OT: The Deep State described by the London Times in 1815...


John Doe

The Deep State was described by the London Times in 1815.

The same description Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and Judicial Watch
have given it.

Unelected bureaucrats have too much influence. And here in America it\'s
getting worse.

https://youtu.be/zLQ-2mrHXGo (Judicial Watch)

The most detailed explanation, the first 4 minutes is concise.

https://youtu.be/CNmnmdtcdcg?t=94 (Ronald Reagan)

Our biggest problem is that we have built a permanent structure of
government, federal, state, and local, the permanent employees actually
determine policy in this country more than does the Congress of the
United States.


An 1815 London Times article, for example, declares: “...it is in this
bureaucracy, Gentlemen, that you will find the invisible and
mischievous power which thwarts the most noble views, and prevents or
weakens the effect of all the salutary reforms which France is
incessantly calling for.”
On Monday, February 28, 2022 at 11:58:30 AM UTC+11, John Doe wrote:
The Deep State was described by the London Times in 1815.

The same description Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and Judicial Watch
have given it.

Unelected bureaucrats have too much influence. And here in America it\'s
getting worse.

The kinds of idiots that John Doe would want to see elected would believe that.

<snipped rubbish from Judicial Watch>

> The most detailed explanation, the first 4 minutes is concise.

Who in their right mind would waste four minutes finding out what Judicial Watch would think about anything. It\'s an organisation the launches frivolous legal cases to in pursuit of their idiot agenda, and is probably in line to be declared a vexatious litigant.


The wikipedia page used to list the proportion of their cases that they won - it wasn\'t high - but presumably they got wikipedia to delete this embarrassing fact.

<snipped crap featuring Ronald Reagan>

> > Our biggest problem is that we have built a permanent structure of government, federal, state, and local, the permanent employees actually determine policy in this country more than does the Congress of the United States.

The permanent employees are hired because they have expertise in their area of employment. The members of Congress of the United States are elected because they appeal to a majority in their electoral districts.


An 1815 London Times article, for example, declares: “...it is in this bureaucracy, Gentlemen, that you will find the invisible and mischievous power which thwarts the most noble views, and prevents or weakens the effect of all the salutary reforms which France is incessantly calling for.”

In 1815 Napoleon had escaped from Elba on the 26th February, returned to power in Paris on the 20th March, lost the battle of Waterloo on the 18th June, and surrenders to the British on the 15th July. By December he\'d been sent to St.Helena. There was lot going on in France in 1815, and \"incessant calls for reform\" would only have been a minor part of that. Napoleon had set up a pretty effective and efficient bureaucracy in France, and nobody ever went to the trouble of replacing it.

Whatever John Doe may like to think that the London Times was saying back then it probably isn\'t going to be what he likes to think.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On a sunny day (Sun, 27 Feb 2022 19:04:40 -0800 (PST)) it happened Anthony
William Sloman <bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote in
wrote ..

Seems to me a demo of \'deep state\' (no I have not watched the videos) is obvious to those who do want to see.
after Afghanistan US wants work for the Military Industrial Complex
and what is nicer than radioactively pollute Europe,
destroy the Euro, sell weapons, for that deep state.
It also diverts the attention from biden\'s failures.

Bill you are just a pawn in their game (as are the Aussies)
biden or his puppeteers \'the deep state\' are afraid to take on China for Taiwan

What may happen or rather _will_ happen is that the nukes will fly towards that small N American piece of land.

Why Putin wants Ukrain..
I can imagine many in Ukrain are not so happy sitting next to that Chernobyl reactor that was blown up
by a Russian deep state idiot.

I did see some paranoia from Putin .. him sitting at a long table at a big distance from for example Macron.

Sure US has killed state leaders with poisonous hand shakes IIR in the past.
If Putin indeed was hit by for example covid or some weird anti-covid shot, him starting a nuclear war
would be a real possibility ..

I wrote a few month back 2024 .
From the English language usage group, about the 1815 London Times

The passage you are interested in appears in an item headed \"Courts of
Justice in France\", on p.2 of the Times for Saturday Nov.11, 1815. It is a
report of a speech by M.Hyde de Neuville.


I wrote:


An 1815 London Times article, for example, declares: “...it is in this
bureaucracy, Gentlemen, that you will find the invisible and
mischievous power which thwarts the most noble views, and prevents or
weakens the effect of all the salutary reforms which France is
incessantly calling for.”
Check this dude out.

Hates Trump. Might be part of the military-industrial complex.
If he\'s not an aeronautics engineer, he\'s trying to look like it.

But of course electronics is better.

This should get you to a YouTube channel videos page.
If not, please let me know...


Gotta like the boomerang paper airplane. Or not.


Is this a real life F-22 fighter jet? He says \"backflip\", but technically
\"gainer\" might be better.




I\'m not suggesting anything by that. Haven\'t even looked at the whole

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