OT: Snowy Hydro

On 16/03/2017 4:39 PM, Trevor Wilson wrote:
On 16/03/2017 3:12 PM, Sylvia Else wrote:

"In one hour it could produce 20 times the 100 megawatts an hour
expected from the battery proposed by the South Australian
Government, but would deliver it constantly for almost a week," [Mr
Turnbull] said.

I thought he'd know better than to come out with such gibberish.
Maybe he was misquoted.

That aside, Snowy Hydro is energy limited, because there is only so
much water (less in extended dry spells). If it produces a higher
power output, it can do so for less time. That is why it's not used
for base load - it would empty its reservoirs.

Maybe the government intends to use the extra power generation
only during extreme demand to avert rolling blackouts. That
wouldn't use much of the water in the scheme of things, but I
seriously question whether the proposal is the cheapest solution.


**Yep, it's fucked, but we're stuck with those neanderthals in the
Lieberal Party. They'll do ANYTHING, except use the abundant Sunshine
in this country to generate electricity. They're even talking about
nukes for fuck's sake! The US has finally managed to safely bury 2
years' worth of high level waste. Only 48 years' worth of waste to
go... I'd be happy with nukes, provided they bury the waste in the
pollie's backyards. Still, they won't discuss, geo-thermal,
Solar/thermal or Solar PV/battery systems. All have been shown to
work and provide electricity at competitive prices.

They could put these at the bottom of the dams to increase the capacity
without extra earthworks...


That's if the dams are deep enough to be useful...
On 16/03/2017 10:24 PM, Clifford Heath wrote:
On 17/03/17 10:39, Sylvia Else wrote:
On 17/03/2017 9:28 AM, Phil Allison wrote:
Phil Allison wrote:

That aside, Snowy Hydro is energy limited, because there is only so
water (less in extended dry spells). If it produces a higher power
output, it can do so for less time.

** The high lakes in the Snowy scheme get filled up at night.

With water from the lower ones.

It's a huge "water battery".

Maybe the government intends to use the extra power generation only
during extreme demand to avert rolling blackouts.

** It can do that, but more importantly it allows the storage of
excess power in the grid at any time of day.

There isn't an excess of power, there's only an excess of capacity.

** That is complete BOLLOCKS.

Excess power generation occurs all the time, whenever the load drops.

Power generation equals power consumption, second by second, always.

No. Not if you measure power as heat generated in the coal-fired boilers
and consumption as power extracted from the generators.

That doesn't seem a very sensible measure of generation, since some of
the heat is unavoidably lost due to the laws of thermodynamics.

The heat production has a huge time-constant - like 24 hours - so you
cannot simply increase heat for each daily power peak. You have to run
with enough for the peak, and waste or store the extra in-between.

Coal fired generators are run with very slow changes in power output for
that reason. Variations in overall load are handled by other generation
with quicker response times.

F Murtz wrote:

That's if the dams are deep enough to be useful...

**Interesting concept. Dig deep enough and you'll realise that the
Lieberals are wedded to fossil fuels and nukes. Anything else is a
distraction. for some reason, they cannot abide a non-polluting energy
source. Fuckwits.

What rot, if you showed workable, cheaper, alternatives with absolutely
no drawbacks they would jump on them.

** TW has a bit of a point, Liberals are confirmed supporters of the status quo - mostly because doing the opposite has so often proved a recipe for disaster.

OTOH, a proven source of cheap, renewable energy would be jumped on by entrepreneurial business types like a rabid sea gull on a pile of smoking hot chips.

Cos there is a bucketful of money to be made replacing all the existing infrastructure.

Maybe digging *real deep* into the earths core is the go ....

Greenies would have heart attacks at the very thought.

..... Phil
On 3/30/2017 2:17 AM, Rod Speed wrote:
"F Murtz" <haggisz@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Rod Speed wrote:

"keithr0" <user@account.invalid> wrote in message
On 3/28/2017 10:06 AM, Rod Speed wrote:
Trevor Wilson <trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au> wrote
Rod Speed wrote

IMO the federal govt should be spending whatever it takes to keep
Hazelwood going, because its right next to brown coal that is
for anything else, and if fools like Trevor don't like that, they
should go and fuck themselves.

Brown coal is the most polluting energy source presently in use

Who cares ? What matters is that the brown coal is useless for
anything but power generation and so should be used for that.

Hazelwood must be shut down.

Even sillier than you usually manage.

In any case, there is nothing the government can do about it,

Wrong, as always.

since it was sold and shut down by a private company.

But if the govt chose to, it is free to buy it back from them
or to hand them the money to allow it to operate again.

Australia has the capacity to generate huge amounts of clean energy.

Stupid way to generate electricity for all sorts of reasons.

THAT is what the government needs to be investing in. Not coal.

You are just plain wrong, as always.

Much better to put the money in base load solar



Pity about the stupid price of electricity from that, 15cA/KWH, no

Cost more than keeping Hazelwood going, for only 60% of the
capacity and a decent hail storm would wipe it out completely.

Pity about the transmission line required to it. Already there with

Completely fucking barking mad.

The owners must have thought it could be kept going, they asked the
govt for $25 million to keep it going but were knocked back

And that is a tiny fraction of the cost of that terminal
stupidity that that fuckwit pom waved around and
would produce an electricity cost of nothing even
remotely like what that fuckwit pom waved around.

Bog standard speed shit. The usual fossilised thinking from and
irrelevant and boring old fart.
Some fuckwit pom desperately cowering behind
keithr0 <user@account.invalid> spewed the usual
desperately cowering pomshit.
On 4/1/2017 4:03 AM, Rod Speed wrote:
Some fuckwit pom desperately cowering behind
keithr0 <user@account.invalid> spewed the usual
desperately cowering pomshit.

Bog standard speed shit. The usual fossilised thinking from and
irrelevant and boring old fart.
Some fuckwit pom desperately cowering behind
keithr0 <user@account.invalid> spewed the usual
desperately cowering pomshit.
Some irrelevant old fart cowering behind the unlikely alias of "Rod
speed" spewed up his usual irrelevant shit desperately trying to have
the last word as usual.
Some fuckwit pom that can't even manage
its own lines, desperately cowering behind
keithr0 <user@account.invalid> spewed
the usual desperately cowering pomshit.

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