Rich The Philosophizer
Does anybody know of a way to prepare zucchini to make it
more like real squash? It seems they put it in everything
around here, which shouldn't surprise me, 'cause it's free,
but it's almost as disgusting as okra or eggplant.
Buttercup and/or butternut squash, though, you could practically
make a meal around.
Tried some spaghetti squash once, but it
was too weird. I didn't know whether to put gravy or syrup on
it. ;-)
more like real squash? It seems they put it in everything
around here, which shouldn't surprise me, 'cause it's free,
but it's almost as disgusting as okra or eggplant.
Buttercup and/or butternut squash, though, you could practically
make a meal around.
was too weird. I didn't know whether to put gravy or syrup on
it. ;-)