On 16/03/2017 4:39 PM, Trevor Wilson wrote:
They could put these at the bottom of the dams to increase the capacity
without extra earthworks...
That's if the dams are deep enough to be useful...
On 16/03/2017 3:12 PM, Sylvia Else wrote:
"In one hour it could produce 20 times the 100 megawatts an hour
expected from the battery proposed by the South Australian
Government, but would deliver it constantly for almost a week," [Mr
Turnbull] said.
I thought he'd know better than to come out with such gibberish.
Maybe he was misquoted.
That aside, Snowy Hydro is energy limited, because there is only so
much water (less in extended dry spells). If it produces a higher
power output, it can do so for less time. That is why it's not used
for base load - it would empty its reservoirs.
Maybe the government intends to use the extra power generation
only during extreme demand to avert rolling blackouts. That
wouldn't use much of the water in the scheme of things, but I
seriously question whether the proposal is the cheapest solution.
**Yep, it's fucked, but we're stuck with those neanderthals in the
Lieberal Party. They'll do ANYTHING, except use the abundant Sunshine
in this country to generate electricity. They're even talking about
nukes for fuck's sake! The US has finally managed to safely bury 2
years' worth of high level waste. Only 48 years' worth of waste to
go... I'd be happy with nukes, provided they bury the waste in the
pollie's backyards. Still, they won't discuss, geo-thermal,
Solar/thermal or Solar PV/battery systems. All have been shown to
work and provide electricity at competitive prices.
They could put these at the bottom of the dams to increase the capacity
without extra earthworks...
That's if the dams are deep enough to be useful...