I've googled about a bit, but not found the perfect answer yet. Does
anyone have any suggestions for reading material (paper or web), that
would serve as an introductory overview of FPGAs for non-technical
managers? Something that gives a rough idea of what typically can and
cannot be achieved in hardware, and a sense of the difficulties and
effort required to do so. Thats probably a lot to ask, but if you know
of any good introductions, I would appreciate a link.
Thanks for your help.
I've googled about a bit, but not found the perfect answer yet. Does
anyone have any suggestions for reading material (paper or web), that
would serve as an introductory overview of FPGAs for non-technical
managers? Something that gives a rough idea of what typically can and
cannot be achieved in hardware, and a sense of the difficulties and
effort required to do so. Thats probably a lot to ask, but if you know
of any good introductions, I would appreciate a link.
Thanks for your help.