Our Heavenly Father 6-17-05 at 11:55 A.M.



Our Heavenly Father says,
"So little is spoken by clerical individuals, thus ignoring the Part I
Play in each human living being, because of the Importance in which
human life was created, and that is to live and to be returned, not
just in a casual degree of understanding, but an Important Evaluation
of What is awaiting the Souls that nothing else can compare to."

ON JUNE 17,2005 AT 11:55 A.M.


"I am your Heavenly Father.

I have, in many ways today, spoken many Important Facts,
Instructions and Directions to and through this little one that I use
for so much of My Will to be delivered to as many human beings that is
feasible in number at this time, to more indepthly understand the
Importance of My Will to be accomplished under all circumstances,
because of the Importance They stand for and They uphold in how I
Want, how I Will the Souls of millions of human beings to be aided by
These and by those in whom They are present for a given time.

So little is spoken by clerical individuals, thus ignoring the
Part I Play in each human living being, because of the Importance in
which human life was created, and that is to live and to be returned,
not just in a casual degree of understanding, but an Important
Evaluation of What is awaiting the Souls that nothing else can compare

I will close now, because of All I have thus far given to this
little one I use, but as My Words are addressed to encourage, to aid,
and to instill in others the Importance of following My Will, is a
Gift beyond what It is understood to be; but My Time with you each
time I spend It, I beseech you to see the Importance of What I speak
to you, and the Goal for which It is aimed for you to one day be with

Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
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