OT: User forum design


D Yuniskis


[Apologies for crossposting but I think there enough different
types of readers/users in these groups to give me a variety
of opinions]

I need to design a "User's Forum" for an upcoming product release.
The goal (as always) is to let users share their ideas, solutions,
gripes, etc. with each other directly without going "through"
any business structure.

I've been trying to put together an appropriate set of
design criteria for that mechanism. The folks using this will
be of varying degrees of "computer savvy" -- from "none"
to "expert". The experience should be as friendly/annoying
to users at either end of the spectrum.

A few issues are not negotiable; some have "very high
inertia" (but could be "moved" given the right impetus)
and others are just "whims".

I've pretty much decided that this will all be SMTP driven.
This gives tighter control over "membership" as well as
being damn near ubiquitous. It also means the service
needn't be as "exposed" to potential hackery.

Since it is too easy for folks to harvest email addresses,
I think the software should hide email addresses completely.
(I may also suggest creating arbitrary "handles" for users
so that their real names are, by default, hidden -- unless
they opt to disclose them deliberately).

This poses a problem for "private" conversation. I've not
decided how to handle that (e.g., provide a separate channel
explicitly for this? But, I don't want to encourage it's use
:< ).

I suspect a "file area" may be necessary -- otherwise everyone
gets a copy of *every* file that *anyone* opts to post. :<
But, that poses a problem for liability issues as well as
making demands on how *much* can be "stored" there and by who...

The biggest issue is moderation. I don't want to have to
have *a* moderator intervene in all posts. Yet, I want to
ensure that the forum remains on topic and doesn't just become
a haven for whiners needing someone to commiserate with, etc.
I've thought of things like the Craig's List model of "self
moderation" but I don't think that works in a "push" technology.
I would hate to have to implement an HTTP/NNTP-ish server
*tickled* with SMTP pushes followed up with HTTP/NNTP

Ideas? Pointers??

D Yuniskis wrote:

[Apologies for crossposting but I think there enough different
types of readers/users in these groups to give me a variety
of opinions]

I need to design a "User's Forum" for an upcoming product release.
The goal (as always) is to let users share their ideas, solutions,
gripes, etc. with each other directly without going "through"
any business structure.

I've been trying to put together an appropriate set of
design criteria for that mechanism. The folks using this will
be of varying degrees of "computer savvy" -- from "none"
to "expert". The experience should be as friendly/annoying
to users at either end of the spectrum.

A few issues are not negotiable; some have "very high
inertia" (but could be "moved" given the right impetus)
and others are just "whims".

I've pretty much decided that this will all be SMTP driven.
This gives tighter control over "membership" as well as
being damn near ubiquitous. It also means the service
needn't be as "exposed" to potential hackery.
Are there other reasons that using an off-the-shelf solution, such as
pgpBB or vBulletin wouldn't work in your application? I think the
concerns you mention are valid, but I've dealt with several companies
that use the off-the-shelf software for their user forums and it seems
to work pretty well for them. Membership can be completely subject to
approval if you so choose. It seems that not taking advantage of the
benefits such software offers vs. some hypothetical security advantages
of a SMTP driven system might be cutting off your nose to spite your face.
D Yuniskis wrote:

[Apologies for crossposting but I think there enough different
types of readers/users in these groups to give me a variety
of opinions]

I need to design a "User's Forum" for an upcoming product release.
The goal (as always) is to let users share their ideas, solutions,
gripes, etc. with each other directly without going "through"
any business structure.

I've been trying to put together an appropriate set of
design criteria for that mechanism. The folks using this will
be of varying degrees of "computer savvy" -- from "none"
to "expert". The experience should be as friendly/annoying
to users at either end of the spectrum.

A few issues are not negotiable; some have "very high
inertia" (but could be "moved" given the right impetus)
and others are just "whims".

I've pretty much decided that this will all be SMTP driven.
This gives tighter control over "membership" as well as
being damn near ubiquitous. It also means the service
needn't be as "exposed" to potential hackery.

Since it is too easy for folks to harvest email addresses,
I think the software should hide email addresses completely.
(I may also suggest creating arbitrary "handles" for users
so that their real names are, by default, hidden -- unless
they opt to disclose them deliberately).

This poses a problem for "private" conversation. I've not
decided how to handle that (e.g., provide a separate channel
explicitly for this? But, I don't want to encourage it's use
:< ).

I suspect a "file area" may be necessary -- otherwise everyone
gets a copy of *every* file that *anyone* opts to post. :
But, that poses a problem for liability issues as well as
making demands on how *much* can be "stored" there and by who...

The biggest issue is moderation. I don't want to have to
have *a* moderator intervene in all posts. Yet, I want to
ensure that the forum remains on topic and doesn't just become
a haven for whiners needing someone to commiserate with, etc.
I've thought of things like the Craig's List model of "self
moderation" but I don't think that works in a "push" technology.
I would hate to have to implement an HTTP/NNTP-ish server
*tickled* with SMTP pushes followed up with HTTP/NNTP

Ideas? Pointers??

All that sounds like complicated overkill.

Why don't you just use one of the countless off-the-shelf bbs style boards?
e.g. SimpleMachinesForum, phpBB etc
Like my eevblog forum here:
This is how countless businesses and user group forums work. The more
advanced pay-for ones can really be integrated into the look and feel of
your corporate website. But so can the free ones too.
Development support for these forums is excellent, and there are plenty of
forum geeks you can hire to write custom scripts if needed.
Zero spam, and you can appoint people to be admin/moderators if needed, so
any bad stuff gets knocked on the head pretty quickly.

Almost every web host has these available as single click installs these
days, otherwise it's pretty easy to donwload and install yourself.
Trivial to set up and most users are familiar and comfortable with forums
like these.
Remember too, many users will not want to to use their real email address -


Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
Bitrex wrote:

Are there other reasons that using an off-the-shelf solution, such as
pgpBB or vBulletin wouldn't work in your application? I think the
I haven't found any that fit this set of requirements. :<

concerns you mention are valid, but I've dealt with several companies
that use the off-the-shelf software for their user forums and it seems
to work pretty well for them. Membership can be completely subject to
approval if you so choose. It seems that not taking advantage of the
benefits such software offers vs. some hypothetical security advantages
of a SMTP driven system might be cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The OTS solutions (that I have seen) require *a* moderator
(or are unmoderated) and require a "network visible" server.
The solution I seek would *not* require a moderator and
could be hosted anywhere mail is accessible (i.e., damn near
everywhere) regardless of the size of the pipe.

Could you let any of these OTS solutions run AS IF an
embedded system -- i.e. *unattended* yet *huge* uptimes?
Hi David,

David L. Jones wrote:
D Yuniskis wrote:

I need to design a "User's Forum" for an upcoming product release.
The goal (as always) is to let users share their ideas, solutions,
gripes, etc. with each other directly without going "through"
any business structure.

I've pretty much decided that this will all be SMTP driven.
This gives tighter control over "membership" as well as
being damn near ubiquitous. It also means the service
needn't be as "exposed" to potential hackery.

Since it is too easy for folks to harvest email addresses,
I think the software should hide email addresses completely.
(I may also suggest creating arbitrary "handles" for users
so that their real names are, by default, hidden -- unless
they opt to disclose them deliberately).

This poses a problem for "private" conversation. I've not
decided how to handle that (e.g., provide a separate channel
explicitly for this? But, I don't want to encourage it's use
:< ).

I suspect a "file area" may be necessary -- otherwise everyone
gets a copy of *every* file that *anyone* opts to post. :
But, that poses a problem for liability issues as well as
making demands on how *much* can be "stored" there and by who...

The biggest issue is moderation. I don't want to have to
have *a* moderator intervene in all posts. Yet, I want to
ensure that the forum remains on topic and doesn't just become
a haven for whiners needing someone to commiserate with, etc.
I've thought of things like the Craig's List model of "self
moderation" but I don't think that works in a "push" technology.
I would hate to have to implement an HTTP/NNTP-ish server
*tickled* with SMTP pushes followed up with HTTP/NNTP

Ideas? Pointers??

All that sounds like complicated overkill.

Why don't you just use one of the countless off-the-shelf bbs style boards?
e.g. SimpleMachinesForum, phpBB etc
Like my eevblog forum here:
This is how countless businesses and user group forums work. The more
advanced pay-for ones can really be integrated into the look and feel of
your corporate website. But so can the free ones too.
Development support for these forums is excellent, and there are plenty of
forum geeks you can hire to write custom scripts if needed.
Zero spam, and you can appoint people to be admin/moderators if needed, so
any bad stuff gets knocked on the head pretty quickly.
You missed the criteria. *No* moderator. I.e., I am
looking for a scheme whereby the users can moderate the
forum (hence my reference to craig's list). So, any
members misbehaving simply become un-members (i.e.,
strong incentive to behave as product updates are
distributed via the same channel).

E.g., I belong to a few mailing lists (moderated) where
membership is conditional on "good behavior". Getting
booted is not something you want to have done as it
costs you access to that resource (as well as your
reputation! :> ).

OTOH, imagine USENET gated to your mailbox -- with all
the cruft that comes with it :-/

Likewise, folks *in* this group probably won't want
anonymous outsiders "eavesdropping" on their conversations.
E.g., I am very careful, here, when I discuss problems
to make sure I don't disclose anything that would betray
a client's confidence (or get me fried for violating an
NDA!). Since I can't know or control who reads my
comments, I often have to "speak in parables", etc.

(i.e., I don't think Toshiba would want folks reading
about "gas pedal questions" ~2 years ago... if you see
the parallel)

Almost every web host has these available as single click installs these
days, otherwise it's pretty easy to donwload and install yourself.
Trivial to set up and most users are familiar and comfortable with forums
like these.
You're presupposing you understand my application and
user base better than I. :> Give me credit for having
evaluated all the *obvious* solutions -- hence my post,
here. If I'm looking for a five-wheeled vehicle, *assume*
I *know* that I need a five-wheeled vehicle...

What I am looking for is a way to address the criteria
that I have laid out; not to rehash why I have *decided*
that those criteria define my solution space!

Remember too, many users will not want to to use their real email address -
Their email addresses will never be exposed -- that's the
whole point. If they don't wish to have any involvement,
they don't have to participate.

OTOH, they have to "participate" even if they only want
*read* access ("membership" is given to customers only).
D Yuniskis wrote:
You missed the criteria. *No* moderator. I.e., I am
looking for a scheme whereby the users can moderate the
forum (hence my reference to craig's list). So, any
members misbehaving simply become un-members (i.e.,
strong incentive to behave as product updates are
distributed via the same channel).
Sorry, I've never used Craigs List, but how can a user get booted without
someone deciding they should be booted?
You say NO moderator, but then you say users moderate the forum.
Forums can have NO moderator if you so desire, or selected users can be
Having a moderator on a BBS forum does not mean every post is moderated
before it is posted, it just means moderators can chose to boot messages or
people for misbehaving.

Membership of this forum is a condition of product updates? If so, that
sounds like a bad move to me.

E.g., I belong to a few mailing lists (moderated) where
membership is conditional on "good behavior". Getting
booted is not something you want to have done as it
costs you access to that resource (as well as your
reputation! :> ).
Yeah, that's how bbs forums work too.
Any user who don't play by the rules either gets their messages cancelled,
or booted altogether from the forum.

OTOH, imagine USENET gated to your mailbox -- with all
the cruft that comes with it :-/
Yes, but you usually don't get that with BBS forums. Every one I belong to
(and run) is civil and on-topic. No spam, no bad behaviour.

Likewise, folks *in* this group probably won't want
anonymous outsiders "eavesdropping" on their conversations.
BBS forums can be completely private and "invite only".

E.g., I am very careful, here, when I discuss problems
to make sure I don't disclose anything that would betray
a client's confidence (or get me fried for violating an
NDA!). Since I can't know or control who reads my
comments, I often have to "speak in parables", etc.

(i.e., I don't think Toshiba would want folks reading
about "gas pedal questions" ~2 years ago... if you see
the parallel)

Almost every web host has these available as single click installs
these days, otherwise it's pretty easy to donwload and install
yourself. Trivial to set up and most users are familiar and comfortable
forums like these.

You're presupposing you understand my application and
user base better than I. :> Give me credit for having
evaluated all the *obvious* solutions -- hence my post,
here. If I'm looking for a five-wheeled vehicle, *assume*
I *know* that I need a five-wheeled vehicle...
Ok. But it is still completely unclear why you think a BBS forum will not
BBS forums are pretty much the standard. People know them and understand how
they work. You'd want a pretty good reason to use something else for a user
type forum, and you haven't really explained why a BBS is not suitable.

What I am looking for is a way to address the criteria
that I have laid out; not to rehash why I have *decided*
that those criteria define my solution space!

Remember too, many users will not want to to use their real email
address - ever.

Their email addresses will never be exposed -- that's the
whole point. If they don't wish to have any involvement,
they don't have to participate.
What about those genuine customers that want to participate but don't ant to
give you their real email address (even if it isn't released)?
Users of my BBS forums can choose to hide their email addresss from everyone
too, only I as the owner can see it.

OTOH, they have to "participate" even if they only want
*read* access ("membership" is given to customers only).
Trivial to do with BBS forums, you can make them membership only.


Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
Hi David,

David L. Jones wrote:
D Yuniskis wrote:
You missed the criteria. *No* moderator. I.e., I am
looking for a scheme whereby the users can moderate the
forum (hence my reference to craig's list). So, any
members misbehaving simply become un-members (i.e.,
strong incentive to behave as product updates are
distributed via the same channel).

Sorry, I've never used Craigs List, but how can a user get booted without
someone deciding they should be booted?
Craigs List allows readers -- WHO CAN BE ANYONE -- to mark
posts as inappropriate (for a variety of reasons). Some
number of independant markings cause the post to be removed.
(I've never explored the actual criteria they use).

The problem with such an approach is that the folks marking
those posts remain anonymous. So, some small (?) group can
prevent particular posts from appearing through concerted
effort. And, their activities are never disclosed to others
(all folks see -- *if* they are observant -- is that a posting
*was* there... and now its *gone*).

Imagine customer (company?) A deliberately conspiring to
remove posts from customer (competitor!) B. No one would
be the wiser! (Craigs List doesn't even require the
reader's -- acting as moderators -- to disclose their
identity to Craig's List).

Consider how that sort of approach would work (not) with

If you (I) don't want a moderator per se, then I am implicitly
indicating that the members of the group must (somehow) fill
this role. But, in such a way that they are "kept honest"
by the other members of the group! (I can't imagine any sort
of automated criteria that could fulfill this purpose... e.g.,
"if you boot 3 people, then *you* get booted automatically...)

You say NO moderator, but then you say users moderate the forum.
Forums can have NO moderator if you so desire, or selected users can be
I am suggesting *any* user can fulfill the role of moderator
at any time -- or not. I.e., if the chatter rises to a level
that annoys a particular user, then that user can step up and
act to moderate that OT chatter. If that user abuses this
capability (such abuse would be obvious to others in the
group as they would be told of each such action), then the
other users in the group can act on that "abusing" user.

[I am not suggesting this as *the* solution. I am merely
trying to point to other "outside the box" ways of thinking
of supplying the moderator functionality *without* a

Having a moderator on a BBS forum does not mean every post is moderated
before it is posted, it just means moderators can chose to boot messages or
people for misbehaving.
I am aware of that. See the Craig's List description above.

However, moderation is more important when using a push technology
since the chatter ends up in your lap even if you don't go
looking for it!

Membership of this forum is a condition of product updates? If so, that
sounds like a bad move to me.
How does a customer know about updates if he doesn't want to
be contacted?

E.g., I belong to a few mailing lists (moderated) where
membership is conditional on "good behavior". Getting
booted is not something you want to have done as it
costs you access to that resource (as well as your
reputation! :> ).

Yeah, that's how bbs forums work too.
Any user who don't play by the rules either gets their messages cancelled,
or booted altogether from the forum.
But, the user can turn around and re-register as "John Dough"
and no one is the wiser -- until he again abuses the forum.
Ad infinitum. This contributes to the overall lowering of
the quality/value of the forum.

OTOH, if you only get membership by "purchasing" the product,
then you really only get one chance to screw up...

OTOH, imagine USENET gated to your mailbox -- with all
the cruft that comes with it :-/

Yes, but you usually don't get that with BBS forums. Every one I belong to
(and run) is civil and on-topic. No spam, no bad behaviour.
Shirley, you jest? I've been wandering around looking at
various fora and see quite a lot of OT posts. Folks who
just seem to "want someone to talk to". Would you call
Tech Support "just to chat"? Would you call your plumber
to chat about a problem you are having with your car?

Remember, I'm not talking about "highly technical" people.
Look at how often The Left and Right rant, here, in what
*should* be a technical forum... consider how the chatter
would (might?) change if you could boot individuals and
they *couldn't* come back... For the most part, it's not
a problem as you can simply ignore those posts (and persons).

Skilled users can build filters to remove the unwanted cruft.
But, that puts unskilled users at a disadvantage -- they get
stuck seeing all the cruft with little recourse.

Likewise, folks *in* this group probably won't want
anonymous outsiders "eavesdropping" on their conversations.

BBS forums can be completely private and "invite only".
Sure! As can mailing lists. And the membership can
be hidden, public or revealed only to subscribers.
The means for gaining "membership" can be open, invite
only, or completely closed. None of this is new...

E.g., I am very careful, here, when I discuss problems
to make sure I don't disclose anything that would betray
a client's confidence (or get me fried for violating an
NDA!). Since I can't know or control who reads my
comments, I often have to "speak in parables", etc.

(i.e., I don't think Toshiba would want folks reading
about "gas pedal questions" ~2 years ago... if you see
the parallel)

Almost every web host has these available as single click installs
these days, otherwise it's pretty easy to donwload and install
yourself. Trivial to set up and most users are familiar and comfortable
forums like these.
You're presupposing you understand my application and
user base better than I. :> Give me credit for having
evaluated all the *obvious* solutions -- hence my post,
here. If I'm looking for a five-wheeled vehicle, *assume*
I *know* that I need a five-wheeled vehicle...

Ok. But it is still completely unclear why you think a BBS forum will not
BBS forums are pretty much the standard. People know them and understand how
they work. You'd want a pretty good reason to use something else for a user
type forum, and you haven't really explained why a BBS is not suitable.
A BBS (assuming we aren't talking about accessing that via an SMTP
gateway) is a pull technology. This means it has to accept
requests whenever the user wants to access it. As such, it's
hosting must be 24/7/365 (or, some other established set of
"business hours").

Any server that has to be available "at will" is also exposed
to hackery as it *is* accessible. Consider how much easier
it is to protect an SMTP interface than an entire *host*!
Traffic to the "server" servicing the "group" can be
controlled by the server itself (i.e., *it* can decide when to
go fetch its incoming mail and when it wants to *send*
its outgoing mail). Imagine how much harder it is
to hack a "Mail Station" than a "general purpose PC"...
(the former has a very narrowly defined interface whereas
the latter has to be adeptly managed to ensure it has
the smallest visible interface possible)

And, it never knows how *many* users will want to access it at
any particular time. As load increases, performance degrades.
This degradation is directly visible to the user -- the
interface becomes sluggish. (use web mail and see how
performance varies throughout the course of the day!)

OTOH, using a "push" technology (like mail), allows the
service to spread its workload out over time -- scheduling
outbound mail and processing incoming mail as it sees fit.
And, it can leverage a multitude of other hosts -- the
mail hosts for each of its subscribers -- to act on its
behalf (by contrast, a pull technology has to carry all
of the load by itself).

Consider that the "server" can send one copy of a message
to a multitude of recipients in a given MX. The "remote"
MX can then handle distributing those copies to the N
recipients that it services (instead of waiting for those
N recipients to come *to* the "server").

Consider how heavily MS's servers get pounded whenever
a new service pack is released -- everyone wants the
update *now*. OTOH, if the updates were *pushed* to
users, then MS could better manage the problem. Any
effort "waiting" on a server is waste -- especially
if you have to come back later to get what you want
(and still have no assurances of being able to do so!)

A BBS requires state be kept for each subscriber -- i.e.,
which messages he/she has read, which ones he/she has
replied to, which threads are of interest, etc. A mail
client handles all of that overhead "magically".

Mail can be read via more interfaces than web pages
can be browsed. E.g., you can read/send mail from a web
based interface; you can't read web pages from a mail
client! I've tried viewing several BBS's from a PDA
and a smartphone and found both lacking (mail is "bad"
on these devices but BBS's are abysmal as they have to
fit within the context of a "web page"). I see this
platform as a definite trend.

Providing "one to one" conversations via a BBS is clumsy.
It's "something extra" that has to be implemented
(maintained). OTOH, doing so with a push technology
is trivial -- process the incoming message, rewrite the
headers and pass it along to the intended recipient.
There is no need to store it (state) on the BBS/server.

A mail client has an intuitive interface through which
a user can preserve or ignore topics of interest (as
well as tracking threads that he/she is participating in).
Messages that are not of interest can simply be deleted.
Messages that haven't (yet) been read, are notably
indicated. etc. Doing the same in a BBS requires
maintaining all of that state for each user *on*
the BBS server (e.g., imagine if I want to read the
first and fourth messages in a thread, delete/discard
the third and leave the second unread).

There are very big differences in push and pull
technologies. And their impacts on the service
and its users. BBS's are The New News. But, they
have all the same characteristics *of* News -- just
a dressed up *remoted* interface.

What I am looking for is a way to address the criteria
that I have laid out; not to rehash why I have *decided*
that those criteria define my solution space!

Remember too, many users will not want to to use their real email
address - ever.
Their email addresses will never be exposed -- that's the
whole point. If they don't wish to have any involvement,
they don't have to participate.

What about those genuine customers that want to participate but don't ant to
give you their real email address (even if it isn't released)?
Then, what do you define as "participating"? Should we USPS mail
notices of updates to you? Are you willing to provide your
name and STREET address? Are you willing to pay for a CD
to be shipped to you with any software updates on it?

How are you going to ask questions? Call Tech Support? Or,
should we provide you with a list of all of the telephone
numbers of every other customer just so you can phone each
of them to ask your questions? Should they be required
to send transcripts of each question *they* pose in the
forum to you via USPS mail?

You (the wanting-to-be-anonymous-subscriber) are, essentially,
saying, "All of you folks should give up YOUR privacy just
so I can keep *mine* (anonymity)"

Or, maybe you provide an option on your BBS: "Do you want
your posts to be private?" If so, you end up with two
separate fora -- one publicly visible and the other NOT
publicly visible. And, you have to *hope* that the
folks who have the answers to your questions are in the
"visible" list! (wanna bet such a distinction would
result in most of the "more knowledgeable" folks gravitating
to the "more closed" list -- just so they didn't have to
be bothered by the "simple" questions?)

Users of my BBS forums can choose to hide their email addresss from everyone
too, only I as the owner can see it.
And how is that different than what I am saying:

"Since it is too easy for folks to harvest email
addresses, I think the software should hide email
addresses completely. (I may also suggest creating
arbitrary "handles" for users so that their real
names are, by default, hidden -- unless they opt to
disclose them deliberately)."

Are you sayiing that a user can opt to post as
"Anonymous" at any time? Fine. Put the word
"ANONYMOUS" in the first line of your (mail) message
and the server removes your "arbitrary handle" so
no one knows which "virtual person" you are. People
can still reply directly to you -- without others
seeing! -- by replying to *that* message. Having
a "handle" is essential for tracking who said
what (in a multiparty thread).

OTOH, they have to "participate" even if they only want
*read* access ("membership" is given to customers only).

Trivial to do with BBS forums, you can make them membership only.
Sure, old technology. Modern BBS's are an outgrowth of much
that originated in mailing lists.
In article <hpk1cm$ov0$1@speranza.aioe.org>, not.going.to.be@seen.com
Hi David,

David L. Jones wrote:
D Yuniskis wrote:
You missed the criteria. *No* moderator. I.e., I am
looking for a scheme whereby the users can moderate the
forum (hence my reference to craig's list). So, any
OTOH, imagine USENET gated to your mailbox -- with all
the cruft that comes with it :-/

Yes, but you usually don't get that with BBS forums. Every one I belong to
(and run) is civil and on-topic. No spam, no bad behaviour.

Shirley, you jest? I've been wandering around looking at
various fora and see quite a lot of OT posts. Folks who
just seem to "want someone to talk to". Would you call
Tech Support "just to chat"? Would you call your plumber
to chat about a problem you are having with your car?
They do especially if they have a web front end to it, which for
the non computer savvy is the only interface they believe exists.

Remember, I'm not talking about "highly technical" people.
Look at how often The Left and Right rant, here, in what
*should* be a technical forum... consider how the chatter
would (might?) change if you could boot individuals and
they *couldn't* come back... For the most part, it's not
a problem as you can simply ignore those posts (and persons).

Skilled users can build filters to remove the unwanted cruft.
But, that puts unskilled users at a disadvantage -- they get
stuck seeing all the cruft with little recourse.
Also get put off as it is 'too technical', and want the web interface.

Likewise, folks *in* this group probably won't want
anonymous outsiders "eavesdropping" on their conversations.

BBS forums can be completely private and "invite only".

Sure! As can mailing lists. And the membership can
be hidden, public or revealed only to subscribers.
The means for gaining "membership" can be open, invite
only, or completely closed. None of this is new...
SMTP driven needs quite a bit of processing on each message
to remove all sorts of problems.


Ok. But it is still completely unclear why you think a BBS forum will not
BBS forums are pretty much the standard. People know them and understand how
they work. You'd want a pretty good reason to use something else for a user
type forum, and you haven't really explained why a BBS is not suitable.

A BBS (assuming we aren't talking about accessing that via an SMTP
gateway) is a pull technology. This means it has to accept
requests whenever the user wants to access it. As such, it's
hosting must be 24/7/365 (or, some other established set of
"business hours").
Which considering the costs of webhosting these days is cheap and
insignificant to set up, as even your own server with whatever on.

Anyway most folks who are not techies will still expect a web interface
at least to do sign up.

Any server that has to be available "at will" is also exposed
to hackery as it *is* accessible. Consider how much easier
it is to protect an SMTP interface than an entire *host*!
You are joking aren't you?

An SMTP interface STILL means you have to close off other
services and ensure that even DOS attacks, by flooding a
closed http, telnet or other port does not slow service.
It still has to receive packets to reject closed ports
which takes up bandwidth restricting your valid service.

You could only get better protection by using a SMTP
service on dial up to do a pull, to reduce visibility.
Then again a ping attack with 64k blocks of data will slow
you down.

Traffic to the "server" servicing the "group" can be
controlled by the server itself (i.e., *it* can decide when to
go fetch its incoming mail and when it wants to *send*
its outgoing mail).
Only if it is on Dial up, SMTP sits there waiting for messages
just like HTTP servers sit there waiting for web requests.

I think you do not understand differences between sending email
from a client using SMTP and the receiving end using SMTP, it
has limited choice on receiving email. You would need somebody
else's server to receive it and then fetch it from there like
POP/IMAP works for email CLIENTS.

Do you realise how many scripts you are going to have to run to
sanitise the emails, to remove unwanted types of headers like
Reply Receipt and read receipts, let alone attachment, character
set, virus/malware scanning and other isues.

What format are the emails to be as lots of emails get sent
as plain text and/or HTML/RTF or even ascii encoded binary only.

Having of old run mailing list for technical users who could not
drive their email software, and remote email servers around the
world misconfigured, the work involved was not trivial.

Imagine how much harder it is
to hack a "Mail Station" than a "general purpose PC"...
Sorry the vast majority of 'mail stations' are general purpose
PCs, maybe in a server hardware configuration, running some form
of Nix, Windows or Windows Server, using the standard network
stacks to talk to email server software like sendmail, postfix
qmail, ftgate.........

So they have the same and MORE issues of security.

I think you are confusing SMTP as you see for sending email and
how SMTP has to work on a server, i.e. be normally available

(the former has a very narrowly defined interface whereas
Standard network interface be it ethernet or dial up via PPP, that
ends up as TCP/IP to the email server software.

You can generally ping mail stations.

the latter has to be adeptly managed to ensure it has
the smallest visible interface possible)
That is true of both 'types' of system as they are basically the

And, it never knows how *many* users will want to access it at
any particular time. As load increases, performance degrades.
This degradation is directly visible to the user -- the
interface becomes sluggish. (use web mail and see how
performance varies throughout the course of the day!)
Delays on SMTP throughput are possible when you get to thousands
of users and making sure you are not seen as a Spamhost is sometimes

OTOH, using a "push" technology (like mail), allows the
service to spread its workload out over time -- scheduling
outbound mail and processing incoming mail as it sees fit.
Response time to seeing messages posted appear, makes the
service appear sluggish.

And, it can leverage a multitude of other hosts -- the
mail hosts for each of its subscribers -- to act on its
behalf (by contrast, a pull technology has to carry all
of the load by itself).
You really do not know what you are talking about.

Consider that the "server" can send one copy of a message
to a multitude of recipients in a given MX. The "remote"
MX can then handle distributing those copies to the N
recipients that it services (instead of waiting for those
N recipients to come *to* the "server").
You are talking about using somebody else potentially as
a recognisable Spamhost. How to get your ISP to cut off your

Consider how heavily MS's servers get pounded whenever
a new service pack is released -- everyone wants the
update *now*.
Only those who blindly update, "if it aint broke don't fix it"

Real serious users actually wait for the masses to do MS's
using the customer to test the release first.

OTOH, if the updates were *pushed* to
users, then MS could better manage the problem. Any
effort "waiting" on a server is waste -- especially
if you have to come back later to get what you want
(and still have no assurances of being able to do so!)
The overhead of doing that by things like SMTP is ridiculous
as the method does not support binary transmission, you have
to ASCII encode your binary, bloating it and taking longer to send.

A BBS requires state be kept for each subscriber -- i.e.,
which messages he/she has read, which ones he/she has
replied to, which threads are of interest, etc. A mail
client handles all of that overhead "magically".
For weird ideas of 'magically'. BBS does not have to do all of
those things if it does not want to, on a web interface it
could just use the visited link colour changes to do that.

Mail can be read via more interfaces than web pages
can be browsed. E.g., you can read/send mail from a web
based interface; you can't read web pages from a mail
client! I've tried viewing several BBS's from a PDA
and a smartphone and found both lacking (mail is "bad"
on these devices but BBS's are abysmal as they have to
fit within the context of a "web page"). I see this
platform as a definite trend.
People moved away from discussion mailing lists as the general
method of discussion about 6 years ago, as everybody went to web.

Lots of HTML and other emails are not displayable easily on PDAs

Providing "one to one" conversations via a BBS is clumsy.
It's "something extra" that has to be implemented
(maintained). OTOH, doing so with a push technology
is trivial -- process the incoming message, rewrite the
headers and pass it along to the intended recipient.
There is no need to store it (state) on the BBS/server.

A mail client has an intuitive interface through which
In my experience there are a lot of users who cannot effectively
use their email clients, and you get 95% of users 'top posting'
without trimming so as a thread progresses your bandwidth
requirements increase exponentially.

a user can preserve or ignore topics of interest (as
well as tracking threads that he/she is participating in).
Messages that are not of interest can simply be deleted.
Messages that haven't (yet) been read, are notably
indicated. etc. Doing the same in a BBS requires
maintaining all of that state for each user *on*
the BBS server (e.g., imagine if I want to read the
first and fourth messages in a thread, delete/discard
the third and leave the second unread).
They don't have to and mosts forums display nearly all
messages in threads or only display the most recent threads
or messages in a thread by date or quantity.

There are very big differences in push and pull
technologies. And their impacts on the service
and its users. BBS's are The New News. But, they
have all the same characteristics *of* News -- just
a dressed up *remoted* interface.
You have no idea of the facts of what will be required to
maintain a SMTP type service, or the problems that can be involved.


Remember too, many users will not want to to use their real email
address - ever.
Their email addresses will never be exposed -- that's the
whole point. If they don't wish to have any involvement,
they don't have to participate.

What about those genuine customers that want to participate but don't ant to
give you their real email address (even if it isn't released)?

Then, what do you define as "participating"? Should we USPS mail
notices of updates to you? Are you willing to provide your
name and STREET address? Are you willing to pay for a CD
to be shipped to you with any software updates on it?
That is what a lot of users expect even these days as a CD is
easier to reload, when drives crash or systems are upgraded.

How are you going to ask questions? Call Tech Support? Or,
Most customers even today expect to contact tech support not other
customers for a lot of products (washing machines to CAD software).

should we provide you with a list of all of the telephone
numbers of every other customer just so you can phone each
of them to ask your questions? Should they be required
to send transcripts of each question *they* pose in the
forum to you via USPS mail?
Most users of products rarely have the time or inclination to
do that and will do so ONLY when they have a problem.

Their life (social or working) does not revolve around one
product or its fora. Your working life may revolve around
the product because that is your job, it isn't the customers.


OTOH, they have to "participate" even if they only want
*read* access ("membership" is given to customers only).

Trivial to do with BBS forums, you can make them membership only.

Sure, old technology. Modern BBS's are an outgrowth of much
that originated in mailing lists.
Which you are trying to regenerate with an SMTP service but fail
to see it.

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On Apr 8, 7:19 am, D Yuniskis <not.going.to...@seen.com> wrote:
Bitrex wrote:
Are there other reasons that using an off-the-shelf solution, such as
pgpBB or vBulletin wouldn't work in your application? I think the

I haven't found any that fit this set of requirements.  :

concerns you mention are valid, but I've dealt with several companies
that use the off-the-shelf software for their user forums and it seems
to work pretty well for them.  Membership can be completely subject to
approval if you so choose.  It seems that not taking advantage of the
benefits such software offers vs. some hypothetical security advantages
of a SMTP driven system might be cutting off your nose to spite your face.

The OTS solutions (that I have seen) require *a* moderator
(or are unmoderated) and require a "network visible" server.
The solution I seek would *not* require a moderator and
could be hosted anywhere mail is accessible (i.e., damn near
everywhere) regardless of the size of the pipe.
I have been thinking along these lines myself recently.
Just playing with the idea of adding a user forum, that is.

I must say I like the smtp idea.
I guess my implementation would be a plain listserver with a
command set - email driven - to suit your purposes.
Voting can also be email driven. Now how this will work in
todays spam age I am not sure, may be not at all, but then may be
it won't be such a problem.
Then the whole thing will be archived and instantly http accessible,
perhaps the command set should also be http accessible. IOW
newcomers will be able to read it like forums are read to
get a feeling of where they are.

I guess much will be down to the actual command set and
the anti-spam rules, the latter may have to be very hard for
the thing to work (hence too annoynig for users... :) ).

Bitrex wrote:
Are there other reasons that using an off-the-shelf solution,
such as pgpBB or vBulletin wouldn't work in your application?

D Yuniskis wrote:
I haven't found any that fit this set of requirements. :

The thing that comes immediately to mind as far as the
near-zero-effort-from-you moderation requirement is Slashcode.

NOTE: The Slashcode user-supplied moderation
can become fanboy-driven.

"a list of providers who host slash sites, or design slash sites"

It seems that not taking advantage of the benefits
such software offers vs. some hypothetical security advantages
of a SMTP driven system might be cutting off your nose to spite your face.

The SMTP requirement does put a huge kink into things.
Simply stated:
If you are going to have a site that accepts comments,
you need some sort of CAPTCHA system in place.
IMO, Slashdot and Wikipedia have very good ones
(for not-signed-in folks).
On 4/8/2010 10:58 AM JeffM spake thus:

The SMTP requirement does put a huge kink into things.
Simply stated:
If you are going to have a site that accepts comments,
you need some sort of CAPTCHA system in place.
IMO, Slashdot and Wikipedia have very good ones
(for not-signed-in folks).
So how would CAPTCHAs work with email (SMTP)? I suppose the forum could
generate one and send it to a prospective poster, who would then have to
send back the correct interpretation in order to post. Is that the sort
of validation mechanism you had in mind?

You were wrong, and I'm man enough to admit it.

- a Usenet "apology"
D Yuniskis wrote:
Hi David,

David L. Jones wrote:
Yes, but you usually don't get that with BBS forums. Every one I
belong to (and run) is civil and on-topic. No spam, no bad behaviour.

Shirley, you jest?
Not at all, check them out for yourself:

Neither has any bad behaviour or spam.

They are just two that I run, but it's the same thing on almost every other
forum that I frequent.
People are always civil enough to post in the appropriate group category.

I've been wandering around looking at
various fora and see quite a lot of OT posts. Folks who
just seem to "want someone to talk to". Would you call
Tech Support "just to chat"? Would you call your plumber
to chat about a problem you are having with your car?
Oh, for goodness sake, people like to talk on forums!
Sometimes it gets off topic etc, what's the big deal?, that's the nature of
the beast.

Remember, I'm not talking about "highly technical" people.
Look at how often The Left and Right rant, here, in what
*should* be a technical forum... consider how the chatter
would (might?) change if you could boot individuals and
they *couldn't* come back... For the most part, it's not
a problem as you can simply ignore those posts (and persons).

Skilled users can build filters to remove the unwanted cruft.
But, that puts unskilled users at a disadvantage -- they get
stuck seeing all the cruft with little recourse.

Likewise, folks *in* this group probably won't want
anonymous outsiders "eavesdropping" on their conversations.

BBS forums can be completely private and "invite only".

Sure! As can mailing lists. And the membership can
be hidden, public or revealed only to subscribers.
The means for gaining "membership" can be open, invite
only, or completely closed. None of this is new...

E.g., I am very careful, here, when I discuss problems
to make sure I don't disclose anything that would betray
a client's confidence (or get me fried for violating an
NDA!). Since I can't know or control who reads my
comments, I often have to "speak in parables", etc.

(i.e., I don't think Toshiba would want folks reading
about "gas pedal questions" ~2 years ago... if you see
the parallel)

Almost every web host has these available as single click installs
these days, otherwise it's pretty easy to donwload and install
yourself. Trivial to set up and most users are familiar and
comfortable with
forums like these.
You're presupposing you understand my application and
user base better than I. :> Give me credit for having
evaluated all the *obvious* solutions -- hence my post,
here. If I'm looking for a five-wheeled vehicle, *assume*
I *know* that I need a five-wheeled vehicle...

Ok. But it is still completely unclear why you think a BBS forum
will not work.
BBS forums are pretty much the standard. People know them and
understand how they work. You'd want a pretty good reason to use
something else for a user type forum, and you haven't really
explained why a BBS is not suitable.

A BBS (assuming we aren't talking about accessing that via an SMTP
gateway) is a pull technology. This means it has to accept
requests whenever the user wants to access it. As such, it's
hosting must be 24/7/365 (or, some other established set of
"business hours").
Yeah, that's how countless forums operate. What's the problem with that?
If it goes down for a few minutes or an hour every now and again, no one
really cares.
I'm not talking about SMTP access, I'm talking about a BBS forum people

Any server that has to be available "at will" is also exposed
to hackery as it *is* accessible. Consider how much easier
it is to protect an SMTP interface than an entire *host*!
Traffic to the "server" servicing the "group" can be
controlled by the server itself (i.e., *it* can decide when to
go fetch its incoming mail and when it wants to *send*
its outgoing mail). Imagine how much harder it is
to hack a "Mail Station" than a "general purpose PC"...
(the former has a very narrowly defined interface whereas
the latter has to be adeptly managed to ensure it has
the smallest visible interface possible)

And, it never knows how *many* users will want to access it at
any particular time. As load increases, performance degrades.
This degradation is directly visible to the user -- the
interface becomes sluggish. (use web mail and see how
performance varies throughout the course of the day!)
I run half a dozen high bandwidth sites with databases, streaming video, and
two forums on a simple <$10/month shared server and there is no performance
degredation on essentially any aspect of it, let alone the forums.
Downtime is almost zero.

OTOH, using a "push" technology (like mail), allows the
service to spread its workload out over time -- scheduling
outbound mail and processing incoming mail as it sees fit.
And, it can leverage a multitude of other hosts -- the
mail hosts for each of its subscribers -- to act on its
behalf (by contrast, a pull technology has to carry all
of the load by itself).

Consider that the "server" can send one copy of a message
to a multitude of recipients in a given MX. The "remote"
MX can then handle distributing those copies to the N
recipients that it services (instead of waiting for those
N recipients to come *to* the "server").

Consider how heavily MS's servers get pounded whenever
a new service pack is released -- everyone wants the
update *now*. OTOH, if the updates were *pushed* to
users, then MS could better manage the problem. Any
effort "waiting" on a server is waste -- especially
if you have to come back later to get what you want
(and still have no assurances of being able to do so!)

A BBS requires state be kept for each subscriber -- i.e.,
which messages he/she has read, which ones he/she has
replied to, which threads are of interest, etc. A mail
client handles all of that overhead "magically".

Mail can be read via more interfaces than web pages
can be browsed. E.g., you can read/send mail from a web
based interface; you can't read web pages from a mail
client! I've tried viewing several BBS's from a PDA
and a smartphone and found both lacking (mail is "bad"
on these devices but BBS's are abysmal as they have to
fit within the context of a "web page"). I see this
platform as a definite trend.

Providing "one to one" conversations via a BBS is clumsy.
It's "something extra" that has to be implemented
(maintained). OTOH, doing so with a push technology
is trivial -- process the incoming message, rewrite the
headers and pass it along to the intended recipient.
There is no need to store it (state) on the BBS/server.

A mail client has an intuitive interface through which
a user can preserve or ignore topics of interest (as
well as tracking threads that he/she is participating in).
Messages that are not of interest can simply be deleted.
Messages that haven't (yet) been read, are notably
indicated. etc. Doing the same in a BBS requires
maintaining all of that state for each user *on*
the BBS server (e.g., imagine if I want to read the
first and fourth messages in a thread, delete/discard
the third and leave the second unread).

There are very big differences in push and pull
technologies. And their impacts on the service
and its users. BBS's are The New News. But, they
have all the same characteristics *of* News -- just
a dressed up *remoted* interface.

What I am looking for is a way to address the criteria
that I have laid out; not to rehash why I have *decided*
that those criteria define my solution space!

Remember too, many users will not want to to use their real email
address - ever.
Their email addresses will never be exposed -- that's the
whole point. If they don't wish to have any involvement,
they don't have to participate.

What about those genuine customers that want to participate but
don't ant to give you their real email address (even if it isn't

Then, what do you define as "participating"? Should we USPS mail
notices of updates to you? Are you willing to provide your
name and STREET address? Are you willing to pay for a CD
to be shipped to you with any software updates on it?

How are you going to ask questions? Call Tech Support? Or,
should we provide you with a list of all of the telephone
numbers of every other customer just so you can phone each
of them to ask your questions? Should they be required
to send transcripts of each question *they* pose in the
forum to you via USPS mail?

You (the wanting-to-be-anonymous-subscriber) are, essentially,
saying, "All of you folks should give up YOUR privacy just
so I can keep *mine* (anonymity)"

Or, maybe you provide an option on your BBS: "Do you want
your posts to be private?" If so, you end up with two
separate fora -- one publicly visible and the other NOT
publicly visible. And, you have to *hope* that the
folks who have the answers to your questions are in the
"visible" list! (wanna bet such a distinction would
result in most of the "more knowledgeable" folks gravitating
to the "more closed" list -- just so they didn't have to
be bothered by the "simple" questions?)

Users of my BBS forums can choose to hide their email addresss from
everyone too, only I as the owner can see it.

And how is that different than what I am saying:

"Since it is too easy for folks to harvest email
addresses, I think the software should hide email
addresses completely. (I may also suggest creating
arbitrary "handles" for users so that their real
names are, by default, hidden -- unless they opt to
disclose them deliberately)."

Are you sayiing that a user can opt to post as
"Anonymous" at any time? Fine. Put the word
"ANONYMOUS" in the first line of your (mail) message
and the server removes your "arbitrary handle" so
no one knows which "virtual person" you are. People
can still reply directly to you -- without others
seeing! -- by replying to *that* message. Having
a "handle" is essential for tracking who said
what (in a multiparty thread).

OTOH, they have to "participate" even if they only want
*read* access ("membership" is given to customers only).

Trivial to do with BBS forums, you can make them membership only.

Sure, old technology. Modern BBS's are an outgrowth of much
that originated in mailing lists.
Gawd, I'm not even going to read all that you wrote there, it's getting too

But I really get the impression you are MASSIVELY over analysing this whole
thing, really.

Good luck getting your ideal solution. If it was me I'd just stick up a
private BBS forum and be done with it.


Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
On 08/04/2010 09:46, D Yuniskis wrote:

Any server that has to be available "at will" is also exposed
to hackery as it *is* accessible. Consider how much easier
it is to protect an SMTP interface than an entire *host*!
Traffic to the "server" servicing the "group" can be
controlled by the server itself (i.e., *it* can decide when to
go fetch its incoming mail and when it wants to *send*
its outgoing mail). Imagine how much harder it is
to hack a "Mail Station" than a "general purpose PC"...
(the former has a very narrowly defined interface whereas
the latter has to be adeptly managed to ensure it has
the smallest visible interface possible)
I think you have some very fundamental misconceptions about servers,
security, SMTP, hacking, hosting, etc., - the whole package, really.

Setting up a server that is accessible on the Internet via some service
(http, smtp, whatever) is a risk if you don't know what you are doing,
but simple to do securely if you /do/ know.

Clearly, you are in the "don't know" category. That's not meant as an
insult - no one can be an expert at everything. The trick is to know
what you know, and know what you don't know - and get outside help when
you need something you don't know about.

It's possible that you can learn enough by sitting down and discussing
things with a knowledgeable person (it's much easier to do that than to
discuss it in a newsgroup). But you are probably better off looking for
an external hosting service. Then you don't have to worry about
security - it's an SEP. All you need to concentrate on is the features
for the users.

If you are really insistent on using SMTP, the solution has been in use
for decades - it's called a "mailing list". Personally, I prefer
mailing lists (or newsgroups) to web forums - but I don't know if I am
typical of your target audience.


On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 18:39:48 -0700, D Yuniskis <not.going.to.be@seen.com> wrote:


[Apologies for crossposting but I think there enough different
types of readers/users in these groups to give me a variety
of opinions]

I need to design a "User's Forum" for an upcoming product release.
The goal (as always) is to let users share their ideas, solutions,
gripes, etc. with each other directly without going "through"
any business structure.

I've been trying to put together an appropriate set of
design criteria for that mechanism. The folks using this will
be of varying degrees of "computer savvy" -- from "none"
to "expert". The experience should be as friendly/annoying
to users at either end of the spectrum.

A few issues are not negotiable; some have "very high
inertia" (but could be "moved" given the right impetus)
and others are just "whims".

I've pretty much decided that this will all be SMTP driven.
This gives tighter control over "membership" as well as
being damn near ubiquitous. It also means the service
needn't be as "exposed" to potential hackery.

Since it is too easy for folks to harvest email addresses,
I think the software should hide email addresses completely.
(I may also suggest creating arbitrary "handles" for users
so that their real names are, by default, hidden -- unless
they opt to disclose them deliberately).

This poses a problem for "private" conversation. I've not
decided how to handle that (e.g., provide a separate channel
explicitly for this? But, I don't want to encourage it's use
:< ).

I suspect a "file area" may be necessary -- otherwise everyone
gets a copy of *every* file that *anyone* opts to post. :
But, that poses a problem for liability issues as well as
making demands on how *much* can be "stored" there and by who...

The biggest issue is moderation. I don't want to have to
have *a* moderator intervene in all posts. Yet, I want to
ensure that the forum remains on topic and doesn't just become
a haven for whiners needing someone to commiserate with, etc.
I've thought of things like the Craig's List model of "self
moderation" but I don't think that works in a "push" technology.
I would hate to have to implement an HTTP/NNTP-ish server
*tickled* with SMTP pushes followed up with HTTP/NNTP

Ideas? Pointers??

Interesting task. There are two well done webforum & NNTP
combination systems that i have seen: OpenSuse forums and
Microsoft public forums. Both are actively managed. Yahoo
forums also appear to have SMTP gateways, but they overdid
the registration thing. Registration is a good idea anyway,
it could require reading an email and using a key (good for
a year?) in order to post (anti-bot). Regular spam blocking
will also have to be considered, as well as automatic
blocking of profanity. Take a look at STUMP robomoderation
program and group distributed moderation. For people that
wish to continue to private email they should have the wit to
take anti-harvesting precautions (don't block it, but don't
encourage it). Provide a FAQ and post some policy basics
regularly. The FAQ should contain some "how to make a good
post" information.
On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 21:34:37 -0700, D Yuniskis <not.going.to.be@seen.com> wrote:

Hi David,

David L. Jones wrote:
D Yuniskis wrote:


I need to design a "User's Forum" for an upcoming product release.
The goal (as always) is to let users share their ideas, solutions,
gripes, etc. with each other directly without going "through"
any business structure.

I've pretty much decided that this will all be SMTP driven.
This gives tighter control over "membership" as well as
being damn near ubiquitous. It also means the service
needn't be as "exposed" to potential hackery.

Since it is too easy for folks to harvest email addresses,
I think the software should hide email addresses completely.
(I may also suggest creating arbitrary "handles" for users
so that their real names are, by default, hidden -- unless
they opt to disclose them deliberately).

This poses a problem for "private" conversation. I've not
decided how to handle that (e.g., provide a separate channel
explicitly for this? But, I don't want to encourage it's use
:< ).

I suspect a "file area" may be necessary -- otherwise everyone
gets a copy of *every* file that *anyone* opts to post. :
But, that poses a problem for liability issues as well as
making demands on how *much* can be "stored" there and by who...

The biggest issue is moderation. I don't want to have to
have *a* moderator intervene in all posts. Yet, I want to
ensure that the forum remains on topic and doesn't just become
a haven for whiners needing someone to commiserate with, etc.
I've thought of things like the Craig's List model of "self
moderation" but I don't think that works in a "push" technology.
I would hate to have to implement an HTTP/NNTP-ish server
*tickled* with SMTP pushes followed up with HTTP/NNTP

Ideas? Pointers??

All that sounds like complicated overkill.

Why don't you just use one of the countless off-the-shelf bbs style boards?
e.g. SimpleMachinesForum, phpBB etc
Like my eevblog forum here:
This is how countless businesses and user group forums work. The more
advanced pay-for ones can really be integrated into the look and feel of
your corporate website. But so can the free ones too.
Development support for these forums is excellent, and there are plenty of
forum geeks you can hire to write custom scripts if needed.
Zero spam, and you can appoint people to be admin/moderators if needed, so
any bad stuff gets knocked on the head pretty quickly.

You missed the criteria. *No* moderator. I.e., I am
looking for a scheme whereby the users can moderate the
forum (hence my reference to craig's list). So, any
members misbehaving simply become un-members (i.e.,
strong incentive to behave as product updates are
distributed via the same channel).

E.g., I belong to a few mailing lists (moderated) where
membership is conditional on "good behavior". Getting
booted is not something you want to have done as it
costs you access to that resource (as well as your
reputation! :> ).

OTOH, imagine USENET gated to your mailbox -- with all
the cruft that comes with it :-/

Likewise, folks *in* this group probably won't want
anonymous outsiders "eavesdropping" on their conversations.
E.g., I am very careful, here, when I discuss problems
to make sure I don't disclose anything that would betray
a client's confidence (or get me fried for violating an
NDA!). Since I can't know or control who reads my
comments, I often have to "speak in parables", etc.

(i.e., I don't think Toshiba would want folks reading
about "gas pedal questions" ~2 years ago... if you see
the parallel)

Almost every web host has these available as single click installs these
days, otherwise it's pretty easy to donwload and install yourself.
Trivial to set up and most users are familiar and comfortable with forums
like these.

You're presupposing you understand my application and
user base better than I. :> Give me credit for having
evaluated all the *obvious* solutions -- hence my post,
here. If I'm looking for a five-wheeled vehicle, *assume*
I *know* that I need a five-wheeled vehicle...

What I am looking for is a way to address the criteria
that I have laid out; not to rehash why I have *decided*
that those criteria define my solution space!

Remember too, many users will not want to to use their real email address -

Their email addresses will never be exposed -- that's the
whole point. If they don't wish to have any involvement,
they don't have to participate.

OTOH, they have to "participate" even if they only want
*read* access ("membership" is given to customers only).
With the criteria stated it may be that having free open source
software modified to suit is the way to go on this. Get
something with a BSD or similar license if you can. A GPL
license may bite you.
On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 00:46:39 -0700, D Yuniskis <not.going.to.be@seen.com> wrote:

Hi David,

David L. Jones wrote:
D Yuniskis wrote:
You missed the criteria. *No* moderator. I.e., I am
looking for a scheme whereby the users can moderate the
forum (hence my reference to craig's list). So, any
members misbehaving simply become un-members (i.e.,
strong incentive to behave as product updates are
distributed via the same channel).

Sorry, I've never used Craigs List, but how can a user get booted without
someone deciding they should be booted?

Craigs List allows readers -- WHO CAN BE ANYONE -- to mark
posts as inappropriate (for a variety of reasons). Some
number of independant markings cause the post to be removed.
(I've never explored the actual criteria they use).

OTOH, they have to "participate" even if they only want
*read* access ("membership" is given to customers only).

Trivial to do with BBS forums, you can make them membership only.

Sure, old technology. Modern BBS's are an outgrowth of much
that originated in mailing lists.
Then perhaps what you want is an old (over 20 year ago) BBS that
pretty much does what you want, and slap a web or SMTP interface
on it with LAMP. Email translators are old hat as well.

You could also split between which parts of the system are pull and
which parts are push. E.g. conversations are pull, notice of update
is push.
JeffM wrote:
The SMTP requirement does put a huge kink into things.
Simply stated:
If you are going to have a site that accepts comments,
you need some sort of CAPTCHA system in place.
IMO, Slashdot and Wikipedia have very good ones
(for not-signed-in folks).

David Nebenzahl wrote:
So how would CAPTCHAs work with email (SMTP)?

As far as I can see, it wouldn't.
"Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it.
Experts avoid it. Geniuses remove it."
--Alan Perlis's Programming Proverb #58

I see the email part of this as limiting, clumsy, and unnecessary.
The suggestions in this thread
of using a pre-baked forum solution remove that.

The suggestion of Slashcode in my response
also addresses the issue of moderation.
Anyone familiar with a site running Slashcode
knows about thresholds for viewing.
How well that moderation works
does involve achieving a certain critical mass of users.

Jones and Brown have also indicated that
there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the issues.
The one big thing that I see missing
(aside from my mentions of Slashcode and CAPTCHA)
is a specific means of avoiding spammers
--the bane of online forums.
Hi Dimiter,

Didi wrote:
On Apr 8, 7:19 am, D Yuniskis <not.going.to...@seen.com> wrote:
Bitrex wrote:
Are there other reasons that using an off-the-shelf solution, such as
pgpBB or vBulletin wouldn't work in your application? I think the
I haven't found any that fit this set of requirements. :

concerns you mention are valid, but I've dealt with several companies
that use the off-the-shelf software for their user forums and it seems
to work pretty well for them. Membership can be completely subject to
approval if you so choose. It seems that not taking advantage of the
benefits such software offers vs. some hypothetical security advantages
of a SMTP driven system might be cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The OTS solutions (that I have seen) require *a* moderator
(or are unmoderated) and require a "network visible" server.
The solution I seek would *not* require a moderator and
could be hosted anywhere mail is accessible (i.e., damn near
everywhere) regardless of the size of the pipe.

I have been thinking along these lines myself recently.
Just playing with the idea of adding a user forum, that is.

I must say I like the smtp idea.
I guess my implementation would be a plain listserver with a
command set - email driven - to suit your purposes.
A straight forward listserver is easy to do. Start with something
like MajorDomo and tweek it.

The problems lie in the "other features" that I described.
Implementation is easy -- the problem is figuring out a
good model that users will feel comfortable with and
that fits their "KISS" expectations. Folks don't want to
read instructions...

Voting can also be email driven. Now how this will work in
todays spam age I am not sure, may be not at all, but then may be
it won't be such a problem.
You can always put a filter on the front end to keep cruft
out of the "list". And, close the list so only subscribers
have access to it. I certainly wouldn't want to discuss trade
secrets in such a forum... :> But, for "user driven support",
I think it makes sense (i.e. don't say anything you wouldn't
want someone to read!)

Having control over readership (subscribership) does a lot.

Then the whole thing will be archived and instantly http accessible,
perhaps the command set should also be http accessible. IOW
newcomers will be able to read it like forums are read to
get a feeling of where they are.
The *best* interface would be NNTP. But, I don't think
that is a mechanism that is as ubiquitous as email.

I guess much will be down to the actual command set and
the anti-spam rules, the latter may have to be very hard for
the thing to work (hence too annoynig for users... :) ).
I think keeping spam out can be accomplished by limiting
the "senders" who can access the list. And, if the
membership and their email addresses are hidden
(sanitized from messages), then even someone with access
to the "archives" (*you* want them to be public; that
isn't consistent with my goals) couldn't determine the
right email address to spoof to gain entry!

The problem then boils down to keeping subscribers
from misbehaving. Hence the idea of letting them
police themselves -- and, police their own policing! :>

I've been working on a smart "news filter" that could
play some role, here. But, it takes a while to train;
it works well in high volume applications as there are
lots of data points for it to operate. But, a product
forum tends to see more sporadic activity -- fewer
posts from a greater number of "members" -- who are
constantly changing. Hard to train something in that
sort of environment :-/

I've separate thread starting that hopefully will show
how something like this can be done... and, how it can
be scaled.
Hi Jeff,

JeffM wrote:
Bitrex wrote:
Are there other reasons that using an off-the-shelf solution,
such as pgpBB or vBulletin wouldn't work in your application?

D Yuniskis wrote:
I haven't found any that fit this set of requirements. :

The thing that comes immediately to mind as far as the
near-zero-effort-from-you moderation requirement is Slashcode.
Hmmm... I'll have to see if I can steal any ideas there.
I think the problem is that "product support" forums tend to
have more transient membership. I.e., folks post *a*
problem. Wait for *the* answer (naively hoping each
problem *will* have "an answer"). Then disappear.

Some folks inevitably hang around and become the "gurus".

And, others hang around just to harrass folks ("Why do you
want to do *that*? You should do this instead...")

Obviously, you want the gurus to hang around -- they are
a resource that costs you (the vendor) nothing! They
get some satisfaction out of helping. Or, perhaps, enjoy
the recognition that it affords them.

Conversely, you want to *quickly* get rid of the bullies,
ranters, etc. They degrade the quality of the support and
the overall experience. They also have a negative effect
on the gurus -- as they often compete for attention with
those folks (hoping to drive them away, etc.).

Unfortunately, getting this type of sporadic user to
*rate* the quality of their experience (i.e., the
messages they are receiving back from the forum) is
hard. There is no incentive for them to do so -- unless
it is very easy/intuitive.

E.g., if you (meaning the forum software) could decide
how the user *acted* on the information presented
("Yes, this was helpful to me", "No, this guy missed
the boat entirely", "Jeez, this guy is a real *sshole!",
etc.) then you could adjust the way the subscribers
are treated (e.g., bounced).

NOTE: The Slashcode user-supplied moderation
can become fanboy-driven.

"a list of providers who host slash sites, or design slash sites"

It seems that not taking advantage of the benefits
such software offers vs. some hypothetical security advantages
of a SMTP driven system might be cutting off your nose to spite your face.

The SMTP requirement does put a huge kink into things.
Yes. Otherwise, I would already have a solution and
wouldn't need to ask! :>

Simply stated:
If you are going to have a site that accepts comments,
you need some sort of CAPTCHA system in place.
IMO, Slashdot and Wikipedia have very good ones
(for not-signed-in folks).
I think SMTP and control over the subscriber list
(email addresses) deals with the access problem.
No need to worry if this is a robot or a human -- as
long as the subscribers don't complain about "its"
posts! :>
Hi Jeff,

JeffM wrote:
Jones and Brown have also indicated that
there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the issues.
The one big thing that I see missing
(aside from my mentions of Slashcode and CAPTCHA)
is a specific means of avoiding spammers
--the bane of online forums.
You don't *accept* them in the first place! It's not
an "open forum". You can't just "sign up". If you
put in place a mechanism by which they can be *booted*
(or, at least *silenced*), then they get one chance to
screw up (how that one chance is defined -- is it one
post? twelve posts? ten people who you have annoyed?)
before they are silenced.

(No, you can't just "resubscribe" -- that's the whole

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