Rick C
Distance of Earth from Sun divided by diameter of Sun ~ 108
Diameter of Sun divided by diameter of Earth ~ 108
What are the chances?
I was looking for the diameter of the Earth in AU and found this.
Google seems to sometimes get clogged up when you are searching for wheat that is very much like someone else\'s chaff. I asked Google on my phone for the ratio of the distance to the Sun in Earth diameters and it insisted on telling me in Sun diameters. Seems that is the much more common question and answer so I literally doesn\'t understand what I am asking.
I remember someone from Google stating Google search has the intelligence of a 6 year old or something because you could ask who the President is and then ask who \"his\" wife is and get the right answer. But Google can\'t understand a simple question and falls back on word matching. I guess six year olds don\'t know what diameters are either.
Rick C.
- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
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Diameter of Sun divided by diameter of Earth ~ 108
What are the chances?
I was looking for the diameter of the Earth in AU and found this.
Google seems to sometimes get clogged up when you are searching for wheat that is very much like someone else\'s chaff. I asked Google on my phone for the ratio of the distance to the Sun in Earth diameters and it insisted on telling me in Sun diameters. Seems that is the much more common question and answer so I literally doesn\'t understand what I am asking.
I remember someone from Google stating Google search has the intelligence of a 6 year old or something because you could ask who the President is and then ask who \"his\" wife is and get the right answer. But Google can\'t understand a simple question and falls back on word matching. I guess six year olds don\'t know what diameters are either.
Rick C.
- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209