'Oval Lens' ( half-opal ) E10/13 Flashlight Bulbs

  • Thread starter Martin Postranecky
  • Start date

Martin Postranecky

Am looking for some so-called "oval lens" torch light bulbs
( also known as "opal" or "half-opal" ) - they are those which have
flattish/flattened lens instead of the normal spherical lens.

Standard Edison screw base ( E10/13 I expect ), preferably 3.5V rated.

These used to be common in Europe until late 1930's, and still available
recently from Far East.

Now, I don't seem to be able to find them anywhere... I believe they are
still made ( hand-made ? ) for toy-collector market, but would appreciate
a source info, if anybody can help.

Many thanks !

Martin Postranecky wrote:

Am looking for some so-called "oval lens" torch light bulbs
( also known as "opal" or "half-opal" ) - they are those which have
flattish/flattened lens instead of the normal spherical lens.

Standard Edison screw base ( E10/13 I expect ), preferably 3.5V rated.

These used to be common in Europe until late 1930's, and still available
recently from Far East.

Now, I don't seem to be able to find them anywhere... I believe they are
still made ( hand-made ? ) for toy-collector market, but would appreciate
a source info, if anybody can help.

Many thanks !

If this is for a device that is powered by three 1.5V cells, then it is
an excellent candidate for a white LED and resistor. Use an old burned
out lamp base to hold the LED and resistor. You can heat the base with
a soldering iron to melt the glue that holds the glass in. Then
unsolder the leads and clean out all the gunk. Install a Nichia
NSPW500BS white LED with a 33 ohm resistor (in series with one lead) in
the base, observing proper polarity. You can put some clear silicone
seal in and around the base for shockproofing, however I've not put
anything around the ones I made, with no problems. This LED light will
be whiter than the lamp, and draw less current, and never burn out.

You can buy a 20 degree white LED just like the one above for a dollar
each and postage from http://www.whitelightled.com/.

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