Rich Grise
from http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,136581,00.html
Kerry, Bush to Both Start Day in Wisconsin
Monday, October 25, 2004
As Kerry on Monday challenged Bush's execution of the War on Terror and
the administration's Iraq policy, the Republican incumbent delivered a new
speech aimed at gaining an edge on the neck-and-neck race for the White
"As president, I will always work with other countries. I will seek
their advice.
As Dissenter, I will always ask, "Which Countries? And what criteria will
you use as to whose advice to follow?"
But there's a world of difference between working with good allies and
giving a few reluctant nations veto power over our national security,"
Bush told a crowd in Greeley, Colo.
No Shit, Sherlock.
"I will never, never submit our national security decisions to veto of
a foreign government," Bush added.
So What? Grise asks. How about to the American People?
Bush again took aim at a comment Kerry made during the presidential
debates, where he said he would make sure, if elected, that America
passed a "global test" before making any moves in the War on Terror.
"In addition to a global test, my opponent promises what he calls a
golden age of diplomacy
And the fact that you think this is a bad thing should tell conscious
people _Some_Fucking_Thing!!_ about who your real master is...
to charm political governments all over the
Which you're not going to try to do until you charm the electorate?
Is that how that works?
I don't see much diplomatic skill in Senator Kerry's habit of
insulting America's closest friends,"
But you do see the "diplomatic skill" in insulting everybody else?
Bush said. "He has called the countries serving alongside us in
Iraq, quote, 'a trumped up coalition of the bribed, the coerced,
the bought and the extorted.'"
And, Mr. Bush, are you refuting this? What's the benefit of accusing
your opponent of speaking the truth?
Kerry, Bush to Both Start Day in Wisconsin
Monday, October 25, 2004
As Kerry on Monday challenged Bush's execution of the War on Terror and
the administration's Iraq policy, the Republican incumbent delivered a new
speech aimed at gaining an edge on the neck-and-neck race for the White
"As president, I will always work with other countries. I will seek
their advice.
As Dissenter, I will always ask, "Which Countries? And what criteria will
you use as to whose advice to follow?"
But there's a world of difference between working with good allies and
giving a few reluctant nations veto power over our national security,"
Bush told a crowd in Greeley, Colo.
No Shit, Sherlock.
"I will never, never submit our national security decisions to veto of
a foreign government," Bush added.
So What? Grise asks. How about to the American People?
Bush again took aim at a comment Kerry made during the presidential
debates, where he said he would make sure, if elected, that America
passed a "global test" before making any moves in the War on Terror.
"In addition to a global test, my opponent promises what he calls a
golden age of diplomacy
And the fact that you think this is a bad thing should tell conscious
people _Some_Fucking_Thing!!_ about who your real master is...
to charm political governments all over the
Which you're not going to try to do until you charm the electorate?
Is that how that works?
I don't see much diplomatic skill in Senator Kerry's habit of
insulting America's closest friends,"
But you do see the "diplomatic skill" in insulting everybody else?
Bush said. "He has called the countries serving alongside us in
Iraq, quote, 'a trumped up coalition of the bribed, the coerced,
the bought and the extorted.'"
And, Mr. Bush, are you refuting this? What's the benefit of accusing
your opponent of speaking the truth?