compute electronic circuits containing AC-components - a task which can be
difficult to understand without the right mathematical tools. Kuphalt
explains it in a crystal-clear way - one just has to give it a chance and
take some time.

I have read many books when I had to study something new - there are good
books and books so stupid that one might wonder why the chap who wrote them
wouldn't have been better off in a different profession.
Kuphalts books have been written in an easy understandable english
language - easy to read even for a scandinavian reader like me.
Fortunately I happened to come across these books via other interesting
links in electronics.
Another good thing is, all 6 books are free to download - new and extended
editions appear regularly.
A fast download possibility might come in handy - some of the files are
pretty big.

Have a look and be welcome to tell me what you think of the books.

Kind regards

Rolf in Denmark.

"Michael" <mickpc@bigpond.com> skrev i en meddelelse
I am currently studying Electronic Engineering and am innindated by math.
Is there any simple books out there that show how the math plugs into
electronics or do I have to grin and bear it?
Does ne one else have any other suggestions?
Mick Carey
On Tue, 24 May 2005 02:15:53 +0000, Michael wrote:

I am currently studying Electronic Engineering and am innindated by
math. Is there any simple books out there that show how the math plugs
into electronics or do I have to grin and bear it?
Does ne one else have any other suggestions?
If you've neglected to get good enough at the needed math before
taking on EE, then, I'm afraid, you'll have to bite the bullet and
learn them concurrently.

Good Luck!
Dan Hollands wrote:
If you are studying electronic and are intimidated by math you better choose
another topic to study

Its not so much the math, but its just the relentless persuit of the
math at expense of a proper understanding of where it fits in.
Thanks for the suggestions

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